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Endgame Zone: Event Horizon


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The origin of this idea was born from the fellow Tenno MrPigman


MrPigman's Necropolis


The sky and the zone would look roughtly like these photos down there

(I took them from internet)




The sugestion is a endgame zone, a type of mission that will be raid like, allowing 8 players max (min 1)


This zone will be what the void tried to be but failed.


Event Horizon is a place situated in the deepest part of The Void, this huge place consist in wild forest, ancient Tenno ruins, and differences, Event Horizon would be divided between territories, each for one Tenno tribe: Madurai, Vazarin, Naramon, Zenurik, and in the center of the place, a huge tower that rises until the sky, where a huge Black Hole is slowly devouring this wild land, this Black Hole produces Nightmare mode like low gravity in the whole land.


This Event Horizon will be the biggest map of warframe, full of natural (mountains, gorges, etc) and artificial (ruins) traps and parkour trials, that will take you to ancient artifacts and secrets (No, no more worthless crates with some credits, minimum a rare mod, and in the hardest trials, an ancient artifact that could be a Tenno weapon or a new kind of mod), with many traps and trials based in phyisical laws defied by the Black Hole, giving the Tenno a brand new way to solve the Puzzles and Trials ahead.


The enemies of this place would be the wildlife of the Void, strange and nightmare inducing creatures, experienced at facing Tennos and users of the Void's raw power, and of course, the Tribal Tenno, Tennos whose spacial vessel got trapped in the void and never came back, have been living there for too much time, they have become extremelly dangerous and they despise foreign Tennos.


Each Tribe will have suitless Tenno useing Raw void powers, some kinds of Warframe of those we use, and even new Warframe models that will later be adapted to be used by the player and will be farmeable only in the Event Horizon.


Dangerous Raid bosses will be able to spawn randomly in the Event Horizon, with higher chance inside the central tower that heads to the Black Hole, the most dangerous part of this place.

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sounds like my PC couldn't run this lol, but it sounds like more of a MMO style map its huge monsters roaming around and argo you if you get to close. Im playing TERA right now as i type this(waiting to find a party for a dungeon) so this is what it sounds like to me.

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sounds like my PC couldn't run this lol, but it sounds like more of a MMO style map its huge monsters roaming around and argo you if you get to close. Im playing TERA right now as i type this(waiting to find a party for a dungeon) so this is what it sounds like to me.

The original Black Hole in the sky idea come from TERA, those skies at night were amazing. 


Sounds fun- can't really see it not conflicting with lore, but fun nonetheless. I'd like to see something like this. +1

Lore is sadly not really defined, but if some were to be necesary, we could say the Tenno came back to the Void to find a way to become stronger and beat the improved Sentients, and there they got trapped in the Event Horizon of a massive Black Hole, needing to explore and find a way to power up their Lisets to escape this disasterous zone.


Will think a bit more about the quest.


This would be rather interesting. It would be nice to have a large map to roam around and explore. Only problem I could see is low end rigs might not be able to run it smoothly.

I would divide each clan's territory to lighten up the process and help end computers, and of course the Material Tower in the centre.



I would really like to add The Mithos Warframe I proposed to this zone as raid bosses for the Event Horizon, but the idea was ignored so I think they weren't a good idea and should be left out of this.

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Lore is sadly not really defined, but if some were to be necesary, we could say the Tenno came back to the Void to find a way to become stronger and beat the improved Sentients, and there they got trapped in the Event Horizon of a massive Black Hole, needing to explore and find a way to power up their Lisets to escape this disasterous zone.

Now that I think about it. DE did say they were gonna "blow up the void" and "the void is falling apart, and it's gonna throw it's stuff everywhere" This would tie in nicely with that...

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I have been thinking about some puzzles and trials.


Would you like to see trials and puzzles that need a special frame to advance?



-A huge boulder is blocking the way, Valkyr's ripline and the strenght of the rest of frames moves this boulder out of the way.


-A elemental device is blocking a way, Chroma will hold that device and activate elemental ward and vex armor, elemental enemies will enter the zone and will be aggroed to the device and its holder, the vex armor increase will charge the device with the different elements that Chroma absorb and channels.


