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Rhino: Un-Nerf Petiton !


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I premit that i'm not a Rhino player nor i own one but i see how the last nerf to it's iron skin ability seems to have heavily influenced the players and the performance of the frame itself (i'm no rhino player but i know a couple of them), so i'm gonna make a little petition here, if you agree leave a '+' to this thread or feel free to leave a comment/critique:


Dear Devs:

Please restore the iron-skin full unvincibility


The warframe players

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I agree with them that it was very powerful, but it is now almost the worst of the damage reduction powers. I spent hours getting this frame, loved it, and am now very disappointed with it.


Invulnerability is essential!             (perhaps reduce the duration...)

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Invulnerability trivializes the game. Sorry, but it does. And this ain't a 100 power unspammable skill either.


What I really liked about Rhino was the knockback and effect immunity. It really made the game a lot less headache inducing. But almost permanent invul as long as blue balls are dropping is a broken concept all day long.

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We can still have an interesting and dynamic tank skill without resorting to 13 second invulnerability.


I would propose for it to be either a half second invulnerability, at a greatly reduced cost of 10 power. This way you'd have to be skilled enough to know when to use it and time it with your hits.


That or have it give lots of DR and invulnerability while blocking. It could also use some method of aggro control.

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They shouldn't reduce the duration, otherwise it makes it harder to get it to last while reviving someone. Reverting it then increasing the cost is probably the best idea. 75 energy is good, since it would be stronger than Ember's Overheat (50) but less than Trinity's Link (100).

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They shouldn't reduce the duration, otherwise it makes it harder to get it to last while reviving someone. Reverting it then increasing the cost is probably the best idea. 75 energy is good, since it would be stronger than Ember's Overheat (50) but less than Trinity's Link (100).

Link is 75. They should reduce the duration because it was at least as much the problem as the actual invulnerability was.

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People who rely on iron skin only know how to play iron skin.

Not Warframe.

Learn to use rhino, and you will have no problems.

The skill is good, its cut the rhinoob population hugely, and makes the frame a real frame, not a noob one.

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Link is 75. They should reduce the duration because it was at least as much the problem as the actual invulnerability was.

I guess it was a display bug on my end. But then IS definitely shouldn't be above 75.


I was thinking about this more, and realized that blue spheres (No Way!) aren't much of a limiting factor, especially in defense missions where they hang around, and especially more when people stack Energy Siphon. Rhino's low power max could be seen as equivalent to a cooldown, since it takes time while he waddles around for more blue balls. So I will concede that it may warrant a shorter duration, but only so long as revival is still practical. That's a big thing.



People who rely on iron skin only know how to play iron skin.

Not Warframe.

Learn to use rhino, and you will have no problems.

The skill is good, its cut the rhinoob population hugely, and makes the frame a real frame, not a noob one.

These are the posts that keep me coming back to these forums, it's like some someone turned a political insult into ad libs and put in warframe words. (Note: It is a bad post)

Edited by PositronicSpleen
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The Only Thing Iron skin needs to be good again is knockdown/disrupt/Poison immunity while it lasts + an aggro effect on enemies.Rhino, as the biggest Frame should be able to aggro the enemies to take the heat off other teammates and such(Although It might be better to replace the damage wave skill on him with an extra taunting ability, that skill is pretty useless anyway).

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People who rely on iron skin only know how to play iron skin.

Not Warframe.

Learn to use rhino, and you will have no problems.

The skill is good, its cut the rhinoob population hugely, and makes the frame a real frame, not a noob one.








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I just recently Acquired my Rhino... i pained him... Like a Prime, of course. Upon playing this Frame i noticed a few things...


1. The Rhino Skin ability is nice, but I never need to use it.

     A. If it had a deflection ability where the rounds hitting you bounced off and effected the enemy around you... or if you absorbed all that energy and it was able to recharge your energy.... that's Tanking in Purest form.

2. The Rhino is sluggish! I'M SO HAPPY!!! 

     A. Like a TANK, the Rhino is suppose to be a force of unmovable Armour and Power. Which brings me to my next point.

     B. The M1-A2 Abrams Tank has a 1500HP Turbine motor. This means that it must ramp up in order to move fast. The Rhino should have the Rhino Charge... but at least give it an ability to pick up speed over time and be able to do more damage as you turn and either knock down or crush your enemies over a greater distance. Also... you can make it have the ability to allow the player to use this ability whenever and however long their Stamina allows. Thus plugging Multiple slots for this one ability to be maxed out.


EXAMPLE: Rhino Charge > Reach (Maxed) > Stamina > Quick Rest > Speed Mods* = 1-20m of 75dmg+Knockdown > 20-50m of 120dmg+Knockdown > 50-100m of Freight Training Death.

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If the devs aren't comfortable with completely reverting IS to it's previous state, increase the Energy cost, decrease the Duration, or even increase the mod cost.

But as it is now, Rhino doesn't really have anything going for him. Rhino Charge is only useful for limited knockdowns and speeding up travel, Radial Blast does barely any damage, and Rhino stomp is okay. That's it. One average utility ability, one bad AOE damage ability, one okay CC ability, and a now sub-par Damage reduction ability.

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