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Why Does Electric Melee Mod Do So Little Damage For So High Cost?


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Simple question:


Why does "Shocking Touch" the electrical damage mod for melee weapons cost so many mod points for so little damage?


Currently I have it at 20% damage for a whopping NINE mod points.


Anyone like to explain to me?


And if there is not a really good explanation, I would like to request that it be balanced to either do much more damage or cost much less in mod slots. 

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You've posted this in the wrong section. It should be in Weapon Feedback. The design team regularly checks those threads, but in General Discussion it will get lost in a sea of other issues and eventually be buried.

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That is basically because it stuns corpus. If you have it on a fast melee weapon it will stunlock anything from the corpus faction.


This logic doesn't work. Fire is great on infested, AP is great on Grineer, Frost is great on everything.

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This logic doesn't work. Fire is great on infested, AP is great on Grineer, Frost is great on everything.

Honestly I dont want anything buffed because the balance of the universe dictates that when things are buffed other things should be nerfed to restore the balance...

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DE made it so that every weapon has an elemental that doesn't work so well for it, for example AP for pistols, electrical for melee and, I think, freeze for rifles.

Freeze for rifle is at 15% per rank.

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I did say 'I think' because I wasn't sure.

Pistol AP is at 5% per rank

Rifle AP is at 10% per rank

Shotgun AP is at 15% per rank

Melee AP is at 15% per rank.

Pistol and Shotgun multishot is at 20% per rank,

while Rifle multishot is at 15% per rank.

Melee is missing a multihit(hitting multiple target) mod

Rifle/pistol/shotgun all have puncture mod

Melee is missing of equivalent mod(two/three damage on single target?).

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Pistol AP is at 5% per rank

Rifle AP is at 10% per rank

Shotgun AP is at 15% per rank

Melee AP is at 15% per rank.

Pistol and Shotgun multishot is at 20% per rank,

while Rifle multishot is at 15% per rank.

Melee is missing a multihit(hitting multiple target) mod

Rifle/pistol/shotgun all have puncture mod

Melee is missing of equivalent mod(two/three damage on single target?).

Achievement get!

Wiki reader!

(minecraft? anyone?)

But in all seriousness my point stands every category has it's weak elemental (except maybe shotguns, go check if you you want).

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Achievement get!

Wiki reader!

(minecraft? anyone?)

But in all seriousness my point stands every category has it's weak elemental (except maybe shotguns, go check if you you want).

Can you not be so negative?

My first reply was to correct what you unsure of, you took it hostile;

My second reply was to layout the comparison of missing mods melee is lack off;

Here is the basic damage mod:

Point Blank: 15% per rank, 5 ranks

Serration: 15% per rank, 10 ranks

Hornet Strike: 20% per rank, 10 ranks

Pressure Point: 7% per rank, 5 ranks.

Every category, out of shotgun/pistol/rifle have weak element;

But Melee is toooooo weak to even make a into that category.

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Shock is only useful for very low levels (I put one on my Skana when I was still on Venus, then dumped it as soon as I was done.) If it's going to be good, it needs some serious buffs. Possibly a lingering damage? Or an increased range?

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Melee damage mods are kinda weird. Along with a worthless shock, pressure point is only 7%, and the crits somehow manage to be even worse. That's another reason why charge attacks are so much better- killing blow is 3x as effective. 

Based on what i know, Shock attacks also deal adicional damage against shielded enemies.

Nope, that's ice.

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Melee mods seem crappy in comparison to secondary and primary mods. Would appreciate dev explanation or melee mod buff.

Maybe make shock have a chance to make shields more damagable? Or sizzle MOA's and synthetics and make them missfire for a second for all gun factions? I don't even know.


I'd at least like it to be in line with frost/fire mods though.

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