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Controller/gamepad Problems We'd Like Fixed


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I say we'd because I would like for other people to add to this with their own grievances.


Firstly, for me, sticky axis.

This becomes a very annoying problem on higher sensitivity. There is a game specific "dead zone" in which my aim will travel perfectly across an axis. Perfectly vertically or perfectly horizontally. I find this to be a very annoying problem when trying to be accurate across a distance. Why? Because enemies don't move across perfect, flat surfaces. They glitch, they derp, they spin in circles, they go down and up stairs... This sticky axis makes it very difficult to be accurate in the game. It's not the controller's fault, as I can play games like Call of Duty, Battlefield, and so forth very easily and draw circles very well. I understand these are all FPS games, but I'd assume if a terrible amount of games like Call of Duty can come out with smooth aiming, so can a great game like this.


Button Remapping restrictions.

That's just silly. Simply silly.


Toggle sprint sucks.

You click it to sprint.. and you basically never stop sprinting until you click it again or you run out of stamina. I'd like something more akin to, yet again, Call of Duty, Battlefield and so forth, where you click it and hold forward, and when you stop moving or let off enough, you stop running. Untoggled sprinting jeopardizes the life of (my) controllers, as you'll be holding it and probably (I always) hold it down much too hard. (needed to replace a controller already because I absolutely despise toggle sprint, because it also really, REALLY sucks for parkour. 


Melee needing to be controlled by the same finger as aiming (unless you play claw like I naturally do, this isn't a problem for me, but more for some other people)

Those who don't have camera follow melee target, because melee auto targetting makes you punch air, and don't play claw are essentially going to be mostly uncomfortable. And not everyone realizes "Classic" setting exists, and it changes alot of the control scheme, annoying the everliving life out of some people because they now have to relearn controls.


No use of motion controls

I mean, shaking my controller could be SOOOO important! I could... Like... Reload! (Not extremely serious, but motion controls for some extra buttons would be nice.




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I say we'd because I would like for other people to add to this with their own grievances.


Firstly, for me, sticky axis.

This becomes a very annoying problem on higher sensitivity. There is a game specific "dead zone" in which my aim will travel perfectly across an axis. Perfectly vertically or perfectly horizontally. I find this to be a very annoying problem when trying to be accurate across a distance. Why? Because enemies don't move across perfect, flat surfaces. They glitch, they derp, they spin in circles, they go down and up stairs... This sticky axis makes it very difficult to be accurate in the game. It's not the controller's fault, as I can play games like Call of Duty, Battlefield, and so forth very easily and draw circles very well. I understand these are all FPS games, but I'd assume if a terrible amount of games like Call of Duty can come out with smooth aiming, so can a great game like this.


Button Remapping restrictions.

That's just silly. Simply silly.


Toggle sprint sucks.

You click it to sprint.. and you basically never stop sprinting until you click it again or you run out of stamina. I'd like something more akin to, yet again, Call of Duty, Battlefield and so forth, where you click it and hold forward, and when you stop moving or let off enough, you stop running. Untoggled sprinting jeopardizes the life of (my) controllers, as you'll be holding it and probably (I always) hold it down much too hard. (needed to replace a controller already because I absolutely despise toggle sprint, because it also really, REALLY sucks for parkour. 


Melee needing to be controlled by the same finger as aiming (unless you play claw like I naturally do, this isn't a problem for me, but more for some other people)

Those who don't have camera follow melee target, because melee auto targetting makes you punch air, and don't play claw are essentially going to be mostly uncomfortable. And not everyone realizes "Classic" setting exists, and it changes alot of the control scheme, annoying the everliving life out of some people because they now have to relearn controls.


No use of motion controls

I mean, shaking my controller could be SOOOO important! I could... Like... Reload! (Not extremely serious, but motion controls for some extra buttons would be nice.

i just have the melee and quick melee mapped to top right bumper and use the stick to aim while meleeing just fine. I love toggle sprint, i also don't really have a problem with dead zones ever. But i do agree that a toggled on only version would be neat.

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