-A wall is affected by the Black Hole, it's impossible to climb up there with bare hands and feet as the wall is in a indeterminate state between liquid, gas and solid (or something like that, there are no physical laws here, but still, i have to think more about this one), Excalibur will make a way up there by nailing energy swords for every frame to be able to reach the top by climbing


-A stream of rocks is flying everywhere over a huge chasm at top speeds, Limbo's rift interacts in the Event Horizon by stopping time while it durates, cataclism will make a path of floating rocks to the other side while it lasts.


-Deadly creatures plague a zone, being seen means being slaughtered, Ash's groupal invisibility and Loki's decoy will save the day.


-Tornadoes are everywhere, pushing everyone that touches them and and preventing anyone to cross the zone, Zephyr's winds can deflect the tornadoes or even make them disappear.


-Ember's flames will burn the oxigen in the room, creating vacuum and ashpyxiating enemies in the room or extinguishing flames.


These are just some examples, i want to read some opinions about them.


And I think i found something new about the tribes and the new possible warframes that I didn't realize before.


DE could implement some Warframe concepts they want to try as placeholder enemies in the Tribes, and later if they work and the people wants, they could add them as Warframes.

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I love the idea of a puzzle focus. Seems like it could be a cool Tileset. I imagine an Earth style but Purples and Blues and Reds (instead of Greens) and more ancient ruins (Maya, Aztec, etc styles).


One thing. Rather than it IS the Void or w/e. Perhaps a "World in the Void." To me the Void is like a separate dimension / space (something akin to the Warp in 40K. This is more of a suggestion for my selfishness to fit my image.


Other suggestions:
"Suitless Tenno" Perhaps come up with a name that is unique to these beings. They are perhaps a complete form of what Tenno could be (if they had stayed in the void for an extended time, or are Part of what Tenno are, Tenno being a hybrid of these beings and humans.


Here are some barriers that make it unlikely DE would implement:

Size, I don't see DE shifting from Client Hosted maps, so the size of the map can't exceed a certain point.

Direction, wide open with all these directions isn't fitting with the unified goal of Warframe missions.


My solutions for those issues:

The Tower in the center that you mention, could function as a High End Relay. Server hosted like Relays.

From this point players can choose to travel to the lands you mentioned and perform the missions i.e. choose the Madurai area, which may have a random mission / trial generator, or would have a list of them.


Suggestions for some lore as it relates.

-"Tribal Tenno" as you call them could be two possibilites: 1. Humans exposed to the Void (like Tenno) but were never able to escape, this has caused them to go mad or "not understand" humans anymore. 2. They are the native beings of the Void, that the Tenno have somehow merged with which changed them from Human to the Tenno we know today.

-Purpose for going here: The Weapon you mention, the Tenno need to become stronger as the Solar System faces increasing threats (Sentients and more?) and by returning to the void, they can locate Relics (or or perhaps a physical manifestation of Void Energy) that can be used to power up individual Tenno. (How this will play into the game I'm not sure at this point, but perhaps a Power Creep but w/e).

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I love the idea of a puzzle focus. Seems like it could be a cool Tileset. I imagine an Earth style but Purples and Blues and Reds (instead of Greens) and more ancient ruins (Maya, Aztec, etc styles).


That's close to what I imagined, i would like a part where fissures cross the floor and purple light emanates from them, would give them a cool and supernatural look fit of this place


One thing. Rather than it IS the Void or w/e. Perhaps a "World in the Void." To me the Void is like a separate dimension / space (something akin to the Warp in 40K. This is more of a suggestion for my selfishness to fit my image.


The Event Horizon is a section of space where escaping is no longer possible if you aren't faster than light (there are more types of event horizon, and I explained it far too simpler than it really is, but it's a easy explanation to what this place is), a point of no return, so this place is a world in the Void, if you want to consider it that way, I see it like a planet that was trapped by the Black Hole and is being desintegrated slowly, an alive world, doomed to death, the Black Hole is the heart of the Void, but the Event Horizon can be considered the Void too. This Black Hole originated in the first Void dimension, and took it all, becoming incredibly big and dense, so much that it started dragging matter from the dimension next to it (Orokin Vessels disappearing and never coming back)


Other suggestions:

"Suitless Tenno" Perhaps come up with a name that is unique to these beings. They are perhaps a complete form of what Tenno could be (if they had stayed in the void for an extended time, or are Part of what Tenno are, Tenno being a hybrid of these beings and humans.


