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Dammit! You're Doing It Again! (Event Reward Balance Thread)


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Think I have the rationale down for each system.

PC: pioneers. They do what they want.

Xbone: mimics. Must have what pc has.

Ps4: special snowflakes. Need to pick the option no one else does.

Does that about cover it?

Its more like this

PC: Minmaxer. Doing it for the gun and feel that Alad deserves yet another chance.

Xbone: mimic. More like pc, but seem to do it more for the shiny gun.

Ps4: lore addicts. Want to see a different take on the lore. Don't care about the gun as much.

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Going to go ahead and lock this down.


The simple fact is that had the scales been leaning towards the other side, the rewards would be swapped.


Basically, whichever side starts to lose will start offering better rewards. It's competition at it's most simple. It's the same with companies who compete with lower prices to customers.


The players are entirely in control of who wins and who loses in this event. Now whether players can focus on the long goal or get blinded by short term greed by the better incentives offered by the losing side... that remains to be seen.

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