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Sniper Improvements + Stealth Talk.


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Just a short idea post today, been thinking on stealth and snipers for a while now and came to some conclusions on things that might help imporve the system and encorage divergent game play.


One thing that i find lacking with snipers is mainly to do with level design as there are not many open areas in the current maps for them to be viable. However a lot of rooms are connected in long strings by singular doors, following along thoughs lines i thought of the RDT: Remote Door Trigger.

An attachment or physical modification to snipers that uses a secondary fire to shoot a projectile that sticks to doors and fools/hacks them into opening as if there is an allied unit standing near them. This would not work on locked or alerted doors and the usual pannel hack would be required.

I feel this would bring a lot more useability to snipers and allow more ways to play Warframe than the linear run-gun-power and help open up the game in a more latteral sence.

Hell Tenno hack mainframes and systems often enough you would think they would find a way to trick doors easy enough.


I know many people that enjoy sniper/stealth gameplay on many other games, i feel it is a shame that in a game as awsome as this it feels lack luster.

I always feel boxed into melee range when doing stealth runs even though it is equaly satisfactory shooting heads from across the room without being seen.


On a side note: What the hell is up with daggers? How do the Tenno swing 80kg hammers around without much effort but can't jab a knife into someones ribs with even 1/2 of that speed.

Simple fix; higher attack speed (1.2 base) and ignore half an enemys armour? Their damage isn't that bad but they should not have an rough average base attack speed of 0.75 when the Scindo is sitting on 0.9

A extra Dagger specific stealth modifier would do the trick even though that would be a lot of work.


Please reply or give additional ideas, i look forward to any feedback =3


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It's an interesting idea, but that would require another button to keybind to secondary fire so as to leave zoom open. May be worth exploring just having a secondary fire button somewhere in general.

Instead, why not make doors that are in the targeting reticle of a zoomed-in sniper open? It'd leave snipers with a lot more wiggle room than having to commit some of their precious ammo and time to try and navigate which doors are open and when, and would make it less exploitable to simply leave a door open with a sniper and then have your team pour lead down the ajoining hallway.

Otherwise, I like the idea. It doesn't fix snipers, but it certainly does open them up a bit.


As far as daggers go, halving enemy armor would certainly give them an edge in higher level content that longer range and harder hitting weapons wouldn't. They'd still be a niche weapon, one that would be left useless thanks to an all Corrosive Projection team, but at least the option would be there.

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The name of the thread gave an idea, make snipers deal stealth damage if you are at a certain amount of meters away, like, if you are at 25 you get a x2, if you are at 50 you get a x4 and so on. It would be like what they are doing with shotguns but reverted!

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It's an interesting idea, but that would require another button to keybind to secondary fire so as to leave zoom open. May be worth exploring just having a secondary fire button somewhere in general.

Instead, why not make doors that are in the targeting reticle of a zoomed-in sniper open? It'd leave snipers with a lot more wiggle room than having to commit some of their precious ammo and time to try and navigate which doors are open and when, and would make it less exploitable to simply leave a door open with a sniper and then have your team pour lead down the ajoining hallway.

Otherwise, I like the idea. It doesn't fix snipers, but it certainly does open them up a bit.


As far as daggers go, halving enemy armor would certainly give them an edge in higher level content that longer range and harder hitting weapons wouldn't. They'd still be a niche weapon, one that would be left useless thanks to an all Corrosive Projection team, but at least the option would be there.

Nice thoughts with the sniper zoom auto-opening doors, however i belive there is already keybinding options to seperate Zoom from secondary fire.


Yes i do see that the projection team would be a bummer on the daggers xD. They will always be a niche wepon, it just adds some useability back. (plus a Viral proc would make them pretty decent in high level content even with low damage if you modded that way)


The name of the thread gave an idea, make snipers deal stealth damage if you are at a certain amount of meters away, like, if you are at 25 you get a x2, if you are at 50 you get a x4 and so on. It would be like what they are doing with shotguns but reverted!

That is a good idea but it would be hard to balance, snipers already do a lot of damage in any case *cough* 4million Vectus *cough*, might be better if it gave an affinity booster based on range? However point well made as a similar system is already inplace with the shotguns damage fall off =3

Edited by SairentoKorosu
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That's an interesting idea.
I would die for a Thermal Visor for sniper guns. Or for a Stealth Cape when stationary wielding Sniper guns.
With the incoming Parkour 2.0 clinging to walls, stealthing and waiting for preys would be wonderful... Only a little bit hard to reload the gun with one hand... but.. details..

And what about a Sniper Bossfight?
The boss would maybe stealth and run away ala Grineer Manic after getting hit or ambushed.

Edited by Burnthesteak87
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That's an interesting idea.

I would die for a Thermal Visor for sniper guns. Or for a Stealth Cape when stationary wielding Sniper guns.

With the incoming Parkour 2.0 clinging to walls, stealthing and waiting for preys would be wonderful... Only a little bit hard to reload the gun with one hand... but.. details..

And what about a Sniper Bossfight?

The boss would maybe stealth and run away ala Grineer Manic after getting hit or ambushed.



I love this idea

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