I have been thinking of adding them as Wildlife, mad Tennos, corrupted by the void to a extent that they can't be called living beings, nor dead, they are the embodiment of the Void, and are hostile to both the rest of Wildlife and Tribal Tenno, the Tenno is a middle point between the original universe and the Void, but the Frameless Tenno (placeholder name), they...are something far beyond.


Maybe they could be a Raid boss instead of the Tenno Mythos, but I would really like to see my Mythos come to life.


Here are some barriers that make it unlikely DE would implement:

Size, I don't see DE shifting from Client Hosted maps, so the size of the map can't exceed a certain point.

Direction, wide open with all these directions isn't fitting with the unified goal of Warframe missions.


About the size can't say much, but direction, well, it doesn't really have to collide, as it is a bit of every kind of mision, survival, defense, spy... (I want them to present themselves as random trials that happens at random zones, just like suddenly Lotus choses to switch mission type from sabotage to exterminate. You enter in some underground ruins and you see an artifact guarded by deadly creatures. this is where Loki/Ash comes to mind.


My solutions for those issues:

The Tower in the center that you mention, could function as a High End Relay. Server hosted like Relays.

From this point players can choose to travel to the lands you mentioned and perform the missions i.e. choose the Madurai area, which may have a random mission / trial generator, or would have a list of them.


Its a nice idea, I would like to have the tower, the closest point to the Black Hole as the hardest place, but sacrifices must be made, altough i'm not sure this would work, as some people has serious issues with the relays too. Only DE can know if they can do this or not.


Suggestions for some lore as it relates.

-"Tribal Tenno" as you call them could be two possibilites: 1. Humans exposed to the Void (like Tenno) but were never able to escape, this has caused them to go mad or "not understand" humans anymore. 2. They are the native beings of the Void, that the Tenno have somehow merged with which changed them from Human to the Tenno we know today.

-Purpose for going here: The Weapon you mention, the Tenno need to become stronger as the Solar System faces increasing threats (Sentients and more?) and by returning to the void, they can locate Relics (or or perhaps a physical manifestation of Void Energy) that can be used to power up individual Tenno. (How this will play into the game I'm not sure at this point, but perhaps a Power Creep but w/e).


I want to diferentiate 2 different beings:


-Frameless Tenno: explained before, orokin fleets trapped by the Void and never came back until the Zariman, humans (Probably) sent there after this to get more Tennos, being unlucky enough, couldnt come back and without warframe to protect them, they surrendered to madness


-Tribal Tenno: Orokin and present era Warframes randomly abducted by the Black Hole, they started creating a civilization, and survived by hunting and developing ancient technology, several wars led them to split in tribes inside the Event Horizon (The ruins around the whole Horizon are made by previous civilizations and by Tribemen, but several constructions and buildings got damaged of destroyed by the wars). Their frames protected them to some extent of the Void radiation and prevented them of madness, their power are improved by the Void being too close for too long, and they have the experience of milenia of conclave and survival against the wild creatures.


-There was a third case, as I named before, the Tenno Mythos or Warframe Mythos, that were supposed to be the middle point between Tribals and frameless, a step on the evolution of Tenno, and the Raid bosses of the Event Horizon. frameless Tenno that got a Warframe and both in unison evolved and mutated into a maddened being with powers that would be the nightmare of whole races like the Grineer, the Corpus... or the Sentients.


About purpose, I haven't made a quest yet, but roughtly it would be something about the line of Lotus asking us to go to the Void in a desperate attemp to stop the improved sentients of destroying the solar system, even knowing that she would no be able to comunicate with us and maybe lose us forever in this point of no return.


The Tennos need to find a way to become stronger, to get new artifacts, weapons, to release the chains that binds them and go one step ahead (focus system "avatar mode")



I have been writing some lines about the wildlife, some abilities, physical description, nothing too deep as I made them fast, they are minibosses by definition (Manic Bombard, Bursas and Behemot Juggernaut style), wild creatures tainted by the void, used to Warframe powers, they have evolved to counter them to some degree, they rarelly attack in more than 3 for species, and its even odder to see two of different species colaborating, the Tribal Tenno are afraid of the wildlife, but the wildlife is scared of the top predator, the Frameless Tenno... And they fear a 6 formaed Soma Prime.


