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Minecraft: Story Mode And More


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So first off, watch this. This is the voice actor for Pagan Min (Troy Baker) from Farcry 4, he describes how his audition went.


I love him so much.




Tales of Symphonia will also be getting a PC release on Steam. You can also get it as a reward for pre-purchasing Tales of Zestiria on steam.


Symphonia was a good entry to the series, Xillia 2 is still my favorite though.




Sooo... yeah.


Honestly, this is the least interesting thing I've seen TellTale games come up with. I mean, I dislike GoT but Minecraft is just...really? 

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Troy baker is also the voice of Joel in the better game called "The Last Of Us"

Eh, Farcry 4 > Last of Us.

I had more fun in F4 than with TLoU



I thought that was Nolan North.

Nope, Troy Baker.

Edited by TheErebus.
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I wasn't even aware minecraft had a story to tell other than: Dude builds some things and invades another dimension of previously peaceful inhabitants to kill their King/Queen/God/Overlord/Freeloader/Whatever.

Edited by -FV-Metheria
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Troy baker is also the voice of Joel in the better game called "The Last Of Us"


Troy Baker is the voice actor in almost everything. Games, anime, CG movies, etc.

Eh, Farcry 4 > Last of Us.

I had more fun in F4 than with TLoU



Nope, Troy Baker.


Far Cry 4 was good, but it's story nowhere near kept up with TLOU.


Also I looked at Tales Of Zesteria, and honestly, I still think SO5 looks better.

Edited by (PS4)Pharen
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The story was beyond predictable, but the character relationships were good.


Again, I had more fun with F4 than with TLoU. 

Oh really? (spoilers below)

You predicted that Joel and Ellie would find the fireflies, and that the fireflies would try and get a cure by killing Ellie and using a part of her brain to make a cure, and Joel would take her away from them to save her thus killing the best chance at saving the human race because he forged a relationship with her, you predicted that?


Also although I have seen the endings of Far Cry 4 it was in no way unpredictable, (aside from the early finish if you wait for Min), I have yet to finish Far Cry 4's campaign because although the gameplay is good, the story and story missions simply aren't. I found the game became boring quickly because even though it built upon Far Cry 3's excellent gameplay it felt too familiar and therefore got stale fast. The problem with open world games are that since everything is available from the start it is more difficult to add things into a mission to make it feel unique.

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Oh really? (spoilers below)

You predicted that Joel and Ellie would find the fireflies, and that the fireflies would try and get a cure by killing Ellie and using a part of her brain to make a cure, and Joel would take her away from them to save her thus killing the best chance at saving the human race because he forged a relationship with her, you predicted that?

Yeah, it was that predictable. 

When Joel's daughter died, I knew that he'd bond with Ellie. 

I knew that something would pop up that would cause Joel to take away Ellie and cause them to become daughter and father. Now you may think "Impossible, you couldn't have predicted that they'd have to kill her.". Actually, it's quite predictable. The Fungi attacks the brain, therefore, the brain would be the most infected area and would be logical for them to have to examine and cut apart that area for a cure. 

Also the game is quite old, I don't think spoilers are needed.


It was from the moment that Ellie revealed her immunity that I started to feel as if the story was just lame. I loved the atmosphere, the combat was solid (not great, not bad, just solid) and the character interactions were spot on.


You seem to do a lot of seeing the things we talk about, yet never actually doing them ( The J boss fight ).


Honestly, I didn't expect the ending for the female character to end up as it was, her forcing the country to become a Totalitarian drug-centered country was something I didn't expect. Sabal was predictable, and Min's early finish was something I was very surprised by.


I disagree with that, Red Dead Redemption made everything feel interesting and unique, and it was an Open world game. I did critique F4's gameplay, because when I first saw it I kept thinking "This is just F3 in a different setting", which it is, but that doesn't mean it's a bad game."


We're also judging two games that have very different designs:

One was designed to be focused on story and character interactions, while the other is more focused on a balance between the gameplay (They did add in new things to it). So obviously, one will falter in the story department. 

Edited by TheErebus.
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Yeah, it was that predictable. 

When Joel's daughter died, I knew that he'd bond with Ellie. 

