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I Think All These "nerfs" Are To Fool Us


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Not sure why people are calling this conspiracy theory. It's pretty well-known that developers would nerf things further than they intend just so they can buff it back up to where they do intend it, and get a more positive reaction from the playerbase than if they just straight up nerfed to that level and left it there.

The market changes coming with the new frame and the Rhino nerf isn't that extraordinary either. Bunching different updates together for a beefier patch is pretty regular practice, and no dev would be silly enough to ONLY introduce the market "nerf" along with the Rhino nerf and call it a patch. It'd be riots on the streets.

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Not sure why people are calling this conspiracy theory. It's pretty well-known that developers would nerf things further than they intend just so they can buff it back up to where they do intend it, and get a more positive reaction from the playerbase than if they just straight up nerfed to that level and left it there.


Not credible, most of the playerbase is pretty reasonable - if DE made a reasonable nerf, people would know. People wouldn't complain.


The market changes coming with the new frame and the Rhino nerf isn't that extraordinary either. Bunching different updates together for a beefier patch is pretty regular practice, and no dev would be silly enough to ONLY introduce the market "nerf" along with the Rhino nerf and call it a patch. It'd be riots on the streets.


I don't know what you're smoking, because that's pretty much exactly what they did - oh, sure, the added a shiny new warframe, woo hoo. Too bad you can only get it from an RNG system that wants to rip your heart out and eat it. Or you can hand DE your monies for something that has, up until now, always been obtainable from a slightly more forgiving RNG system. Thus, the addition of Vauban becomes null and void as a patch addition, since it is very nearly impossible to obtain via conventional means.


Also, I'm going to have a Captain Obvious moment and point out that you're a founder, and that's not helping your credibility. Why? Because, subconsciously, whether you know it or not, you don't want to believe the game is going P2W. Your mind does everything it can to deny it. It reassures you that it won't go P2W. It makes you think "nah, DE are such great people, they won't get greedy". Never underestimate human greed and its ability to corrupt. Ever.

Edited by CrazyCanadian24
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I think it means they want to incorporate the ability to purchase credits with platinum.

no, that'd be credit to platinum bundles, they want platinum to credit bundles, which is the WORST deal ever (if you're to buy anything with plat)because credits can be (relatively) easily earned.

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Nope, I think DE has been playing Perfect World games like Neverwinter Online or EA games like Battlefield Heros or Mass Effect 3 MP and noticed all the abuse Perfect World and EA get away with.


Sadly, I think this game is gong the way of Mass Effect 3 MP.  I'm starting to regret purchasing a founder's pack.

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i swear i remember a couple months back people were screaming credits didn't matter and the economy needed overhauled. so DE listened and overhauled but apparently it wasn't exactly what people wanted after all, now you want it reverted...

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i swear i remember a couple months back people were screaming credits didn't matter and the economy needed overhauled. so DE listened and overhauled but apparently it wasn't exactly what people wanted after all, now you want it reverted...


I wouldn't care if they increased prices. What bothers me is just how much new players will suffer. Seriously, Alloy Plate for a Skana? And an Orokin Cell for a Bo, plus Alloy Plate? I'd be surprised if new players don't just drop the game right away!

Edited by CrazyCanadian24
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I wouldn't care if they increased prices. What bothers me is just how much new players will suffer. Seriously, Alloy Plate for a Skana? And an Orokin Cell for a Bo, plus Alloy Plate? I'd be surprised if new players don't just drop the game right away!

EXACTLY. Everything is REALLY expensive in terms of resources required, so much so that players will go "wow, this is taking forever, why can't I even get a new melee weapon?" (after the chronus obv)

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Well actaully...the Skana isd defuault. So I don't see a reason for them to re-sell them unless they're doing it for more player exp (which i did).

Mastery does not work that way.

Also, unless they start letting us buy alloy with credits, nobody is going to buy credits with platinum. By the time you have the alloy you'll have more than enough. Unless the dojo stuff costs millions of credits or something.

Note: Buying alloy with credits is the worst solution to this problem. Edited by PositronicSpleen
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Note: Buying alloy with credits is the worst solution to this problem.

Agreed :) Think it will break the overall pacing as well, if we can simply buy everything with credits.


If I had a say, I would rather some some preknown methods (e.g. specific Spy/Deception missions) that will unlock a time-limited "Raid Alloy Plate Convoy" mission, that will have increased Alloy Plate drop.. or even better, a new mission type where we get to steal the whole ship instead of just picking up random stuff from containers, and have a guaranteed minimum amount of Alloy Plates as mission completion reward.


