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I'm Not Good At Art, But....


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I'll try to give some advise, (sorry if I appear a bit rude, english is not my native language and advising quickly sounds a bit harsh)


You got to keep in mind that it's best to divide the canvas in 3 pieces, with stuff on the intersection lines.

To improve this drawing I would:

1: Try to move the tree a bit to the left. 

2: Mirror and make the tree a bit smaller in Y scale only. (The bigger darker part to the middle so that the viewer is more drawn towards the center)

3: Make the rock bigger in X-scale and remove that gap? (Can I ask why there is a gap?)

4: move the planets a bit to the right. Just a mm is sufficient but placing it straight in the middle is almost never good.

5:Move excalibur to the right (just so that his knee touches the 2/3 intersection of the image)


Another thing that would make this a lot better is consistent shading.

As you can see now the rock, the tree and excalibur all have light coming from different places. You might need to put some shades and highlights to overcome this. This is not really easy to do, but it can make it look a lot better if done right.

Edited by counterflux
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  • Light sources are messed up.
    Why would the tree be totally black as it would be in a dark ambient with no ambient light, while the warframe has a totally different lightset? This discrepancy is what gets noticed as soon as you look.
    Same for the rock. No shadows, different light setup.
  • Also there is no rim light coming from the dawn/eclipse on the back.
  • Multiple objects have no blurred borders, they're sharp, raw and grainy so they don't merge with the background. Thus giving the feel "copy/paste" and bad editing.
  • There is no starfield, the sky feels empty and unnatural. Either put low opacity clouds or a starfield.
  • There is plenty of clouds in the background, but there is totally absence of fog on the close-up. You can get a smoky brush and add some low opacity layer over it.
  • Planets on the background are ovoidal. Again the light source on planets isn't working.​

Also, if you mean to "rip off" planets and other ComputerGraphic-developed images from internet (also Textures and Backgrounds), check if the image is free or if its owner is allowing for free editing.
It's not professional taking images from public Portfolios or protected by Copyright. (It's just a note)


Edited by Burnthesteak87
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If you're just starting to learn I suggest you to start with smaller and simplier pics, so that you can learn the basics without feeling too much frustrated.


The most important thing is that you have fun doing it; if you have fun, you won't even notice the hours passing by.



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