I knew that something would pop up that would cause Joel to take away Ellie and cause them to become daughter and father. Now you may think "Impossible, you couldn't have predicted that they'd have to kill her.". Actually, it's quite predictable. The Fungi attacks the brain, therefore, the brain would be the most infected area and would be logical for them to have to examine and cut apart that area for a cure. 

Also the game is quite old, I don't think spoilers are needed.



Well since you didn't put yours in spoilers no point in me doing it, and it may be old but those of us who recently bought PS4, whilst skipping PS3 era might have had the plot of the game spoilt for them.


As for seeing and not doing, it's mainly because if a game can't hold my interest long enough to play it out I don't finish it, or I finish nit at a much later date so the burnout has time to fade away a bit. In some cases I might want to know how it ended so I watch a lets play. As for the J boss fight, I only looked it up so I could talk to you about it while knowing what I'm talking about, no point in having a conversation about something you know nothing about.


Read Dead Redemption was a new IP not a continuing series, it had plenty of unique features at the time, alot of which were taken and used by far cry 3 and 4. Not really the same thing here. It would be better to compare GTA's, except for the fact the numbered GTA's tend to shine in there story mode, some of the spinoffs were a little flat.


Far Cry 3 and 4 both had a mission that made me not want to play it. 3's one was the infiltration, no kills mission. 4 was.. well pretty much the same thing, infiltrating the airfield, by the time I managed to finish it I had lost interest in the game. Now I only go back every now and then and play a bit more. I will likely finish it at some point, but it's not high on my list.

Edited by (PS4)Pharen
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Read Dead Redemption was a new IP not a continuing series, it had plenty of unique features at the time, alot of which were taken and used by far cry 3 and 4. Not really the same thing here. It would be better to compare GTA's, except for the fact the numbered GTA's tend to shine in there story mode, some of the spinoffs were a little flat.

...Red Dead Redemption is the sequel to Read Dead Revolver.


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More of a spiritual successor than anything. I'm pretty sure Red Dead Revolver wasn't open world either. Also neither it's setting nor cast play any role in Red Dead Redemption.

No a spiritual successor is a game that isn't in the same series nor is a direct sequel, same way as Bloodborne is a spiritual successor to Dark Souls. Dark Souls 2 is a direct sequel to Dark Souls, but it has barely anything relating to the first game. However, Red Dead Redemption is a sequel to the first game.


Scratch all of that, it is a spiritual successor. Though it's in the same series. Which kind of confuses me, because Dark Souls 2 is referred to as a sequel (not a spiritual successor) yet it has barely anything to do with the characters or anything relating to the first game.


No it was Open World as well, Rockstar stated that it was the only way to do this game justice (Revolver). It was originally supposed to be an arcade shooter.

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No a spiritual successor is a game that isn't in the same series nor is a direct sequel, same way as Bloodborne is a spiritual successor to Dark Souls. Dark Souls 2 is a direct sequel to Dark Souls, but it has barely anything relating to the first game. However, Red Dead Redemption is a sequel to the first game.


Scratch all of that, it is a spiritual successor. Though it's in the same series. Which kind of confuses me, because Dark Souls 2 is referred to as a sequel (not a spiritual successor) yet it has barely anything to do with the characters or anything relating to the first game.


No it was Open World as well, Rockstar stated that it was the only way to do this game justice (Revolver). It was originally supposed to be an arcade shooter.

I sort of forgot about Red Dead Revolver earlier to be honest. I heard it wasn't an open world game, that it was cut into small sections like borderlands, but I never really looked into it. I actually got Red Dead Redemption because a mate wanted to play multiplayer with me, was a pretty decent game after all.


Dark souls has a fair bit in common with Dark souls 2. Whereas Red Dead Revolver only shares the setting with its spiritual successor, all the gameplay and mechanics are vastly different.


Although going by Rockstars GTA sequels you could argue that it is a sequel because none of the GTA's follow on from one another, and usually only have a cameo from earlier games at best.

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Minecraft getting story mode? Huh... Interesting. I would love to try that out.


Not really a big fan of the game but I like it. Besides. Who knows when somebody makes this own warframe statue in minecraft...

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