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Best Way To Deal With Nullifiers In T4 Defense?


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If you are looting on the side that still has enemies on then its your own silly fault. Use the lasers, they are there to be used.


We don't use lasers under any circumstances. Accidents happen way too often.

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May not be the best way, but I usually take the mundane approach, in a squad (assuming not solo), by fielding an auto weapon, e.g. Soma(P), and I usually designate myself as the nullifier nullfier where a short burst can usually eliminate the bubble (the bubble need time to shrink completely though, so I usually move on to other targets after the burst as further rounds are wasted). The rest of the team could usually finish the job with mass damage weapons/powers (esp if mesa is in the party). If not, I could just come back and finish them off (trying to aim for head etc). It seems most effective if at least 1 person in the team is dedicated to prioritize them (best is 2 to cover all sides), while the rest concentrate on more immediate concerns (defend, main killing, CC etc).

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A maxed opticor or anything that has enough aoe effect just shoot the ground/walls outside the bubble and the aoe will kill the nullifier it really has like no health.

Tonkor was killing them with aoe also, but not so effective.

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