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Thoughts From (Now) Half Crazy Person Who Did 100 Emergency Escape Runs


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When I first heard about the new tactical alert, with its easter egg returning exclusives featuring extreme low drop rates, I took it as a personal challenge to overcome this ultimate RNG obstacle, for no reasons other than funzies (and to stick it to the elitists). So I ran 100 runs (on my 104th as I am writing this - ash bladestorm does wonders), on public, to meet with people and see what their thoughts are on this alert (pics or it didn't happen http://puu.sh/iHVIC/d28fe891a2.jpg). I'm genuinely concerned that while I'm doing it for fun, there are quite alot of people who take the alert seriously to get their missed mods/sigils (the chat in the screenshot resulted from me promising a teammate to give them fanged fusillade if we get something exclusive this round as a bonus) and will likely never get what they need despite how much effort they put in.


QUESTION FOR THE COMMUNITY: Just how much grind can be considered reasonable? Is it even ethical to add in exclusive rewards, fully knowing it's a statistical impossibility for a player to get it with a certain amount of grind? Has this little easter egg joke gone too far? I would rather they not add the rewards at all, than to give false hope to people who missed out with lottery level drop rates. 


P.S. 100 rounds, got nothing :P


Special thanks to Deathtrain78 and Trickst3rGawd  (among lots of others, they're just in my mission currently lol) for providing me with hours of fun listening to my insane rambles and sharing their thoughts.


TLDR: ran 100 tactical alert runs, got nothing, I thought it was funny but some people may not, should DE even play a joke like this?

Edited by azndomin8tion
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I haven't played a single game from this tac alert, and probably wont. It's way too grindy, and due to endless modes being played the most I just can't bother with it.

Luckily i did played Gate Crash and Phoenix interception for sigil and mods, so It's not a great loss. running over 100 runs just to get one mod? Nope not worth it, even if its a primed chamber.

Edited by Ognj
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I did post before that the chances of you getting the set in the time frame is less likely than winning the lotto. The funny thing is they decide to do the alert on the draco tile set even though they've bought it up on dev streams how the recruitment channel is 95% all draco asking for Mesa and the usual crew. So the question is, why encourage it or was it DE's plan all along just to tease people with the rewards? Could this be because there seems to be fewer players actually playing of late? At least what I feel anyway. The reason behind this thinking is I've changed locations the last week and some locations didnt even have a player on or very few. I know I will be playing alot less as soon as I get Elite dangerous, that looks epic. 

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And I cast average 3 bladestorms per wave with it chaining 3-4 times, calculate how many of those execution animations I've seen in these last 3 days 

that would make ANYONE insane.........


at 9 executions/wave = ~22500


at 12 executions/wave = ~30000


Edited by xcynderx
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I did post before that the chances of you getting the set in the time frame is less likely than winning the lotto. The funny thing is they decide to do the alert on the draco tile set even though they've bought it up on dev streams how the recruitment channel is 95% all draco asking for Mesa and the usual crew. So the question is, why encourage it or was it DE's plan all along just to tease people with the rewards?

Or they just want to burn players out even more on Draco.

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Or maybe NOT grind?


People wouldnt grind if tactical alert wasnt created to be grindy, dunno if they created alert in such way to burn out people  who grind on draco but it backfired at least in my case, I never did draco grinding and look at me now bringing mesa to tactical alert every time(would use ash if I had it), at first I was briging my favorite frame nova prime but it was  making alert even longer,  I got seriously bored of doing same mission for hour every time.

Edited by Culaio
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And I cast average 3 bladestorms per wave with it chaining 3-4 times, calculate how many of those execution animations I've seen in these last 3 days

Virtual high 5

I used Ash for most of the runs. And whatever kept me engaged was the shock on mesa users when they realised I gotten more kills then them.

100th run today too.

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I don't understand why people farmed this so hard. You could have done anything else, IRL or in game, to get enough plat (or money to buy enough plat) to buy the dang things from trade chat and been done with it lol

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Virtual high 5

I used Ash for most of the runs. And whatever kept me engaged was the shock on mesa users when they realised I gotten more kills then them.

100th run today too.

You... I like you. You get a thumbs up and 1 internet cookie because I dislike mesa hotheads.

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