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Ripline And Paralysis Need Changes.


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Are these two abilities in a need of a change in PvP (or as a whole)? because i feel like they are pretty useless compared to other frames abilities in PvP (i.e slash dash or frost 1).


Ripline needs a better targeting system because it requires A LOT of aim to pull a target more than any other first ability, so a wider hitbox depending on where are you aiming would be better (similar to limbo`s banish maybe?).


Paralysis damage is pretty low, yeah it cost 5 energy but all it does is reduce your already low shield values and reduce the enemy stamina to 0 however they can regen the stamina after few seconds.


So personally i would set a predeterminate damage value instead of based on shields and one guy`s idea in other thread, who was to force the affected enemies not being able to regen stamina for X amount of seconds.



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Nope, nope nope. Valkyr is a tank balanced by a mediocre ability set. She doesn't need buffs.



Read joebuck explanation on RTK, actually Frost has similar (or superior in some cases) "tanky" stats but his whole abilities are way more useful than Valkyr abilities, then you have Chroma with higher stats than Frost, that argument about how Valkyr is balanced by her armor because her abilities are mediocre is pretty old.

Edited by Rhaenxys
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Read joebuck explanation on RTK, actually Frost has similar (or superior in some cases) "tanky" stats but his whole abilities are way more useful than Valkyr abilities, then you have Chroma with higher stats than Frost, that argument about how Valkyr is balanced by her armor because her abilities are mediocre is pretty old.

I have tested that RTK and it was not working, valkyr its still very powerfull, people like how valkyr is because they choose that warframe "for no powers usage"  (...?) So i dont think a change on she or his abilities its going to be fair.

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If anyone disagree with this thread i will respect that (hey its your opinion) but i personally have some faith and i trust joebuck and his data.


For my personal experiences i have way more trouble taking down a Rhino with iron skin (or even without it) than Valkyr, Frost is clearly the superior PvP frame, his first ability is a easy kill, you can camp with snow globe and his ulti/4 instakills everything in a AoE radius, all while having nearly similar tank properties as Valkyr.


Her only "good" abilities are warcry and maybe Hysteria in certain situations with her augment but it requires a lot of energy, all that armor is useless when you are freeze, against slash dash, ember ult or any range damage ability (not to mention puncture damage).


A better targeting system for ripline and an extra effect from paralysis are the least of the PvP problems.

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If anyone disagree with this thread i will respect that (hey its your opinion) but i personally have some faith and i trust joebuck and his data.


For my personal experiences i have way more trouble taking down a Rhino with iron skin (or even without it) than Valkyr, Frost is clearly the superior PvP frame, his first ability is a easy kill, you can camp with snow globe and his ulti/4 instakills everything in a AoE radius, all while having nearly similar tank properties as Valkyr.


Her only "good" abilities are warcry and maybe Hysteria in certain situations with her augment but it requires a lot of energy, all that armor is useless when you are freeze, against slash dash, ember ult or any range damage ability (not to mention puncture damage).


A better targeting system for ripline and an extra effect from paralysis are the least of the PvP problems.


Yeah, Valkyr isn't that much of a problem in my opinion. Rhino with his Iron Skin is still the best tank overall, and Frost has an incredibly good powerset in addition to his defensive stats.


However, as you can see she's a very polarising Warframe, and probably shouldn't receive any straight buffs right now. Also, check joebuck's post history, they might be holding off until parkour 2.0 is out before touching Valkyr's Paralysis.

Edited by Kontrollo
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Yeah, Valkyr isn't that much of a problem in my opinion. Rhino with his Iron Skin is still the best tank overall, and Frost has an incredibly good powerset in addition to his defensive stats.


However, as you can see she's a very polarising Warframe, and probably shouldn't receive any straight buffs right now. Also, check joebuck's post history, they might be holding off until parkour 2.0 is out before touching Valkyr's Paralysis.

Yeah i totally forgot about parkour 2.0, so it will be probably better to just wait till they implemented it to make the proper changes if there is anything to change at all.

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Yeah...Valkyr's armor level is kinda heavily balanced against weapons that are very adept at taking down Ferrite Armor.  That makes Conclave more like a gambling machine.


Frost's Freeze ability got a buff to curve towards enemies, kinda like an aim assist.  Don't see why DE can't do the same for Ripline.  Ripline is nearly a sniping ability, but without the generous damage.


Paralysis could use some work, too.  Maybe a 0.5 second 50% slow, or at least something to do a decent CC (the cast time does root Valkyr for about that long, too, so instead of it being an ability to take down targets, it could be an ability that makes encourages teamwork).

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