To try to balance things and to make the whole thing less than a "gimme a cheat mission that drops Alloy Plates", would be good if the pre-requisite missions actually have a slowly decaying global counter like the Event, and will need the counters to be above a certain level in order for the "Raid shipment" mission to have higher chance of appearing. This may also prompt Tennos to work globally to "keep the way open". If ever the global counter drops below threshold, the "Raid shipment" mission will have negligible chance of appearing.


But that is going a little out of topic.


How about another possibility : breakdown/melt unwanted equipment to regain some of the materials back? (prob already mentioned somewhere else)

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The marketplace changes are bad, but what's worse is the price they put on weapons that aren't even that good. I mean, Burston costing platinum/alloy plate? It's rather outclassed by the way cheaper Braton (in my own experience, having brought both to 30). New players might not know that the weapons aren't really costed correctly and falsely assume that the more expensive weapons are better. Imagine the disappointment when they find out otherwise.

That said, I sortof expect a nerf on the Braton in the future. I mean, they could buff the Burston, but past experience seems to indicate the former being more likely. I'm hanging onto both for now, just in case...

Edit: I posted this not knowing for certain that the Burston actually does cost alloy plate, but it does; 300 of it. If its damage was 24 or 25 then maybe it would be worth it. But, as it stands, new players are confronted with hours of farming (or worse, ~$8 of real money) for an inferior gun. That doesn't seem right to me...

Edited by elindred
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Agreed :) Think it will break the overall pacing as well, if we can simply buy everything with credits.


If I had a say, I would rather some some preknown methods (e.g. specific Spy/Deception missions) that will unlock a time-limited "Raid Alloy Plate Convoy" mission, that will have increased Alloy Plate drop.. or even better, a new mission type where we get to steal the whole ship instead of just picking up random stuff from containers, and have a guaranteed minimum amount of Alloy Plates as mission completion reward.


To try to balance things and to make the whole thing less than a "gimme a cheat mission that drops Alloy Plates", would be good if the pre-requisite missions actually have a slowly decaying global counter like the Event, and will need the counters to be above a certain level in order for the "Raid shipment" mission to have higher chance of appearing. This may also prompt Tennos to work globally to "keep the way open". If ever the global counter drops below threshold, the "Raid shipment" mission will have negligible chance of appearing.


But that is going a little out of topic.


How about another possibility : breakdown/melt unwanted equipment to regain some of the materials back? (prob already mentioned somewhere else)

Oops. Accidentally hit the report button instead of upvote lol.

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Last I checked DE is making Warframe without publishers/stockholders/etc's help.

Isn't nVidia sponsoring them somewhat? I remember them mentioning it. Also, they were at the nVidia booth when they were at PAX East earlier weren't they?

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Perhaps DE just seriously seriously needs to communicate with us players better. It can never be enough. Huge nerf/change to test community reaction then readjust with hotfix? Sure. Just tell us first.

Otherwise conspiracy is awesome.

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I've been playing this title for a while now. I can say that if I were a new player I would not stick around for long. Something at DE seems to have changed with their development goals and how they are achieved. I don't know if it's scheduling issues or staff changes but the game has lost its way. Instead of a fairly innovative game with a decent mix of pay and free features it's falling down the drain of needing to invest money to actually enjoy the game or a lot of time with gimped features to craft things instead. Aside from all of that there are unnecessary nerfs or modifications while there are other more important things that should be worked on like fixing the chat interface, balancing old frames, more tilesets and fixing bugs.


The Rhino nerf was @(*()$ STUPID.

Edited by Drev
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no, that'd be credit to platinum bundles, they want platinum to credit bundles, which is the WORST deal ever (if you're to buy anything with plat)because credits can be (relatively) easily earned.

I'm fairly confident we said the same thing.

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Didn't you notice that they created the optional reset at the same time as the "market balancing" ? They saw that a bunch of people were going to use that reset so they put platinum prices in most weapons and created blueprints as an excuse.



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I hate to admit it, but this thread makes a lot of sense. I've been trying my hardest to keep confidence that DE will eventually start getting things right again (the Fusion Moa event really lifted my spirits temporarily), but this update is just....ugh. They screw up two frames, released a new frame that makes you either hand over the monies or wait a potentially indefinite amount of time to acquire, replaced sawmen's saws with a cleaver for whatever stupid reason, and then screw up the market making it as newbie un-friendly as they could. Seriously, what are they thinking?

Edited by Madotsuki
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