The Tribes will be hostile to the player if it brings a Warframe of another Tribe, if the frames matches, the Tribe will help the Tenno and give it "sub missions" (Simmaris hunts), clues about how to solve puzzles or where to find an artifact, and even send some Tribemen to help in the missions like sindicates do. (The conversation menu will be similar to the one that you see when you speak to Simmaris)


If a frame of another tribe tries to infiltrate the settlement to steal a "Tribe artifact" or find important data about that Tribe, well.... good luck at dealing with a death squad of Warframes....

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These are the characteristics of the wildlife you will be able to fight in this endgame zone.

I have my doubts about if these creatures will present enought challenge to a raid team, but I think at least the Inater will to an extent.


I want to point that these creatures will fight in massive disadvantage (Sometimes 1 vs up to 8 Tennos) they will escalate in level depending of the average of mastery level of the Tenno group, they are a mix of bosses and special targets like the Manic or the Bursa, in some instances they will group up and attack the Tennos in groups of up to 4 of the same type or rarelly mixing with creatures of other races (groups up to 5 members), the only one that will appear always alone or up to 2 at the same time are the Inater, that are the top predator and are avoided by the rest of wildlife of the Event Horizon.


They have adapted to the Warframes, and are builded to counter some Warframes and fighting styles while being weak to others



-Creature of small size, like a big Osprey
-Bird with metallic colours in the whole body 
-Airborne unit with fast movement (like a normal osprey)
-Medium hp, huge armor and low shields.
-Can deplete magnetic stones that will atract or repel warframes depending of what armor they have, slowing them the more armor they have until complete inmovilization around 600 armor (bullets direction will be affected by these magnetical fields too) and even completelly closing a way for high armor Warframes until someone destroy these stones.
-The stones have low hp, one or two hits from any weapon will destroy them easily.
-It can take inmovilized enemies or even drops and use them as bullet with a Gauss gun effect, causing great damage if left unattended while charging.
-The magnetic fields can mess with the Warframe shield causing it to disappear until the Warframe gets out of the field or the field itself is neutraliced, can cause magnetic procs if exposed for more than 5 seconds to a field.
-Can latch itself to any enemy unit creating a mini magnetic field in that unit until it can take it off by rolling or with another Warframe's help.
-Magnetics procs will leave this unit without being able to attack and barelly moving for a while.

Draco elemental

-Dragon like unit of medium size (a bit bigger than Chroma)
-Western dragon creature with white colours that vary when it has a element to match that element's colour.
-Can move on earth, air or even under water with speed 
-High Hp. medium armor, medium shields
-It will try to tank every possible elemental attack to boost itself with them, covering any potential ally and tanking for them. 
-Has the capacity to evolve and adapt based on the elemental procs the enemies get on it. 
-These procs will give it new abilities and different scale colours to match what element it is using, along with a element coloured smoke flowing from the mouth.
-Can change between elements on the fly
-From it's spawn to when it dies, it will be charging internal elemental bateries, the more of a element it has in the bateries, the stronger the elemental atacks it does will be.
-If left unattended for long, will make a short animation and it will start creating composed elements from other elements, raising it's power level and giving it new techniques
-The elements it can handle are:
Heat, electric, water, air,toxin, cold, blast, corrosive, gas, magnetic, radiation and viral
-Can cause the corresponding proc along with the elemental attacks, getting a new proc type for Water (Hydroid) and air (Zephyr) elements
-Physical procs will severelly hurt it.



