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More Awesomer Extractions


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Ow, it hurt to type that.


Not sure if this belongs here or in art, but whatever.


Extractions as they are now are kind of boring. We walk up to our ship triumphantly and hop in, completely disregarding the hordes of enemies that may still be present. 


Now, these would be perfect on extermination missions, where you know that there is nothing left alive, but on other types of mission I feel the extraction could use a little more spice. Take hostage rescue for example, do you think that the Grineer/Corpus/Infested are really just going to let you saunter away with their prized hostage/Orokin artifact? No? Ergo, when you get to extraction you should be running, shooting over your back to fend off the last, final attempt of [iNSERT FACTION HERE] to reclaim their hostage, before you finally jump into your spaceship (possibly through closing doors) and deliver your rescuee to freedom (or an eternity as the Lotus' newest plaything, one of the two.) 


Or how about defense missions? Wouldn't it be pretty BA if a cut scene showing you being slowly overwhelmed, swarmed by hundreds of monsters, robots, or clones, being pushed back into a corner wist your fellow Tenno, until, finally, your ship swoops in and ferries you off to safety. *Cue Explosions!*



Tl;dr Add a ton of cliche action movie scenes to extractions

Edited by Nuntium
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I support this, just for the fact that I want to feel more badass when a mission is over.


I mean, you go from decapitating zombies and blasting Grineer apart, and then you... Calmly step into a pod and fly away?

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Very nice idea...


I always wondered, on most missions you enter via an air vent shaft or something... does the escape-ship have an auto-pilot that docks to the extraction point? Why don't you exit from where you started? Wouldn't the enemy notice that a ship actually claws into their ship to let you board again?


So more variation to the exiting scenes is a brilliant idea - of course all in good time... there certainly are more important things to implement and fix ... but later I'd definitly like to see this!

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Very nice idea...


I always wondered, on most missions you enter via an air vent shaft or something... does the escape-ship have an auto-pilot that docks to the extraction point? Why don't you exit from where you started? Wouldn't the enemy notice that a ship actually claws into their ship to let you board again?


So more variation to the exiting scenes is a brilliant idea - of course all in good time... there certainly are more important things to implement and fix ... but later I'd definitly like to see this!


That did always seem odd to me, why don't you just enter through the convenient docking port that you leave by?

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The grineer have small pod ships in their ships and bases, why can they be used to escape with a hostage, or just get the hostage to their own ship.

They could double for a raid. Prototype Orokin infused grineer fighter, steal it? Objective one, blow the shield generators, objective two, get to the fighter.



Or in a corpus ship infestation raid or sabotage, why cant a escape route be one of the windows? Blow yourself out into space to a waiting tenno fighter.

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I support this, just for the fact that I want to feel more badass when a mission is over.


I mean, you go from decapitating zombies and blasting Grineer apart, and then you... Calmly step into a pod and fly away?

i actually find that cool like u said you just mutilated everything on the ship/base/outpost and then you walk up to the dock like nothing happened its epicness but i agree something different would be good
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The grineer have small pod ships in their ships and bases, why can they be used to escape with a hostage, or just get the hostage to their own ship.

They could double for a raid. Prototype Orokin infused grineer fighter, steal it? Objective one, blow the shield generators, objective two, get to the fighter.



Or in a corpus ship infestation raid or sabotage, why cant a escape route be one of the windows? Blow yourself out into space to a waiting tenno fighter.


That would be awesome! Thanks for the suggestion!

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