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This Game Has Brought Me Bad Luck.


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Let's start with this morning at 6 am.  I roll over and check my phone to see I missed a tweet. 


"Valac (Europa): Supply Depot Located - 60m - 2000cr - Vauban Systems (Blueprint)" 


I check the time.  2 hours ago.


"That @(*()$ figures."  I said to myself.


I was upset, but attempted to go back to sleep, seeing as there was nothing I could do now.  As I lay there trying to occupy my brain with other things, I just couldn't do it.  All I could picture is the name Vauban and other players I play with, parading him in my face, who had spent platinum on him.  Then I thought to myself, what if this was the rare blueprint?  There are now going to be people able to craft him before I can.


No, forget it.  You'll get him eventually.  Eventually.  I hate that word when it comes to achieving something in a video game.  Made me even more mad when I remember that it's completely out of my control.  I can't go work for it.  I just have to sit around and wait and hope that I'm awake or at home when the next one happens.  At that point I determined I wouldn't be getting back to sleep, so I decided to go get some breakfast to calm my nerves.


I walk into the kitchen half awake and peer into the fridge.  I'm out of milk.  I guess I'm making toast.  I walk back to my room with my butter and jam sandwich (didn't bother toasting it) and a cup of ice water.  Still half-asleep, I set my plate down in front of my monitor and my cup lazily next to that, but as I slide the cup as I set it down it snags on my mouse cable and spills all over my desk.


My desk is now a waterfall and it cascades down my keyboard and pools into my chair.


"That @(*()$ figures!" I said, probably loud enough for my neighbors to hear.


I scoop the ice on the desk into the tipped cup and frantically look for a dry area on my desk to set it back down.  I don't know why it had to be dry.  I was half asleep.  My brain wasn't working yet.  Then I rush into the bathroom and grab all the towels off the rack and chuck them behind my desk and wherever I saw the most amount of water, that wasn't already soaked into my keyboard and chair.


It was about that time my speakers started to hiss.  I pressed the power button on the speakers and the light didn't turn off as they continued to hiss louder.  Angry speakers were angry.  They don't like getting wet.  I had to pull my desk away from the wall and unplug them at the outlet.  I divert my attention to my keyboard.


I grab a towel and flip it over and yep, it was full of water.  I spent a good 5 minutes trying to drain it and dry it off.  I set it back on the desk and attempted to type something.  Looked like it still worked and it did mostly.  Most of the keys worked, except for my shift buttons, "b" and "n".  Unfortunately, "n" is one of the letters to my windows login so I couldn't use my computer again until I found a new keyboard.


Again I thought to myself "That @(*()$ figures."


So here I am typing this story, with an old (non usb) keyboard from a Sony Vaio.


My Saitek Eclipse keyboard is ruined and so is my $120 speaker system, all thanks to me missing the Vauban Systems blueprint alert.


Thanks for reading my story.



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Ouch, that sucks.


I know that feel, like the fact my first laptop broke literally in a week because someone in my house spilled some water on it, cleaned it of, and didn't bother to tell me until AFTER it broke...


(sidenote: I feel like all the good BPs are during 1-6am (west coast, U.S.) :/ (I missed 4 catas this way...))

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That's terrible luck Soulie.  Sometimes you can get wet electronics to work again if you use a hair dryer on them and let them dry for 2 to 3 days, but seems like you didn't have enough time to unplug the power before they got soaked.  :(

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I feel bad for you but to let such a small thing in a game affect you in reality so drastically....just boggles my mind. And on the note of:

No, forget it.  You'll get him eventually.  Eventually.  I hate that word when it comes to achieving something in a video game.  Made me even more mad when I remember that it's completely out of my control.  I can't go work for it.  I just have to sit around and wait and hope that I'm awake or at home when the next one happens.

You CAN work for it, go to your job and after some time, depending on what you do, you can buy plat and purchase him. Not saying 'hurr durr buy plat' I have loads of plat but prefer to farm things myself, but I just don't agree with your reasoning.