-Creature of small-medium size, as big as Oberon
-Humanoid unit with light armored body and 4 arms, wearing tattered and bloodstained clothes.
-Melee and medium distance unit, moves at top speed like a manic in ground and give long jumps in the air, capable to float for 2-3 seconds at slow pace.
-Medium hp. Very high armor, low shield.
-Able to use weapon stances, at first starts with bare punches and kicks with medium damage but hellish speed.
-Causing procs on it will make it create special weapons from thin air, one weapon for each hand, that will change the stances it uses,
Slash proc: skana like weapon, 1 meter longer
Impact proc: jag kittag like hammer, same jump attack blast proc
Puncture proc: javelin like weapon, able to be thrown to deal high lineal damage and come back likea glaive
Finisher proc: if survives this, develops a gauntlet that can crab a Tenno by the neck to supress it until the ally frees it by damaging Asura, each punch with this globe deals fast finisher damage, being by far the most dangerous weapon of Asura.
-Can throw huge boulders created by the Bastion creature in the rare case that they are allies in a fight to deal high damage
-Has innate life strike (5% hp steal per hit)
-Under 8% threshold, once per battle, it will enter in a hysteria state for 5 seconds and boost speed, attack speed, damage and lifesteal (2% more), this state can be bypassed by bursting it before the short animation plays before hysteria (From 10% hp and down, the Asura will start breathing red smoke to show that the hysteria is close)
-Can avoid any kind of proyectile, forcing the players to engage it in close combat, altough guns can be used to proc elements on it.
-Can give a loud shout, boosting ally's attack damage by 50% in area.
-Elemental procs will hurt him a lot.



-Big sized creature, resembles a huge armored lion, slightly bigger than Juggernaut Behemoth
-Deceitful slow movement in earth, able to give huge and fast jumps and even wall running and parkouring at Tenno level.
-High hp, very high armor, high shields
-This unit can't suffer critical hits, and if a critical hit was detected against it, would cause Bastion to retaliate with a ghostly claw in the face of the attacking Tenno (Deals high damage if not avoided in time)
-This creature can use Trinity's link to save itself or an ally. Can create also a inverted link to share damage between partners.
-Reactive armor that gives it more damage the more armor it has, in the most damaged spots the armor will be reinforced when regenerated, making it harder to break to access to the soft flesh (Improved iron skin). 
-Optical camouflage, allows Bastion to mimic itself in the ruins or in the forests of the Event Horizon, this will reset the Reactive armor to original level and will heal some health from Bastion.
-Different AOE roars that give various buffs to allies and debuff to enemies.
-Bastion can create huge boulders to defend itself in a pinch, some Warframes can interact with these to crush Bastion's armor hitting it with the boulders. Asura can throw them too as proyectiles
-Everytime this unit jumps, it creates small radious shockwaves that causes knockdown.
-It can use a strong stomp that will send forward 3 fissures in a cone, after 2 seconds from formed, these fissures will erupt as big rock stings dealing medium damage and slowing by 40% for 10 seconds any enemy it hits.
-Can bite a enemy and carry it inside its mouth until the unit frees itself or Bastion suffers enough damage from the enemy team, this bite boost Bastion's natural shields as overshields and keeps on giving overshields until the prey is freed.
-Extremelly vulnerable to movement impediment crowd control (slow, freezes, stuns, knocks), sound waves specially weakens the reactive armor.
-Bastion's true form is deep inside the armor, reaching it will severelly hurt the beast until it regrows and reinforce the armor of that part.


Umbra/Soul Leecher

-Small sized creature, roller size, amorfous creature, dark purple colour, pointy head that ends in a hole that acts as mouth, the jaw is composed of 6 segments around the hole that open backwards, a small eye in the top part of the "head" with purple sclera and light blue iris, 4 limbs and a long tail.
-fast movement, can fuse itself with shadows, teleporting from one to the other of moving really fast in shadow invulnerable form waiting for a opening in the Tenno squad, it can also move in any wall or ceiling as fast as it would on the floor and do ambushes from there.
-Low hp, low armor, low shield
-Able to lunge forward to attack a enemy, impairing their vision until removed by rolling or with help.
-If this creature's mind is accesed, i will counterattack and will make the original mind controler see every ally as an enemy for 20 seconds.
-Umbra can use a 360º tail sweep to knock down close and medium distance enemies
-Can create static decoys that deal damage if close to them, can switch teleport with any unit.
-Can create a 20 meters long dark tether with a enemy that continuously drains energy and gives Umbra Leecher armor in return, when the energy is depleted, it will start draining health in an alarming rate, healing itself in return and even overhealing, if the health of a enemy were to be depleted by the tether, white markings will appear, a energy explosion arround Umbra will happen causing radiation damage and white markins will appear all over Umbra Leecher, now named "Soul Leecher".
-This tether can only be created from the shadows, it can be avoided but it's really hard to do like the hook of another enemies
-Soul Leecher has improved stats in every way and it's immune to any kind of CC
-Soul Leecher can use healing, shield and armor area pulses, making allies tankier or harder to deal with
-When the tether is broken by distance or Leecher death, the previous tethered will be left deaf, blind and without energy for 5 seconds
-When in shadow form, the Leecher exist underground, so attacks that hit there will hurt it (sound waves, seismic movements, etc)
-Under earth leecher won't suffer any CC, but a hard light will hurt it and make it go out of the earth instantly (fire, light, electric sparks)
-When in Soul Leecher form, taking the soul out of its body or purifying it with sacred light will purge any tether bonus it has and even revert it to Umbra Leecher from the Soul Leecher form


