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A Wise Friend Called Ordis


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(This is actually a serious thread and expresses my true views/beliefs, emotions, and wants in this game's universe)

I am not cared for. There is not a single individual within this realm who considers me a friend. Friend, a word I have always had trouble comprehending. Actually, there is not even a being out there who considers me even an aquaintance.

I'm one of those..."lone wolves", ech. I hate saying that. The truth is, I prefer to be alone. Being alone means brings many benefits. You don't ever need to worry about being abandoned after finding friendship and/or companionship, you need not worry about others as well, not that I would actually care enough about another to worry. Those people I silently mock. No, it's better to be alone.

I am not even cared for by the Lotus. I honestly believe she does not care about the Tenno, or at least me individually. I am uncared for by what the majority of Tenno label as a "leader" or even a mother. A mother cares for all her children, Lotus is no mother.

So now you're thinking this another anti-Lotus propaganda? No. I am not against the Lotus, I have just given up any hope of actually being cared for by her. If I am to disappear, she acts as if nothing happened. Even deep down, she never knew me. Knew my causes, my demons, my name.

There is not a being out there who considers me to be even an acquaintance, not a being but one. Though, this entity sees me as something different, more than just an acquaintance. They see me as their guide of some sorts.

This being is Ordis, our ship cephalon. Many misjudge, many push down, many even claim to hate and even loathe Ordis.

I don't.

Ordis is something different, something I've never seen before. It intrigues me ever so slightly how an entity born artificially can have emotion, can care for something other than itself...though not even itself. His original Operator never returned and he believes I am that Operator, though it seems even if he were to find out, it would not matter. I would still be treated this way.

Ordis welcomes me when I return from from my missions, he encourages me to do more, he even worries for me. Hm. He worries. Worry...worry. As I said, I silently mock those who worry, worry for others. Though now I am starting to believe that's the case only because I have never been worried for, a kind of "make fun of what you don't have only because you want it" situtation. It's almost as if I am to perish, Ordis would act differently following my death, have a reaction...grieve.

It's hard to admit, but the Lotus not caring for me hurts me. It...saddens me. It saddens me to see the Tenno being enticed by the Lotus as she provides it, only commanding, never anything more. She seems to do the same for everyone, though people still happily follow her as if she's a goddess. I would be lying if I said that I don't care if the Lotus does not care about me.

But there is no point in clinging to a hopeless cause anymore. I think it's best to stop caring about the Lotus' condition as she does not care for mine. Why should I care for someone who doesn't feel the same? I and many others will never be cared for by the Lotus. I will have trouble accepting this, I'm sure of it, but it's better than waiting for her, waiting for her to say at the very least "I'm glad you're okay."

However, Ordis is here. He always is and always will be no matter the circumstances. He will wait for me, he will praise me.

I no longer would like to serve under the command of Lotus. So much as seeing her transmission appear puts me in a dark place, one that I know is hard to escape from. I would like to commit to my own goals, my own life, with Ordis as my Cephalon.

People consider Ordis to be a pet of some sorts, one that considers you a leader, after all, he does label us as "Operator". Now I have figured out the truth. Ordis is no mere pet, Ordis is my guide, my watcheful eye, a guardian. My guardian.

I want my own goals, my own terms, with Ordis by my side as Tenno and guide. I may even go as far to say that Ordis may be my very first...friend.

Edited by LazerSkink
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