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Soma Build, Only Crit? Or With Elemental Mods?



I used Warframe-Builder, but I'm not sure which is more effective(due to people say Warframe-Builder isn't accurate)(I didn't use any Fire Rate Mods though). Which is better? And does Critical Delay worth to use? The critical chance rate bonus is too low compared to Point Strike. Is it better to use another mod in that slot?

Edited by Evansmaan
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Like I said I'm holding off with the forma until I can properly deck out a Soma prime. No use putting forma and time into a weapon that will be replaced. I never said it was perfect but with the space and mod size that I have to work with it worked pretty good.

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The gun has a high rate of fire.  With only a basic crit chance mod it crits 75% of its shots.   With only 3 mods you have 75% crit and 8.something multiplier.  Couple that with serration and you have 4 mods.  That leaves a ton of options... but I would think that from here elemental mods are going to be a big part of your final 4 choices.... 


I am very sure that upping your per-shot damage  (more than doubled with elements) is going to do more for you than a few more crits on a lower base damage.  

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No split chamber?

First thing I noted on this build...

Lot of people dont now exactly what multishot does to the weapon, my friend MR 9 never used it until the day he asked me how build his Boltor Prime...

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Split Chamber is mandatory on every weapon that can equip it.


This. On the Soma you MUST take Split Chamber, Serration, Vital Sense, Point Strike, and at least a rank 6 heavy caliber. This leaves you with 3 slots open for combos. If you drop any of these mods your damage tanks. Mutations are a trap, hammer shot is a trap (these are niche case mods). Don't use them on the soma.

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This. On the Soma you MUST take Split Chamber, Serration, Vital Sense, Point Strike, and at least a rank 6 heavy caliber. This leaves you with 3 slots open for combos. If you drop any of these mods your damage tanks. Mutations are a trap, hammer shot is a trap (these are niche case mods). Don't use them on the soma.

Rank 6 HCal adds about 6% more raw damage than a third 90% element, and is thus by no means essential.


Split Chamber is a valid removal choice when looking at a build with no forma; you should probably still bring it if you've installed a catalyst, tho. Given that this thread is a discussion on the Soma and not the Prime, it's actually fairly likely that people aren't going to be investing consumables and time into making the weapon more powerful when there's a prime version out there to farm.


Mutation can be very useful for longer missions. Doing only like 77% damage is better than the 0% damage you're doing after burning through all your ammo >.>

Edited by Darzk
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Split Chamber is a valid removal choice when looking at a build with no forma;


Good point. I have gotten too used to assuming potato and unlimited forma when discussing builds... Think such discussions should mark clearly the restrictions in topic, though.

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Rank 6 HCal adds about 6% more raw damage than a third 90% element, and is thus by no means essential.


Split Chamber is a valid removal choice when looking at a build with no forma; you should probably still bring it if you've installed a catalyst, tho. Given that this thread is a discussion on the Soma and not the Prime, it's actually fairly likely that people aren't going to be investing consumables and time into making the weapon more powerful when there's a prime version out there to farm.


Mutation can be very useful for longer missions. Doing only like 77% damage is better than the 0% damage you're doing after burning through all your ammo >.>

What? You take heavy caliber AND 3 90%s. Thats the point. If your going to use a weapon for end game content, you need to forma it to do so. The soma isnt the best choice to use with no forma. Crit/Serration/split chamber is the minimum core you need to make it do any damage. If this is a get by weapon for void farming, it can get the job done for a while. The barrier to entry for farming forma isnt that high. I was farming forma when all i had was a karak, saryn, and an akvasto.

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What? You take heavy caliber AND 3 90%s. Thats the point. If your going to use a weapon for end game content, you need to forma it to do so.

Endgame? No, the advice for 'how do I use this for endgame' is 'DONT and wait till you get Soma Prime'. OP never really specified what he was looking for.


Also, HCal and 3x 90%'s means you've dropped Shred, which is worth far more than the 3rd 90% element. 


