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If You Remove Coptering You Might As Well Remove The Entirety Of Melee.


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I really wish everybody would get off their high horse about coptering being an exploit. It took DE all of two weeks to fix Viver and the syndicate reputation system. If they actually thought coptering was game breaking, they would have taken it out some time in the 2.5 years that they've known about it.  A better question for you to ask is: How many games have bunny hopping and then took it out after the player community embraced it?





They removed it, but put it again because forum rage, they have know it was a bug, it was fixed, i remember, at starts of OB.

People come here saying they like it, because it was uniq, and it was giving players one option to use melee weapons (...?)

When melee 2.0 comes, they have do something, they buffed all melee weapons, it means, buffed atack speed (on what is based that bug)...

But not all weapons works the same, not all weapons was balanced for that, because  they never care, or they never wanted to melee weapons work like that.

And if someone come and say "no all weapons works because its balance" , NO.

DE know, and ever know, how gamebreaking it was, they dont remove it because people reaction, just like its happening here.

DE is never going to do that awesome job they are doing with parkour 2.0, a new movement mechanic, balanced, skillfull, not based on your melee and let everyone every frame, every player, move with the same balance and ways, because someone want to swing the melee and ignore that mechanic, because they dont like it? Really?

I remember a topic where someone says "give us the option to have old and new excalibur without the rework"... Do think DE are going to waste that effort and time and put 2 different excaliburs, when they know, community know, the new ones is better?

For long time, melee weapons on most of the players was ignored because movement, parkour on actual game was ignore because coptering, and other movement mechanics, people complain about coptering, because the only way to move they know is that.

Is not balance when someone doing parkour is overshadow for someone coptering for all the room, is not balance when a sword alone player is overshadow from someone with tipedo on movement, and DE know that is not going to work together.

If coptering exist in the game, no one is going to do parkour, i know people who do both, parkour incombination with melees, but that is not the point, because 2 o 3 doing that, it doesnt mean everyone is going to do that  way, so DE want, a better player experience about movement, a balanced movement, when someone have to learn how to move, where someone have to learn how to move fast, and not build your melee to move fast, that was never the point, and now they are going to fix it.

We all know, coptering never was intended, we all know coptering never was balanced (they never touch the speed and distance on coptering, just atack speed on melee weapons)...


I can say i see more positive comments about the removal of coptering.


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I like coptering, but I'm not sorry to see it go. The new parkour system seems like it could be as good or better than coptering, without relying on having a particular weapon equipped. And at any rate, there's still going to be the slide-flip-melee, which is significantly better than coptering on low-copter weapons like the Galatine.

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Parkour 2.0 isn't getting rid of coptering it's replacing it meaning you will have new and better ways to get around than a system that's a couple years old. Melee is very viable and not useful for only maneuverability. They also do not plan on removing directional air melee. SHOO SHOO captain fearmonger SHOO take off your tinfoil hat and go outside or something.

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Players are going to use what is efficient and practical.  If parkour 2.0 cannot get you to your destination at least as fast as a Rush Loki running on foot, then it's not practical, and if it can't do it without requiring ten different key presses and millisecond-accurate timing, then it's not efficient.  Coptering works because it's both.


This is true, but we really don't have enough information on the new parkour 2.0 moves to confirm this one way or the other.


As previously stated, lower mobility could actually be a good thing, mainly in PvP where everyone's constantly flying around at a million billion miles an hour and getting to your spawnpoint within seconds.

Edited by 4G3NT_0R4NG3
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In Warframe, melees are only useful for movement enhancement only. Period.


You can be a invisilbe loki using dual ichors and your melee dps still doesn't keep up with your guns. All melees are weak compared to guns, but they are still useful because they can aid your movement (hence why people don't like using weapons that are too slow like scythes and axes). But with parkour 2.0 they are planning to remove the coptering and air meleeing capabilites from melee weapons, which will utterly ruin melees.

firstly, the idea that melee is only good for movement is a completely inaccurate statement. 

Does  melee need some work? yes, we  need better targeting, mobility accuracy, speed, damage buff (  albeit marginally on that last part). Coptering is nor was ever a design for movement, it was and is an attack, the reason it works so well for movement is because A: movement mechanics need reworking B: melee special attacks  need more player control to use them  effectively. As it stands  right now, attacking with your melee  weapon either spins you around with your camera in tow trying to keep  a bead on the target you're attacking and/or gets you stuck in various animations if you press the button to fast and need to switch back to guns. 

Melee attacks never should  of become movement mechanics. The problem isn't that they are going to fix the problem making coptering obsolete the problem is that the mechanics should of been fixed a long time ago.

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They never said that it was formally getting removed as an attack, they are really only fixing a 2 year old glitch. That said, what they are doing is changing the way attack speed, animation, and momentum react to each other, so some of the other mechanics might disappear, like moving in a melee swing. Hopefully they will just cut the link of attack speed to animation and momentum.

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