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Infestid Ancients And Seeking Attacks? How You Do That?


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I am a huge fan of this game and there is one thing right now that really bugs me with the gameplay. When you're fighting a horde of infestid and you are actually keeping an eye out of what is charging you, it really bugs me when I'm sprinting around, dodging attacks, perfoming flying kicks to those Ancient jerks and I miss one. Not to fret, I have brought along my trusty Shade. Surely it will save me? So I run around a conrner and cloak and lo and behold what happens? Even though I have moved from where I first cloaked and am now behind that hulking monster, it still manages to throw its arm javlin backwards over its shoulder (which looks very uncomfortable) and slam me into the ground, siphoning away all my hard earned energy. <- this makes me a sad panda :'(


I am completely fine if this happens when I'm not paying attention and one sneaks up from behind and gets the jump on me. Those moments teach us to be better ninjas and help improve gameplay and team work. But when you are being preceptive and they still manage to get past your "cloak" it really messes up any plans you were making.


Can you please look into getting this fixed in the future DE?

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ok calmed down yes i have noticed that also and i was going to make a forum post, at a later date but yes PLEASE DE look in to this.


im not even say that the acents are over powered i just think that there aiming is a little screwy.

Edited by CamoPsycho
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nothing escapes their grabby hands.

also you kinda get use to it. they got me once or twice that way but now i know better. not as bad. i either out range it or still time my roll.

I've gotten used to it as well. But I shouldn't have to run 30+ meters away from an infestid that is chasing me just to dodge its attack when I could put my sentinel to use.

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even if you get used to it, what are you supposed to do in a high enough mission where there are hordes of infested with disruptors and your boxed in. They are allowed to hit you while your down, to down you again. It doesnt help that they get to hit you over and over without you being able to do anything. I've been floored before while invisible then hit 3 times afterwards from other ancients while I was downed. You cant do anything till u're up.

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I'm hoping this gets fixed when they give the Ancients dedicated models. Part of the problem is the stretch animation is too hard to predict. If they had proper tentacles and animation to go go with it, it would be easier to see coming and avoid.

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That is not matter of animation. Ive been playing volt and used speed, disrupter was 15m in front of me, at 10m he started attack animation, i passed him and got hit 12m behind him on shade cloak. Toxics and healers miss in similiar circumstances.

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I had the exact same issue the other day in my Ash. I'd thrown up a smokescreen amidst a group of chargers only to have a disruptor walk right up to me seconds later, look right at me and disrupt me while I was still invisible :/


However you feel about disruptor ancients, at least the signature ability of a stealthy warframe should do what it's supposed to when you spend energy on it :/

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I don't know, I kind of don't mind it now. I did initially to the point of rage, but it's nice having an "Oh S#&$" enemy in the game.

I don't have anything against the Ancient Disruptors. I think they are a great enemy and a fun challenge to fight when there are more than three. I just think the "homing" stretch arm needs to be fixed so it doesn't lock on and hit an invisible target

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