Things that come before Split Chamber; Serration and 2x element mods, plus punchthrough if applicable. *Maybe* Ammo Mut for endless missions. If you've still got room because of forma or using status elements etc, then you install SC. So yeah, for a potatoed Soma, there should be room because of the innate polarities. But SC isn't just automatically included in every build without thinking about it for a moment.

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Split Chamber buff your status, make you do twice more damage and have 90% chance to fire another bullet without consume your ammo that have his own status and critical chance. I dont know a mod that do all those things and is only 5 levels to upgrade, and has Y polarity, the inate polarity of almost all rifle weapons.

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I suppose it depends on game type OP tends to play/favor more, this can be an influence to the build.

In my experience, (love survival) shred is a must for the crowded/endless game modes, coupled with headshots, the weapon just melts groups/lines of enemies and is well worth the mod slot.

just my 2p

+1 to you.

And faster fire rate=more dps.

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Endgame? No, the advice for 'how do I use this for endgame' is 'DONT and wait till you get Soma Prime'. OP never really specified what he was looking for.


Also, HCal and 3x 90%'s means you've dropped Shred, which is worth far more than the 3rd 90% element. 


Things that come before Split Chamber; Serration and 2x element mods, plus punchthrough if applicable. *Maybe* Ammo Mut for endless missions. If you've still got room because of forma or using status elements etc, then you install SC. So yeah, for a potatoed Soma, there should be room because of the innate polarities. But SC isn't just automatically included in every build without thinking about it for a moment.


I'll give you the first point, but shred is debatable, and ammo mutation on the soma is such a massive loss in damage its never good.


And assuming forma, Split Chamber is always in your build. Even with little to no forma, after serration, its the most damage you can get if you have a spare V polarity. Its near double damage and status for one mod slot.

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Also, HCal and 3x 90%'s means you've dropped Shred, which is worth far more than the 3rd 90% element. 




I actually agree with this (Shred over damage mod).

It is a conclusion that comes from looking beyond the numbers.


My reasons for this:


- If we are facing a lot of enemies (e.g. endless missions), where punch through can at least hit 2 targets total, Shred will deal more effective total damage (rather than single target DPS) than a damage mod. And the amazing thing is: it doesn't have to stop at 2 (more more "thin" enemies, but a max ranked Shred is usually enough to punch through even the heaviest unit available in game at least once).


- if you are NOT facing a lot of enemies at one time (e.g. non-endless), you could just relax trigger practice (for ammo conservation) and bring the weapon to full auto/longer bursts. That should be enough to ramp up the actual DPS to compensate for the lack of an additional damage mod. Damage gap "feels" lower than the numbers suggests when under use probably partly due to the increased fire rate as well, and the fact that non endless missions usually have a cap on enemy level. Also, the reduced ammo efficiency is sort of also justified by the fact that the mission is not endless.


- Punch through increases tactical options - being able to hit enemies behind thin covers, like even your squad-mates. This is something that can increase the effectiveness of the weapon a lot, but cannot be expressed by the raw numbers. imo, reduced theoretical damage is less impt than actually able to hit the enemies with more rounds. With no punch through, some of the theoretical damage will be wasted anyway, on either already dead targets, allies or environmental obstacles.


but of course, this is just my own experience/opinion ;)

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I actually agree with this (Shred over damage mod).

It is a conclusion that comes from looking beyond the numbers.


My reasons for this:


- If we are facing a lot of enemies (e.g. endless missions), where punch through can at least hit 2 targets total, Shred will deal more effective total damage (rather than single target DPS) than a damage mod. And the amazing thing is: it doesn't have to stop at 2 (more more "thin" enemies, but a max ranked Shred is usually enough to punch through even the heaviest unit available in game at least once).


