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What Do You Enjoy Most About Warframe?


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The potential it has. If DE plays this right Warframe will literally be my favourite game of all time, the game I've wanted since I was a kid:


For about 8 years now I've wanted a game that lets you actually be a ninja i.e.

Has a great movement system including Parkour - we're on the way

Has guns - yep

Has a great melee system - we're getting there


Warframe is going towards having everything I've ever wanted from a game plus crazy space ninja magic and letting me play with my friends. 


It just has a bunch of terrible rng and grind as well but it's getting there. 

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i like killing hordes of grineer i hate everything about them...

i have 240k grineer kills

and not even close with the other factions

i wish only death to the grineer

that is my only wish

Captain Vor: Strength to the grineer!

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I like being able to play it without meta-players taking the fun out of it. (I.e. I can't do Trials presently unless I get all of my friends together in Skype because everyone already has their method to doing Trials and it'd take all of the fun and learning out of it.)


It's also not fun watching teammates walk in and clear entire rooms by themselves with a single 4-click. Sometimes I just run in circles in an empty room and wait for teammates who do that to finish the mission. And then I walk slowly to extraction.

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I come from MMO's and can't/won't play FPS because of issues with vertigo.


I've always enjoyed the art direction and play style (that mass effect feel).


When I'm critical of the game it's typically due to how it's being managed or monetized.

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I got into the game because I was looking for ninja fun. Then I saw the potential of the game when I saw Azeralas Hatsuen-Dan Ash and saw the potential of it. What keeps me playing now.....making builds like his.

Edit: what I like about the game...the weapons I suppose

Edited by OsanoSSX
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What originally got me was the art style, and frankly I think it's been getting better and better. I do miss the gloomy darkness of early open beta though, but it's not exactly any better or worse, just different. A lot of the art for each faction now exudes some personality too. Grineer are starting to look like an empire with minor flourishes for that nobility/power/empire kinda look. Corpus feel cathedral-like with tall ceilings and shiny everything. Warframes themselves look alien yet familiar. I like how everything in Warframe looks just a little off, so you don't like everything but it all works together and looks really unique. Ooooh and particles.


Animations are also pretty top notch. Could use more procedural but everything has personality and looks really nice.


I also love the gameplay. Warframe's movement is bar-none my favourite out of any game at the moment, and I eagerly anticipate Parkour 2.0. There's nothing like sprinting, flipping, wall running, and just moving in all six directions that a lot of other games can't give you. They definitely can't give you the space ninja vibe like Warframe does since they try to make it too realistic at times. Battlefield 3 and Firefall just never felt the same.


The community is nice. Well, most of it. You can tell who's new to the game just by the way they speak and what they're looking for. But I'm usually glad to help anyway.


It's free, I'm poor.

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Warframe has many small things that make it great, but the Artstyle is its biggest strongpoint.


Turn a corner and you have screenshot material and even the most ugly design of this game could be a main character/boss in another game.

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The imaginative non-cookie-cutter art style and the lovely little picture icons for all the things is definitely what hooked me initially, along with the lore, which while sketchy is quite interesting and imaginative. 


The slick gameplay.  This is the fastest running game I have on my system.  The gameplay is the most kinetic gameplay of any game I know (what other "shooter" game can you perfect leaping while spinning round and shooting, or wallrunning and slamming down on something with melee?)  Being able to switch seamlessly between using two types of weapon, melee, and "superpowers", is golden.  And all this while having excellent graphics quality and detail.


The "toys" - the warframes and weapons are well-designed concept-wise and gameplay wise.  There's something for everyone in this game.  You try everything (for mastery) but you stick to the warframes and weapons you love using and lavish potatoes and forma on them.  Great system, and one of the best implementations of the "crafting" concept I've ever seen in the sense that you can actually craft things you use (whereas with many other online games, crafting is more like a long-term profession, an investment, which is another way of doing it, but I prefer this way).


The community is very friendly and actually quite non-elitist relatively speaking (there are elitists of course, but it's just not as prominent as in most other online games). It's a casual PUG-ing culture, which I like as it's what I initially got hooked into online gaming with in my first MMO love, City of Heroes.  That said, I'm in a great Clan too, where normally I don't bother with guild type things.


DE are a great development team.  Their implementation of f2p is the best I've seen in any online game, striking a fine balance between grind and instant gratification for money (the credit "tax" for transactions is a stroke of genius that ensures you have to play the game at least to some extent even to twink your character). They keep in touch with the fans, and seem to genuinely appreciate the lurv, which goes both ways.  My only criticism of them is that they kept coptering in the game, which I think was an absolutely awful mistake that's probably made the game less popular than it could have been (rushers alienate newbies, having the primary movement mode of PUGs be gated by a skill a newbie won't know starts new players off on the wrong foot wrt social gameplay and team spirit in PUGs).

Edited by Omnimorph
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Futuristic, parkouring, superpowered, space ninjas.


I guess another specific favorite is I really like seeing new Warframes come out. Because this game is all futuristic (compared to being medieval fantasy, etc), I like seeing the new themes of new Warframes. A lot of the themes are easily comparable to class archetypes in (mmo)rpgs that are typically medieval fantasy.


In other words, I like to look at Warframes like Ember, Volt, Frost, and Saryn as a futuristic ninja reimagining of a medieval mmorpg mage.


Like... take my pyromancer from who knows what game... Give her guns, a futuristic suit, and parkour... and you have Ember :)

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I love the feeling of working as a team. What kinda secured my viewpoint was when I had just gotten Valkyrie. Riplined a Grineer into a rhino Charge and a Paris shot from a Banshee finished it off. That's what I want. A sense of teamwork.

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