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Planet Climates


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Since I brought this up in another topic, I felt like I should make a topic about it. 


The climate on Venus, the second planet, should not be frozen completely. Its the second from the sun, it doesn't make sense. It should be more rocky desert like, instead of a winter wonderland. I know its a corpus mission planet and all, but that doesn't mean that it has to be limited to just an ice-like land. Neptune and Pluto make a lot more sense for that. 


Anyways, point is just a suggestion to give the planets their climates. :P

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Perhaps it's set in the far future, and so far ahead that the sun is on its decline, therefore making even planets with toasty surface into such winterlands. And perhaps that's why all Grineer stages are underground as they moved closer to the planet's core for heat.

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Perhaps it's set in the far future, and so far ahead that the sun is on its decline, therefore making even planets with toasty surface into such winterlands. And perhaps that's why all Grineer stages are underground as they moved closer to the planet's core for heat.

Its not inside the planet, its still in space inside the asteroid, that is why Lotus call it a vessel.

This is how it looks like: https://warframe.com/media/concept-art/grineer-asteroid-base

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Its not inside the planet, its still in space inside the asteroid, that is why Lotus call it a vessel.

This is how it looks like: https://warframe.com/media/concept-art/grineer-asteroid-base


I know, but it can't be all asteroids even on planets. It might just be placeholders for until the Grineer have their planetside maps.


And Lotus calls the Corpus Outpost maps Vessels.

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I too would like to see more appropriate climates for the planets. I'm sure it's just cuz it's in beta but having every planet iced over is kind of weird. I think mercury and Venus should be hot and arid.

Weather would also be cool. Like snow or thunder storms. If they did implement the more desert like climate for the first few planets they could have sandstorms or heat waves.

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"stfu this is beta/warframe universe/etc' is a BS argument.


Seeing winter climate on Venus is really strange, same with Pluto - it is located so far from the Sun, I highly doubt there could be anything but barren rocks. So, yes, of course new tilesets are needed, DE already released 2 major ones in U8, so, I guess, we will be seeing Deserts, Grineer Cities and much more stuff in future.

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she is right venus is a hot desert world with lava all over the place


Anything on-planet on Mercury/Venus/Earth/Mars should be rocky/desert or temperate in climate.

Anything past Mars should be freezing like hek.

Perhaps it's set in the far future, and so far ahead that the sun is on its decline

I think that by that time, the sun should look quite different. Currently it still looks like the G2V that we got.

And Lotus calls the Corpus Outpost maps Vessels.

True that, and I once got it to blow up after 5 minutes too.

Barely made it to the exit.

We have no idea how advanced the Orokin are, I mean hell, they created "Towers" in the Void. I reckon they can change the climate of a planet.

And how long ago was it that they got terraformed?

Unless you're actively keeping venus and the like in its new condition, it will deteriorate to the point of it becoming an arid wasteland again, simply from its proximity to the sun along with the MMWR meaning that some molecules escape the planet's atmosphere.


No amount of Friendship/Magic is going to change that.

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Anything on-planet on Mercury/Venus/Earth/Mars should be rocky/desert or temperate in climate.

Anything past Mars should be freezing like hek.


Actually, I think current winter levels are perfect for terraformed Mars.  Mercury should have rocky mountains with lava rivers, terraformed Venus should have desert climate, Earth should have huge Grineer cities, Jupiter/Neptune/Saturn should have spaceship/space station levels only, Pluto and lunas/trans-neptunian objects should have bases built on surface and caves. Lots of them! 

Edited by 3XT3RM1NATUS
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I was also thinking that with new environments they could implement new obstacles or whatever. Like having lava lakes on mercury where you would have to hop rocks or whatever to get across or cryovolcanos on Saturn's moon titan that can erupt and the frozen gas can deplete shields or something. Just a thought...

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Actually, I think current winter levels are perfect for terraformed Mars.  Mercury should have rocky mountains with lava rivers, terraformed Venus should have desert climate, Earth should have huge Grineer cities, Jupiter/Neptune/Saturn should have spaceship/space station levels only, Pluto and lunas/trans-neptunian objects should have bases built on surface and caves. Lots of them! 

i need to take note of this...

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I mean, I hate being on Venus and when you take a step outside, its completely a frozen wasteland. Its not suppose to be frozen with it being so close to the sun. 


Inside the ships are fine as they are though. I could understand that. I just want when you are on the surface, it to resemble the climate better.

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I thinking another thing that would be cool for the gas planets since they have not surface to stand on, they could have large floating platforms or whatever inside the planets or vessels with exposed and open regions so you can see like huge clouds and thunderstorms rushing past you at high speeds. maybe it can push in a direction if you don't sprint or just slow you down.

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I mean, I hate being on Venus and when you take a step outside, its completely a frozen wasteland. Its not suppose to be frozen with it being so close to the sun. 


Inside the ships are fine as they are though. I could understand that. I just want when you are on the surface, it to resemble the climate better.


you're most on the ships, or asteroids, so lolwhat?

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you're most on the ships, or asteroids, so lolwhat?

The Corpus Base is on a planetary surface that is always snowy, regardless of the planet you are 'on'. It's weird for those of us who know and care about consistency.

Anyway, I shall repeat my suggestions for new environment tiles.

Rocky (large asteroids,moons,planetoids) Burning wateland (Mercury, Io) Frozen wasteland (Europa, outer system) Cloud cities (gas giants) Sandy desert (Venus, Mars, Earth) Underwater (Europa, Earth) Forest and Jungle (Earth, Habitat domes) Abandoned city (Earth, Habitat domes)

I would also like planet specific skyboxes, one for planetary surfaces and one for ships, stations and habitats.

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