- if you are NOT facing a lot of enemies at one time (e.g. non-endless), you could just relax trigger practice (for ammo conservation) and bring the weapon to full auto/longer bursts. That should be enough to ramp up the actual DPS to compensate for the lack of an additional damage mod. Damage gap "feels" lower than the numbers suggests when under use probably partly due to the increased fire rate as well, and the fact that non endless missions usually have a cap on enemy level. Also, the reduced ammo efficiency is sort of also justified by the fact that the mission is not endless.


- Punch through increases tactical options - being able to hit enemies behind thin covers, like even your squad-mates. This is something that can increase the effectiveness of the weapon a lot, but cannot be expressed by the raw numbers. imo, reduced theoretical damage is less impt than actually able to hit the enemies with more rounds. With no punch through, some of the theoretical damage will be wasted anyway, on either already dead targets, allies or environmental obstacles.


but of course, this is just my own experience/opinion ;)


That's why I consider shred debatable, because it has the ability to outperform. I actually like Shred a lot, just not so much on the Soma/Soma Prime. I feel like the Boltor Prime is a better candidate for shred personally. My main issue with shred on the soma is, when you aren't hitting more than one enemy at once, the ammo economy isn't the best, especially considering its rate of fire is already incredibly high.


Basically, I feel like the way crit stacks with damage, taking a "non-damage" mod lowers ammo economy while achieving similar, if not lower, single target dps. Raw damage weapons pair with RoF mods better imo.

Edited by JuanDeages
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That's why I consider shred debatable, because it has the ability to outperform. I actually like Shred a lot, just not so much on the Soma/Soma Prime. I feel like the Boltor Prime is a better candidate for shred personally. My main issue with shred on the soma is, when you aren't hitting more than one enemy at once, the ammo economy isn't the best, especially considering its rate of fire is already incredibly high.

Basically, I feel like the way crit stacks with damage, taking a "non-damage" mod lowers ammo economy while achieving similar, if not lower, single target dps. Raw damage weapons pair with RoF mods better imo.

After all that you still say Shred lowers ammo economy and dps, I think you are a wasted case.

Like the guy who dont like Split Chamber :|

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After all that you still say Shred lowers ammo economy and dps, I think you are a wasted case.

Like the guy who dont like Split Chamber :|

Uh huh. No corrosive projection with a soma at 40 mins. Tell me how fast you're dropping restores. It does poorly against heavy units. The boltor is better with shred than the soma, but you can put a square peg into a round hole if that's your thing. Shred is only straight up better in two senarios: 1. You have Vortex up all the time. 2. Hallway camping. No worries tho. You can be a keyboard warrior with no actual argument. Edited by JuanDeages
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shred really helps this gun as it is almost enough to get full fire rate immediately, not quite, but almost, that is on top of higher dps (more bulletz/sec) and the many advantages of punch through.   Split is nice, of course, if you have it and can fit it in -- it nearly doubles your damage without increasing the rate of fire, hard to argue against that.  But you can observe that an elemental mod does about as much effective damage as split for less cost -- assuming the enemy is *weakest (75% weak)* to your element of choice, that is... 


High round count guns are just not friendly to endgame mobs.  Its doable to an extent, but not everything that is doable is worth the expense and trouble...  a no or low forma soma against top level opponents just burns too much ammo.   Soma is an excellent "late" (not end, late) game weapon for doing, you know, 3-4 goes of a defenes mission or soloing daily rep missions or whatnot.   If you want to use it for endgame, farm the prime and sink 4 or 5 forma into it.  And even then, its going to be an ammo hog.

Edited by jonnin
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Uh huh. No corrosive projection with a soma at 40 mins. Tell me how fast you're dropping restores. It does poorly against heavy units.

You'll only struggle with ammo consumption against high level heavies if you aren't bothering to aim for headshots. Soma/Prime gets 3.5x damage from aiming for the head; In fact, HCal is a damage loss once you get out to a decent range as you can no longer headshot reliably. 


Yes, using Shred requires more trigger discipline. But all high RoF weapons benefit from trigger discipline anyways.

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