Inater (AKA Frameless Tenno, Black Void)

-Medium sized creature, Excalibur like height, looks like a normal human, incredibly pale skin, lines around the whole body that emit black energy like if the enemy was always channeling, black sclera and golden irises, Sigil that becomes a big eye under certain conditions later.
-Fast movement, able to blink to attack or defend, able to create portals to move or attack, advanced parkour skills
-high hp, high armor, high shield
-Master martial artist, can use many weapon stances from various weapons, although ir fights with bare fists by default.
-Bullet punches, when punching on kicking in the air, the strengh will be so much, enough to create a air disturbance and damage everything in a short AOE range around its fists or legs. when the hits connects on a enemy's body, a cone area of damage will extend from the opposite side of where the hit connected, causing knockdown and 50% damage of the original hit.
-Any attack from this unit can proc one of any kind of elemental proc with random chance of wich one will be procced.
-From time to time this unit will create a second skin made from void energy, this skin will take 4000 hp worth of damage to disappear (iron skin)
-This unit is able to create any weapon made of void energy from thin air, created a exalted weapon with no wave proyectiles, but allowing it to use a wide array of stances and its bonus.
-the Inater can cover itself in void energy and start ricocheting randomly around the place in walls, trees, rocks or what the environment has, causing medium damage if it hits a Tenno.
Lower than 50% hp
Inater gets berserker, the sigil in its chest opens up to reveal a huge eye (black sclera, golden irises), the void skin will activate in black colour (like normal) but with some differences in shape, including a semi helmet, and will be full of Tenno writings, all directed towards the eye in the chest (one long white writing per limb). Inater made for itself a Warframe.
-This new form has permanent 70% damage reduction in the whole body but the eye, the black armor and the eye is completelly inmune to physical damage, only elemental or habilities can damage it.
-Sometimes, Inater will close the eye and encase itself in a shield, to turn its armor from black to white, the writings black, the eyes will become white sclera and pupil, with purple irises, in this form it will be inmune to elemental atacks and vulnerable to physical.
-Inater can imitate some rought forms of warframe powers, like full exalted blade with wave extensions now, a weaker turbulence, shock, fireball, snowglobe, banish, riftwalk, radial blind, chaos, mind control, soul punch, fear, smite, silence, switch teleport, decoy, invisibility, teleport and pull
-This creature is inmune to any kind of CC
-Inater will sometimes stops, float a bit, take its arms and knees to the chest, and stay like this for 2 seconds, after this, it will suddenly open and start shooting various fast medium damaging rays of the opposite colour of the present armour, these fast and thin lasers will target all enemies and start trying to get them by sweeping in a line from their side to the other side, after the laser ends its sweep, an medium damage blast will happen in the whole line the laser sweeped, causing high damage if a Tenno is caught in the whole attack.
-Inater will get an aura that will hurt anything that gets close and will start channeling one attack where hundreds of energy needles will rain following the Tennos at medium pace.
-Inater will get a White aura or black aura, white aura means that a high damaging explosion will happen close to it, black means a high damaging explosion will happen at medium-far distance of it.
-Rarelly this unit can clone itself for the same number of enemies that it is facing (8 Tennos vs 8 clones and Inater flying and looking from above), these units counter with the same powers and stats but reduced by 60% 
-Inater will growl a bit and will lift itself in the air, creating a small vortex and throwing it to the floor, causing all Tennos to start getting attracted to it, if one falls inside, will get a bit of damage per tick and will be slowed like in a tar puddle until the vortex disappear (the vortex last for 20 seconds)
Last Stand
-When hp reachs 0, Inater will leave out a wild roar like the one you can hear sometimes in the Event Horizon coming from the skies, will become invulnerable and star floating in the air, it will lift hand and start gathering void energy from the Black Hole, a energy sphere will create over and it will grow as fast as he acumulate energy, the Tenno will have to shoot this sphere to shrink it like you would do with a nullifier bubble, or start running away (The event horizon is a huge place, maybe you can escape from it's enormous range if you are fast enough), once the gathering has finished, Inater will throw the ball to the floor and it will explode with a range depending on the size of the ball when it was released.
This ball will cause really high damage consisting in multiproc and finisher damage, its range if left alone will be enought to cover the whole event horizon but a bit in the borders, while at minimum size it will cover 10 square meter.


