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Parkour 2.0 Suggestions + More.


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Alright so.. I barely post, HOWEVER, I like watching the development of the game as if it were some kind of investment and wherever/whatever input i can put in to help it on its path would make me feel good. (Even if DE read this and thought about it, implemented or not.)


Some of this is related to Parkour 2.0 more than others, some not, most of this i think is just ideas that would improve the fluidity and good feel of the game.


Probably terrible formatting, and while i believe i am able to design things well enough, I dont have the software or even ability to 'physically' design them somehow and post it..


That being said here a few ive thought of, hopefully newer ideas that haven't already been spammed by everyone or at least new views on already out there ideas.




- Wallrunning, When Running beside a wall, possibly automatically start instead of having to jump onto it and have a new animation that very nicely has the warframe put its foot on the wall from the ground and start running on it as a transition.


- Cycling get up animations, Getting up you'd have the regular using an arm to push yourself up, or the upsidedown worm both legs kick into the air jump half flip thing like martial artists do when they wanna show off. im sure you know what I mean.


- Cycle Vaulting with either hand or both perhaps directionalized by if you changed your looking angle 45'-59' in the last 2.5 seconds or if you went relatively straight in that time you would use both hands to vault forward or even maybe doing soem kind of roll over it.


- Heavy Attacks, (this one is kinda in actions too, so ill try to split it as best i can) multiple directions for heavy attack based on either looking direction in the half second before attempting the heavy attack or movement directionalised, a stabbing forward movement, swings to left and right, an overhead stab or swing to behind you, something like that.


- Landing from a jump, I believe there should be perhaps 3 distance cues to this.
The first being short jump barely any impact, a very slight speed loss for half a second and slight loss of ability to use weapon for half to a full second, slightly disrupting fluidity (maybe a slight wooziness or swaying), and if on the spot barely any effect either.

Secondly, Medium distance jump would land with a considerable slowdown while getting balance back and disrupting fluidity and weapon use for a second to a second and a half, if on spot, maybe show the tenno trying to keep their balance with swaying on the spot kind of animation like they landed and trying to keep on their feet solidly.

And lastly if its a really big fall, they can do a quicker roll(possibly directionalised easily before or during as mentioned in Devstream #53) or even some people may like the idea of a probably out of place mini quick flip on the spot to a side standing position.


I believe that many animations already standing can be more accepted if there was a new animation or start/end to each animation that would make it more fluidly go between different animations and actions. like the warframe bending over and returning to a more straight-backed position after some moves, etc.





- Heavy Attacks from wallrun. Right now there are regular wallrun attacks which swing the weapon and you go flying, i was thinking of with the new Parkout 2.0 and Movement 2.0 System, momentum will be in question at every turn, so perhaps based on melee weapon type/melee speed, the weapon will go a shorter distance and do for example 1.5x damage with a charged melee attack from wall the user will.. 'fly' a further distance, again based on weapon stats and do say.. 2x damage.


- Wallgrabbing, I think it may be useful if, nomatter the animation, if you fly at a wall, you would first smash into it for a second(stun unable to do anything) if you you did nothing before you would recover in the air and fall like normal(maybe normal)

Also possibly if space is held, (or by default instead of implementing the first part to this suggestion) then you would grab onto the wall you are flying at and be able to make a decision of what to do then, like letting go to flip off the wall, like starting a wallrun across or up, or even just sliding down the wall and shooting etc.


Another idea I had, which would also need a new animation, is if a player did an jump air melee (which at least currently is like a directional fling, very handy) or wallrun attack outwardly and hit a wall, instead of just being stuck in the finish animation for a wall attack, the warframe's melee weapon would be put into the wall and maybe have to be pulled out before continueing? this may be too hard to animate, but i figured it was at least worth mentioning incase it came to anything.


- Jumping, If not already being implemented in parkour 2.0 players should be able to hold jump while on a regular surface as well as walls.


- Wallrunning part 1, <IF> you are presently charging a jump and running around on regular floor surfaces, <THEN> running next to a wall, you will also initiate a wallrun. (with a jump still charged?)


- Wallrunning part 2, Also, I'm thinking maybe if a player holds directionally left or right or backward while jumping off a wall, they should do a cartwheel or side-flip type animation off it, with the intention of landing on their feet back on the floor surface or if it is a charged jump off the wall and physically directionalised instead of aimed, it would push off further, possibly with a kick so that the player will land somewhere further away if the floor surface is not right next to the wall they are running on. It will require maybe 2 new animations, however, there may be enough players who believe that it would be cool and have good functionality if you dont just wanna let go of the wall or look away from an enemy they are shooting during their wallrun just so they can flip away or stop wallrunning.


- Wallrun Controls, I was thinking perhaps a button could be pressed to toggle or an option can be toggled for more keyboard based movement or more mouse viewing based wallrunning as far as directionalization goes, so that players of different styles could choose how to run up the wall, and also so that certain moves, like for example my suggestion above may be done which may or may not require the keyboard based to be turned on.


Thats all I have for now, I hope you enjoyed reading it, feel free to comment, add your suggestions onto mine, I probably forget half the useful suggestion i come up with during any day of playing.


I really really hope anyone from DE will read this, anyone who can throw this input anywhere useful if this is in the wrong place or if you are a conveyor of information to DE, please and thank you.


Lotus Guide You - Brendan

Edited by BrendanatorX
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These seem nice in theory. I'm sorry but my inhead translater just wont work for seeing this in use.


I couldnt tell if it was good or bad unless I saw it. Not your fault lol.

Thats okay, haha, yeah, I can say all this in theory, but I know it would be some hard work to achieve or implement some things, and really, I can only say so much without showing what I mean and I have to leave it up to some people's imagination to understand the vision that these suggestions entail.


Thanks for reading anyway :)

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