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General Lead Time On Support? [Semi Rant/question]



So a bit over 3 weeks ago, i lodged a ticket about a mission (law of retribution) reward that I didnt get, when the rest of the team did.


I wasn't too fussed as it was a common arcane, but was recommended that i lodge a ticket, which i did within about 2 hours of completion.


3 weeks later, I get a response to a ticket asking for very specific details which are all things that you dont remember after a week, let alone 3 weeks and 100+ hours of game play (including both normal and nightmare trial each day).


They denied my request because they couldn't see 1 of the 2 trials that i had run that day, and said that it was because i could not give specific enough details.



I also have another ticket that has not yet been looked at for weeks, which leads me to wonder if this is normal lead time, and if i should start recording every mission that i do just in case something goes wrong (which lets face it, its a beta game and bugs aren't uncommon)

Edited by .Bait
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16 answers to this question

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It very much depends.  I'm given to understand support is quite overloaded right now.

Typically, I get responses within a few days, however.  My last ticket was... check my email....

Answered in less than twelve hours.

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It seems with item submissions they take any possible attempt they can at invalidating the ticket. IE waiting until 5 days before the logs are removed from the database. 

That hasn't been my experience.

Why would they do that? 

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Standard corporate tactics.  This is only on item refunds. I get amazing response times when it is with bugs and a refund is not attached. 

I'm confused.  Are we talking about the stuff you farm for free by playing the game?  Because they have no motive not to refund that.

In any case, poor service wouldn't make you spend more money, it'd just piss you off and potentially lose them a paying customer.  It's not "standard corporate tactics" to upset people in most cases; upset people stop buying things.

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Have you heard mention of the EE log? It's a file you can submit to support that provides them with all the details of your last mission. 


I found a thread with some helpful people on finding it:



Basically, the next time this happens, do not do another mission (it's temporary data). Just attach your log to a support ticket and they'll take care of you. 


Edit: Recordings are also good. And, if I'm not mistaken, three weeks ago the Tubemen of Regor event was up, so I'm pretty sure your ticket was put on the back-log so the team could handle tickets submitted concerning the event. Usually tickets are answered in less than a week when support isn't flooded.

Edited by OptimumBow0
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Have you heard mention of the EE log? It's a file you can submit to support that provides them with all the details of your last mission. 


I found a thread with some helpful people on finding it:



Basically, the next time this happens, do not do another mission (it's temporary data). Just attach your log to a support ticket and they'll take care of you. 

I have not actually heard of this - and even in this case, i was not going to even lodge a ticket until my clan friends suggested it, but thank you for the link



It seems with item submissions they take any possible attempt they can at invalidating the ticket. IE waiting until 5 days before the logs are removed from the database. 

This doesnt surprise me, as the only other experience i have had was asking for a prime item that i accidentally built be cancelled - was ignored for a week until I said that I accidentally claimed it and not to worry, and they replied quite fast to say thanks and closed the ticket



It very much depends.  I'm given to understand support is quite overloaded right now.

Typically, I get responses within a few days, however.  My last ticket was... check my email....

Answered in less than twelve hours.

I have yet to hear of anyone else who has had it replied to this fast :( maybe your good luck or just my bad luck



I would like to emphasize again that i do not care about the reward - at most it would be worth 15p in current trading, however I recall a post where they encouraged us to submit tickets for this, but my experience says they don't want to deal with it.

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I see no problem here. Its not their fault for not refunding you something when you failed to deliver proof and enough details.


I lodged within a few hours... 3 weeks later they asked for a list of players in the squad (sure, maybe a day or two later i could give this), and the reward (same thing), and also the EXACT time and date i completed it....  in my initial request I had given the closest time I could - 3 weeks later i couldnt be more specific than i was 2 hours after the mission

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The latest two tickets of mine have both taken 15+ days, however, I made a ticket a while back about a game breaking bug and it only took 4 days for a response.

I'm convinced that the time revolves are ticket category

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When sending in a ticket (well, when doing anything, as a general rule) it's a good idea to take a look at the FAQ's provided. In this case, this link is pretty pertinent; https://digitalextremes.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/200182250-What-information-should-I-give-when-submitting-a-ticket-


If you don't provide this information, it's pretty likely that you're going to get a request for more specifics or even a simple 'we can't help you if you can't follow the guidelines of the ticket process'. 

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When sending in a ticket (well, when doing anything, as a general rule) it's a good idea to take a look at the FAQ's provided. In this case, this link is pretty pertinent; https://digitalextremes.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/200182250-What-information-should-I-give-when-submitting-a-ticket-


If you don't provide this information, it's pretty likely that you're going to get a request for more specifics or even a simple 'we can't help you if you can't follow the guidelines of the ticket process'. 

Ok, again i would like to repeat this is not about it not being solved.... its about the time taken

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Ok, again i would like to repeat this is not about it not being solved.... its about the time taken


When you don't provide the information they need, it's gonna take longer. Yeah, 3 weeks for a request for more info is beyond the norm, but support is usually swamped around major patches and events and it's understandable. 


Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if an incomplete request for support was pushed to the bottom of the pile (not saying it was). But if you can't be bothered to follow the guidelines (or even look them up, apparently) I can see them not taking your request as seriously as someone who has, and might be operating under a deadline (like someone not having proper access to the event or tactical alert, etc).

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1st ticket i lodged took around 3 weeks, appears to be a pretty average time based on all tickets i have put in, still waiting to hear back from my tubemen of regor event ticket, only been 19 days, so hopefully soon   :(

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I've worked many support-like jobs in my life.

Of COURSE we worked the easiest tickets first.

Someone was judging us on stats like "number of tickets per hour" and "quality of service" and we could achieve everything - even exceed everything and get bonuses - by working the easier tickets first.

And DE only employs 170 people, according to their website.  So either they don't have very many people working tickets in the first place (likely) or they don't actually employ their own support personnel.

Do your best to make their lives easier and they'll make your life easier.  Promise.  That's true of every support person everywhere.  Make their lives difficult and yours just might be the ticket that goes OOPS I ACTUALLY CLICKED DELETE WHAT A CLUMSY I AM.

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