"In the Origin System you were the hunter, a god Tenno, but here, you are an agile prey with ferocious claws, sharpen them up to face your greatest enemy"

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With the Wildlife already presented, I want to add two characteristics and a reward list for what you can drop in this place from these monsters or find in the different temples or treasure chambers deep behind puzzles and trials.


Since the first time you get to the Event Horizon, a huge and terrifying roar will come from the skies, this roar will repeat itself randomly or when you take the main treasure of a treasure chamber, and will give a slight buff that last for 5 minutes to every creature in the Event Horizon at that moment.


Randomly around the Event Horizon you will find one of those infamous prisma cristals lakes, stepping inside them won't give you anything prisma, but an aura and slight buff for 5 minutes, depending of the colour of the lake.

White: power strenght + 10%

Yellow: power efficience +10&

Orange power duration + 10%

Red: max health points +10%

Green: movement and attack speed +10%

Light blue: max shields +10%

Dark Blue: max energy +10%

Purple: power range +10%

You can even find Baro Ki'Teer from time to time there, he will tell you things like not being able to tell you the secret to create prisma weapons or asking you not to tell the Tribemen that you saw him, as they were kinda pissed with him after selling them a Baro noogle.




You can get these rewards inside treasure rooms or dropped from monsters, but some rewards wil only drop from some monsters, while others will drop from every one.


Normal rewards dropped from any monster or Tribemen, or obtainable from every treasure room.

Void cores: new kind of core, stronger than rare cores but weaker than legendary ones

Universal forma: created as simbol of the alliance between tribes, that aliance didn't last long though...

Obtainable stealing them from tribemen villages (rare), exchanging them by Tribemen points or really rarelly droped from Tribemen assassins.

Warframe hearts: one for each warframe, these hearts will be able to be equiped in the equipment slot and if they match with the equiped warframe, this warframe will have all its habilities augmented without needing syndicate mods.

Dropped only of the wildlife or found in lost treasure rooms inside ruins in the Event Horizon.

Beast hearts: Prime, Prisma, Mara, Vandal, Wraith, Dragon, Vaykor, Sancti, Synoid, Rakta, Telos, Secura and Dex, hearts from ancient species that lived in the Void and the Origin sistem before the Orokin came, their hearts now remain as powerful items, they are remembered and weapons are made to resemble myths about them, trying to emulate their strengh. These hearts will give buffs to any weapon equiped when one of these hearts is in the equipment slot (chance of life drain, chance of energy drain, chance of causing thunder like explosion with every weapon, chance to cause a wind gust that will knock down enemies, chance to blind enemies in a really small area with each hit, etc). Only one of these hearts can be equiped at a time.

Dropped only by the Inater or found inside treasure rooms close to The Tower or inside The Tower (Really rare)

Void Heart: This black heart overflowing with pure energy once equiped will create a void specter floating behind the Tenno that carries it, this shadow servant will repeat every movement that you do, allowing to get multihits even in melee, or using two abilities by the price of one. The use of abilities causes the servant to drain a bit of health from the host to use the ability.


In total you can carry 3 hearts at the same time, one of each type, the bonus of some are a bit overpowered, but strong recompenses are what endgame deserves, not what we get from raids, those can be strong but require months of farming or trading to get a noticeable buff.


I would like to receive suggestions to improve all of this, so if anyone has something to say about this idea that they think that can it, i would like to hear it.


Next time will be the mission to reach this place, after that, this will be wrapped up and up to DE to  make it if they think they are able to and want to (I do think that they are able to do this and much better things, but it will take them at least 1 or 2 years to end all of this if they started soon)

Edited by Xolot
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so make something endgame by just making it so enemies hit harder against you? 


or, you could use an mk-1 braton on normal missions for a challenge which will offer the exact same experience. 