As for the rest of your story...that just sucks, made me sad to read all that >.>

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Let's start with this morning at 6 am.  I roll over and check my phone to see I missed a tweet. 


"Valac (Europa): Supply Depot Located - 60m - 2000cr - Vauban Systems (Blueprint)" 


I check the time.  2 hours ago.


"That @(*()$ figures."  I said to myself.


I was upset, but attempted to go back to sleep, seeing as there was nothing I could do now.  As I lay there trying to occupy my brain with other things, I just couldn't do it.  All I could picture is the name Vauban and other players I play with, parading him in my face, who had spent platinum on him.  Then I thought to myself, what if this was the rare blueprint?  There are now going to be people able to craft him before I can.


No, forget it.  You'll get him eventually.  Eventually.  I hate that word when it comes to achieving something in a video game.  Made me even more mad when I remember that it's completely out of my control.  I can't go work for it.  I just have to sit around and wait and hope that I'm awake or at home when the next one happens.  At that point I determined I wouldn't be getting back to sleep, so I decided to go get some breakfast to calm my nerves.


I walk into the kitchen half awake and peer into the fridge.  I'm out of milk.  I guess I'm making toast.  I walk back to my room with my butter and jam sandwich (didn't bother toasting it) and a cup of ice water.  Still half-asleep, I set my plate down in front of my monitor and my cup lazily next to that, but as I slide the cup as I set it down it snags on my mouse cable and spills all over my desk.


My desk is now a waterfall and it cascades down my keyboard and pools into my chair.


"That @(*()$ figures!" I said, probably loud enough for my neighbors to hear.


I scoop the ice on the desk into the tipped cup and frantically look for a dry area on my desk to set it back down.  I don't know why it had to be dry.  I was half asleep.  My brain wasn't working yet.  Then I rush into the bathroom and grab all the towels off the rack and chuck them behind my desk and wherever I saw the most amount of water, that wasn't already soaked into my keyboard and chair.


It was about that time my speakers started to hiss.  I pressed the power button on the speakers and the light didn't turn off as they continued to hiss louder.  Angry speakers were angry.  They don't like getting wet.  I had to pull my desk away from the wall and unplug them at the outlet.  I divert my attention to my keyboard.


I grab a towel and flip it over and yep, it was full of water.  I spent a good 5 minutes trying to drain it and dry it off.  I set it back on the desk and attempted to type something.  Looked like it still worked and it did mostly.  Most of the keys worked, except for my shift buttons, "b" and "n".  Unfortunately, "n" is one of the letters to my windows login so I couldn't use my computer again until I found a new keyboard.


Again I thought to myself "That @(*()$ figures."


So here I am typing this story, with an old (non usb) keyboard from a Sony Vaio.


My Saitek Eclipse keyboard is ruined and so is my $120 speaker system, all thanks to me missing the Vauban Systems blueprint alert.


Thanks for reading my story.





You're second place in the globals.

Calm down.

And you're welcome.

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I feel bad for you but to let such a small thing in a game affect you in reality so drastically....just boggles my mind. And on the note of:

You CAN work for it, go to your job and after some time, depending on what you do, you can buy plat and purchase him. Not saying 'hurr durr buy plat' I have loads of plat but prefer to farm things myself, but I just don't agree with your reasoning.

As for the rest of your story...that just sucks, made me sad to read all that >.>


Lol pay money because we can't do something in-game... that... that's wrong. For what the Warframe costs I could go buy another game on Steam that's on sale. Like for instance when he came out I had my money for him ready... but DE told me he was in an Alert System. I was sad... then something cheered me up. Borderlands 2 for 13 dollars on Steam. My money was spent elsewhere.

