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Parkour 2.0 Issue: "gotta Go Fast" Hurts The Game


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In that case, let's just remove PvP from the game. It appears that's what 90% of people in this thread want do do anyways.


Heres a honest reply.


The game really isnt intended for pvp in the first place. While we CAN, its not scaled right, and things like coptering make for a poor experience.


People cannot adapt, and complain about mele users using fists at them, and it seems to be a really hard concept to drop back and shoot them with guns.


This is not the games fault of course, but the people that play pvp are the ones that try to balance it, a sometimes actually get what they want.


This should bother you.

Edited by Sakatchi
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Movement speed isn't the only problem. It's one of the problems pack which all together make this game become tooo fast pace, grinding, farming, ridiculous enemies scaling and more about one shot or smashing but less about tactical and fun gameplay.

This game, having barely existed lore and engaging elements, using rewards and loots as an incentive to attract old player. When they play, they don't really play, but merely just want to get the rewards asap.

Besides, the vicious cycle of buffing frames and the enemies make it more about using op abilities and weapons to kill others before they do that to you. And to prevent being kill too soon, a ridiculously fast movement speed is required. That's another cause.

So, if movemnet speed is to be adjusted, the core incentive of the game, or at least the rewarding system needs to be changed to, as well as the enemies and warframes power level.

Just for you to know, I agree with you, op.

Edited by climatiseur
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I don't care about parkour speed. I just want them to make the animations look good, and perhaps raise sprinting speed for all frames by 5-15% based off of the frame's current sprint speed. I've done almost everything in this game and it's getting to the point that the game itself is a race to MR19 to me. The only other things keeping me coming back are PvP, the clan I'm in, and the next major update. As a result, when I do play the game rather than idle in clan chat it isn't to take the scenic route.

Edited by AeroSoup
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Not only that, but all parts of parkour 2.0 would have to be slowed down equally, to prevent certain parkour moves from being more useful than others exclusively in PvP.

No, it would be pretty dumb to have pvp affect pve since no one but a very small fraction of the community asked for pvp and a small fraction actually want pvp to die so imagine the reaction should pvp affect pve.


Seeing as this is a pve game. pvp folks would have to live with it  should pve affect pvp somehow until a non pve affecting solution is found.


So if  move become more useful than others, well, that's how it works and it's up to the PVP TEAM to sort it out, not the pve team to make adjustments to their content to suit pvp. it makes no sense to do that.


Imagine if Halo multiplayer affect the campaign in a negative way.


So try go over to the pvp section, make this thread or ask a mod to move this thread to pvp section, remove pve parts of the thread and argue against speed there because no one here gives a damn about pvp. So you won't find anyone sympathetic to your pvp cuse and the pvp team would be happy to listen to you and make adjustments to keep parkour as close to pve as possible w/o breaking pvp.As for mobility skills, you can visit the warframe section to make suggestions on making them relevant.


In the end, it is far better to improve on old things to to make new things worse. This game is ever caning, it's time old things change as well.

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Movement speed isn't the only problem. It's one of the problems pack which all together make this game become tooo fast pace, grinding, farming, ridiculous enemies scaling and more about one shot or smashing but less about tactical and fun gameplay.

This game, having barely existed lore and engaging elements, using rewards and loots as an incentive to attract old player. When they play, they don't really play, but merely just want to get the rewards asap.

Besides, the vicious cycle of buffing frames and the enemies make it more about using op abilities and weapons to kill others before they do that to you. And to prevent being kill too soon, a ridiculously fast movement speed is required. That's another cause.

So, if movemnet speed is to be adjusted, the core incentive of the game, or at least the rewarding system needs to be changed to, as well as the enemies and warframes power level.

Just for you to know, I agree with you, op.

If enemies actually used tactics, this wouldn't be an issue., they give warframes all this power, but won't bother with giving the enemies the power to fight it.


So if they nerf speed, they must nerf enemies too right, that's how it works. One good nerf deserves another, same with buffs. it's an endless cycle because in the end, overpowered must be felt on boths sides rather than enemies get tactical forcing tenno to do the same.


there should be an Enemies 2.0...


Nerfing, slow speed isn't going to do a damn thing. That is a promise.


Until enemies change(not really smart ai), the steamrolling, trailblazing content mindset won't ever end, and if you try to force this to work, you'll may get a boring game if done wrong. So speed or slow, both are risky given the slow complaints...


If folks want to be fast, give them speed...At a price. A hefty one at that. make them earn it, but not at a slow pace.

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Blame the mind-rotting repetitiveness of trying to get a certain reward.

They need to fix the weak foundations of the reward mechanics, and then we can deal with this sort of thing.


I'm not saying skipping a whole tile by coptering is good, but if you remove it and still force people to play the same mission over 70 times to get a single part ... well, many are surely going to burn out and leave.

^This man speaks the truth. Until the repetitiveness is solved, speed complaint shall never end. 


They always say how people want to blaze through content, but they have NO IDEA how many years they have been doing the same content over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over till the pint in which they play another game...


W/o speed and the same old grind, there is less motivation to play. At least going fast keeps them amused.


But if they go slow, they realize how long the grind is and quit while they are ahead.


The have been through the content, shot every enemy, pretty must did it all untill they said fuckit and go fast because they are SICk of doing the same crap over and over and over and over and over especially at a slow pace which shall make them give up even sooner and play anther game.


Seeing as people hate the parkour speed, it seems people may play another game real soon...If they still hate the parkour.


Why do the same content over and over at a slow pace when you can play another game? Eh?


Then play another game? ok, they shall. You don't need people who rush and leave you behind? As you wish, less people to play with. Not that you would get left behind after U17 unless you are really slow.


So that is why speed is important and that it's really fun.

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Blame the mind-rotting repetitiveness of trying to get a certain reward.

They need to fix the weak foundations of the reward mechanics, and then we can deal with this sort of thing.


I'm not saying skipping a whole tile by coptering is good, but if you remove it and still force people to play the same mission over 70 times to get a single part ... well, many are surely going to burn out and leave.



I totally agree with that,  what I meant with my words was that for years now DE has been too caught up in slowing players down. This may or may not have been one of the contributing reasons, and now that they're removing this horribly glitchy 'mechanic' they can rest easy knowing they've done something to figuratively break our knees and may only now begin fleshing out the rest of the games systems once they see how mind rottingly boring their actual content is after being made to go through it a hundred times for the latest and greatest reward.

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