That's no engame, thats handicapping yourself to make it harder, following that line of thinking, there is no need for any tower or anything, no more new weapons, we can make our engame without anything new, get a mk1 braton and farm the same old nodes for all eternity, like we do now with the void, always the same, one time, and another, and another, nothing new to do, nothing new to discover, just bash your head and kill enemies taking 3 hours per enemies, the kind of enemies that just walk and shoot, and sometimes take cover.


You seem to like a interesting kind of "endgame".


This engame i'm presenting has the following characteristics.


No hard scaling enemies (1000 million armor for a enemy that just stand there and one shots you without moving, really amusing), but complex in what they do and hard to fight, with various different atacks and ways to counter warframes and make a player have to make a strategy going further than "use molecular prime, use peacemaker, good job, all lvl 150 enemies are slowed and almost dead, lets claim rewards", the Wildlife is designed to be able to make hell without bringing overwhelming numbers or escalating to lvl 200.

Lore, what this game is still lacking

New puzzles and trials, what's the point of being a ninja if you can't really do much with that? maybe in the void a bit and that's all

Worth items for a hard work, not like the Raids.

A new zone with interactions and a mistery to solve that won't just end in one quest like the rest.


If you really believe what i wrote up there is just enemies hitting harder, please, play "engame" in Destiny and you will see what kind of "endgame" is that.


I really hope this game never turns out as that other game, altough it is going that way so fast that is worrying

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Wildlife, in the Void? Tribal Tenno? NO. No no no no no. We have enough lore to know that nothing relatable survives there, and that there is no hard, solid ground. It's all empty space. I think the Sentients will fill the role of endgame enemies you're thinking of anyway.

And I want to get this out here: I don't think DE ever intends to make an open world or freeroam kind of area. One of Warframe's core concepts is procedurally generated, linear missions that you drop into and go through without wandering too much. It'd be nice, I just think that there's much better ways to make endgame. Hell, maybe freeroam missions would be nice, just not on something that lore insists doesn't happen, ever.

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Wildlife, in the Void? Tribal Tenno? NO. No no no no no. We have enough lore to know that nothing relatable survives there, and that there is no hard, solid ground. It's all empty space. I think the Sentients will fill the role of endgame enemies you're thinking of anyway.

And I want to get this out here: I don't think DE ever intends to make an open world or freeroam kind of area. One of Warframe's core concepts is procedurally generated, linear missions that you drop into and go through without wandering too much. It'd be nice, I just think that there's much better ways to make endgame. Hell, maybe freeroam missions would be nice, just not on something that lore insists doesn't happen, ever.

Actually, we know nothing about the void, the orokin towers are in the void, floating there, and i see the corrupted pretty alive (until i cut them in half with a sword of course), and even then, the Tenno survived there and came back as monsters, some spacial vessels never came back, and I explained that as Inater, we don't have any lore about the void, well, now we know that the Orokin revered that place as a afterlife, or some kind of deity, and that it's poisonous to the sentients, that's all.


About the free roam mission, i really expect they tried to do it with the orokin void a bit, but that was just a step, and I really think that they will evolve and get some fresh things more than fixed places and mission for all the game's lifetime, if not the Event Horizon, something 3 times cooler, they really are creative.


I've never seen a single part of lore that tells that the Tenno never went back to the deepest part of the void, and don't see so crazy that they try to go back to find a way to become stronger, if the sentient were to overcome it's weakness to the void now, we are done, and no, the best way to kill the sentients if they are inmune to the void now isn't bringing bigger guns. Maybe Lotus would be against going deeper into the void than the orokin towers, although we don't know how deep they are in the void. Maybe going deeper than the orokin towers, that will disappear soon, would make the Tennos mad with power.


Tennos, they are half Orokin (or at least, they were part of the Orokin empire), but they are much more, we have seen fully their Orokin side, with weapons, towers, keys, and prime frames, but in the Void there's another side of the Tenno story, we have just scrached that, with the powers they use, and a bit in the Orokin Void.


After all of this, thanks for giving me your opinion, every critic, positive or negative, is useful to go one step further 

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