Edited by BakaGamer
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Think of it this way: even if you'd gotten the systems, that still leaves the chassis/helmet.  It's the same with Banshee (before they dropped her to the uncommon pool); you'd really never be any closer, even if you had two parts, since RNG played a big role.  You had to really buy into that gamblers mentality and grind your arse off + pray to get all three parts; not to mention the fact that there were specific places where certain parts dropped more frequently as compared to just randomly parading around the solar system.


Although, I suppose with this frame: you can't do anything at all to even attempt to condition yourself into "hoping" that you can get it, because now it's entirely RNG based.


The only real positive I can leave you with is: Glaive is in the same boat and it has appeared 4 times by now, so maybe that "eventually" might be sooner than you expect?  Atleast you aren't in a position to "DO" anything, which means you won't have to end up wasting 20 hours a day droning away, with the mind-set of "IT'LL APPEAR NEXT WAVE, I KNOW IT WILL!".

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I feel bad for you but to let such a small thing in a game affect you in reality so drastically....just boggles my mind. And on the note of:

You CAN work for it, go to your job and after some time, depending on what you do, you can buy plat and purchase him. Not saying 'hurr durr buy plat' I have loads of plat but prefer to farm things myself, but I just don't agree with your reasoning.

As for the rest of your story...that just sucks, made me sad to read all that >.>

I have a lot of time invested into this game.  It's pretty much the only game I play right now.  Is it really any surprise that missing something I've been waiting for, would upset me a little bit?


Also, even if I had the platinum, I would never buy a virtual item that costs $25, the cost of a game itself.  I just don't feel right about doing that.  I've never done that in any F2P game I've played and don't plan on doing that any time soon.

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Your story is a non sequitur. The fact that you did not get the bp did not cause any of the mishaps that followed. Your obsession with the game (and being so emotionally affected by it) and your decision to bring your drink to your desk where it could potentially do a great deal of damage, especially when you were half asleep and your motor skills were impaired--those were the causes of your misery. Take a deep breath, relax, life goes on.

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Your story is a non sequitur. The fact that you did not get the bp did not cause any of the mishaps that followed. Your obsession with the game (and being so emotionally affected by it) and your decision to bring your drink to your desk where it could potentially do a great deal of damage, especially when you were half asleep and your motor skills were impaired--those were the causes of your misery. Take a deep breath, relax, life goes on.

If I had woken up when the tweet went off and sat at my computer and got my systems, i never woulda bothered to go upstairs to get some food.  I woulda gone back to bed, a happy man.. with a non-ruined keyboard and speaker system :(

Edited by Soulie
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I have a lot of time invested into this game.  It's pretty much the only game I play right now.  Is it really any surprise that missing something I've been waiting for, would upset me a little bit?


Also, even if I had the platinum, I would never buy a virtual item that costs $25, the cost of a game itself.  I just don't feel right about doing that.  I've never done that in any F2P game I've played and don't plan on doing that any time soon.

I have almost 300 hours in, not nearly as much as you if what I read above is true (that you're rank 2) but I still wouldn't let it affect my actual life. It's a game, its meant to be relaxing and something you do to get away from the troubles of life, not something that adds to your troubles :S But everyone is different, so *shrug*.

And yeah like I said, my point wasn't 'spend plat if you want it', I have the plat and am also waiting to farm it from alerts. It was simply stating that you can work for it that's all.

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If I had woken up when the tweet went off and sat at my computer and got my systems, i never woulda bothered to go upstairs to get some food.  I woulda gone back to bed, a happy man.


You are your own person. You made the decision to get food or go to sleep. You have also chosen, slowly over several months, to be so emotionally affected by a game. It's a game, the only power it has over you is the power you let it have. This game has caused you no harm, your very decisions were the root of your harm. 

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In the long run, you will get the blueprint.


Or "eventually".


That's the mentality for online gaming, and everyone need to grasp it. No matter how terrible it sounds XD


But I'm not in control of when eventually is. Eventually is in the control of an alert system that can pop up at any time. I can get it 2 years from now or I can get it today. We won't know. If I was farming it and going at my pace it's up to me to decide how fast I get it.

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