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Some Light Changes To A Few Abilities.


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First i'd just like to say thanks for taking the moment to read through this.


Alright, on to the "light" changes:


I recently got Nova, great frame, but her 1 and 2 seem to be really lacking, and i've heard this from a lot of players too. The general consensus seems to be that her 1 and 2 are simply "there" while her 3 is a great utility, and her 4 is her one "real" power.


So, I got to thinking, where have I seen her 1 before? Then it hit me. Mass Effect 3.


In the Mass Effect Multiplayer, there is a playable character, The Awakened Collector-





This Dude right here has an amazingly similar power to Nova. 


Seeker Swarm: Summons 3 Seeker Swarms to cloud around you.


Just like Nova's Null Star Ability, which Summons anti-matter particles to orbit Nova.


Here are the main differences though:


Nova's Null Star auto-attacks enemies within range, and do a base damage effected by your power strength. Tis be all they do.


The Awakened Collector's Seeker Swarm must be activated, then manually launched at enemies. The trade off? (and this would really work for Nova) Enemies hit by the Seeker Swarms take damage, and are slowed. That's not all, however. Through the upgrade tree Mass Effect uses, you can also upgrade the Seeker Swarm to give you 10% damage reduction for every Active Swarm.


Now doesn't even one of those sound like a great addition to Nova's Null Star, and make the power much more useful?

I think they do.


Now, for Nova's 2, Anti-Matter Drop.


This is a simple change. Make It Faster, and Bigger.


See? Simple.


First of, this thing moves slow, and looking at it makes it move slower. Since you need to look at it to shoot it, to increase its damage output, this is an issue. In the time it takes to unload my ammo into it, so it can do enough damage to kill everything, the enemy is either:


A: Already out of its flight path. I know you can control where this thing goes, but again, it's too slow.


B: Dead. More then naught, if i'm playing in a team, they've killed whatever i had launched this at.


C: I got tired of taking damage and killed them with my gun instead. (which leads to my second point)


This thing is small. One of its traits is to absorb both my guns bullets, and my enemies. This, however, is rare, because it's too small to cover enough space to absorb their bullets. Imagine the defensive properties this ability could be given if the "Orb" was increased to the size of like, a Roller and a half. That's Large enough to be able to launch it down a hallway, or towards a group of enemies, and be able to "hide" behind it as it absorbs the incoming bullets, and while you pump it full of your own, to make one heck of an explosion.



That's really the Bulk of this post, all that's left is a simple, seemingly easily implemented, HUD change.


Give Chroma and Frost Percentage Counters for Effigy and Snow Globe's Health. I'd be totally fine with them just floating above the Duration Timers we already have, as long as we have them. Keeping Both of these abilities up can be a job in and of itself, without having to worry about their invisible health bar.


Yes, I know I can look at Chroma's Pelt and see it's health, but that doesn't help me if i'm on the far end of the map picking up energy orbs to keep it up.


Frost Currently has no way of seeing the Health of his Snow Globe. There isn't even a visual cue of the Globe cracking (Which, if visible enough, would also be alright as a way of determining Globe Health.)


That's all i've got. Thanks for taking the time to read through this!

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I... actually like the idea for Nova's 1. As for her 2, Antimatter Absorb would presumably help if I had the thing, but as it is now that is annoying. Maybe just the size of a roller and more overall speed would be enough, though - and the much-requested change of slowdown only happening while zoomed in, although that would make it hard to use a charger like Quanta.


Health bars on Effigy/Globe and duration counters on the globe are often requested, but good ideas.

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Making anti matter absorb faster is a bad idea since you need it as slow as possible to actually be able to control its direction properly while shooting it so that it absorbs enough damage which it will show when it fully glows and then direct it to a group of mobs and make it drop at the ground and blow them up all over. But yes null star could be improved then theres the null star augment which is a good panic button CC if you are surrounded by enemies.

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Making anti matter absorb faster is a bad idea since you need it as slow as possible to actually be able to control its direction properly.


Then maybe we just make it target and follow enemies? I like the idea of being able to control it, but, for me, as it stands, that 3 point list happens before Anti Mater Drop can actually do it's thing.


Even if it we to stay as slow as it is, making it larger would really help, again, with it absorbing the enemies bullets, my bullets, and providing some defensive capabilities.

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