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Which To One Toy With First?


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Currently I have a boltor and a snipetron. I plan to eventually get both of them to lvl 30 and potatoed. But right now i have only one catalyst to use as i wait for another alert to come up. Which one do you guys think would be a good idea to use the potato on first? (I do have sidearms to compliment both of them so don't worry about that)

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Just potato Boltor. You'll be happier.


There is no need (yet) for a tactical sniper in this game.

Create the need. I snipe infested toxic ancients before they come near my team. :) (infested def only)

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    Before I did the reset I was using the Snipertron with my Ash and I had low expectations for it at first. Then it was waaay fun to use. BAM dead... BAM dead... lol I did try the Boltor too though and I have to say, you have a tough decision to make. What is your favorite or current side arm? I'd ultimately base my choice on that since your planning to level both eventually.

EDIT: Reread and I must have missed your side-arm part. Sorry about that. Also, only use Rank 2 (15%) Magazine Warp on Snipertron

Edited by 7.T.
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