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250+ Hrs Played On Steam, Still No Rifle Multishot?


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I promise this isn't me complaining.


I'm just trying to at least know if this mod is supposed to be this rare or if I've just been one unlucky sob.


I've gotten multiple pistol multishots, and at least two shotgun multishots, I think three.


Anyway, my favorite rifle is the braton and not having multishot for it is starting to drive me bonkers.


I'm patient, but my patience is being tried, so I would like to request opinions, analysis and general words of comfort (lol) from the community at large to help keep my mind placated while I fight the good fight hoping to get it sometime before update 12 (lol).


Plus, it could be a nice change of pace from the disappointment (justified and not) from the latest patch/update. :)

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Keep at it! You'll get it eventually. A friend of mine only got it as a reward from the 15th wave in Kiliken after a lot of trying - I myself only got Streamline in the same way, and that isn't even supposed to be rare.

Your best bet is probably to just forget about it and play, then be surprised/happy when it eventually drops, haha.

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>416 hours played.

>Farmed all frames and levelled all of them (bar Nyx 26) up to 30.

>Obtained mastery level 6.

>Levelled up Hek to 30.

>Still no shotgun multishot.




Long story short, I'm out.

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I promise this isn't me complaining.


I'm just trying to at least know if this mod is supposed to be this rare or if I've just been one unlucky sob.


I've gotten multiple pistol multishots, and at least two shotgun multishots, I think three.


Anyway, my favorite rifle is the braton and not having multishot for it is starting to drive me bonkers.


I'm patient, but my patience is being tried, so I would like to request opinions, analysis and general words of comfort (lol) from the community at large to help keep my mind placated while I fight the good fight hoping to get it sometime before update 12 (lol).


Plus, it could be a nice change of pace from the disappointment (justified and not) from the latest patch/update. :)

238 hours on my steam, split chamber is still the only multi-shot mod i don't have. You're not alone :(


I got a friend to play Warframe, she dropped it on her first mission on mercury. I nearly cried.

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I promise this isn't me complaining.


I'm just trying to at least know if this mod is supposed to be this rare or if I've just been one unlucky sob.


I've gotten multiple pistol multishots, and at least two shotgun multishots, I think three.


Anyway, my favorite rifle is the braton and not having multishot for it is starting to drive me bonkers.


I'm patient, but my patience is being tried, so I would like to request opinions, analysis and general words of comfort (lol) from the community at large to help keep my mind placated while I fight the good fight hoping to get it sometime before update 12 (lol).


Plus, it could be a nice change of pace from the disappointment (justified and not) from the latest patch/update. :)

122 hours no multishot

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I got all the multishots in the last few days (not rubbing it in, just saying).  On the wiki, it says that Grineer drop them so I made sure to do a number of Grinny defense runs (although I couldn't tell you if I actually picked them up during those runs, I just assumed I did).  I've picked up just about every mod in the past few days save 1 or 2.  So they're out there.  

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63 hours and I have a pistol and rifle multishot, got both from Kappa. just get any frame with an AOE ulti and farm for days. Still looking for shotgun multishot and penetration mods.


Also you get Rubedo and Alloy plate!

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Steam hours are counted from when you launch the program till when it ends (I have 320 hrs)

Warframe hours are counted from the time you are actually in a game playing, not messing about with mods and such ( I have 120 hrs)

See the difference? 

Oh, and i'm going to reset soon so i will go through it all again :)

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Unless I am wrong, there isn't  real way to aim for particular mods.

So the best way to look for one, is not looking for one. Just take up missions that gives mods and when you get it, you'll be pleasantly surprised.

If you keep noticing its absence, and every mod pickup becomes a disappointment, think it is not going to very fun.

I'm 150 hours into gameplay and have have ard 2-3 (I just noticed I had them one day when equipping mods to rifles)



BTW, steam play time is not very indicative of actual play time, since it includes non-logged in, non-mission and idle time etc. mine is more than 3 times of the "Time played" stats in-game. Just mentioning this so as not to wrongly influence "comparisons" (which is quite meaningless if it is "random"). EDIT: got ninjaed... lol. seems to happen more often nowadays.

Edited by smithf
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I have pistol multishot mod and just got the shotty one tonight. Still havent seen a rifle one. As for flow i have had a bout 10 of those.

well, thats RNG at work :) I've got several Split Chamber but not a single Flow.

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