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Here Is What Will Happen Once Coptering Is Removed:


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Are we keeping slide attacks? What does "no more coptering" mean? I like slide attacks. Weapons like the Kronen and Boltace are supposed to have that spinning guillotine feel. Just because the functionality is broken for some weapons doesn't mean it should be removed from every one.


Slide attacks aren't going away; they'll just send you lest than a tenth of the original distance. You can still get the damage bonus.

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this is a deep thought man. I'm sure you turned some heads around.

He turned his own head around whilst coptering.

At least it's getting removed, no matter how much people complain.

I apologise if the breadth of my counterpoint to such an asinine line of reasoning has left you dazed and incapable of maintaining an intelligent conversation. I'm trying to think of ways I could break it down so it's even easier for you to understand but unfortunately I am at a loss at this time. I was trying to be as brief as possible considering the ridiculousness of such an arguement for having an integral gameplay mechanic completely removed. Animations can always be changed or improved if that is a complaint shared by the vast majority of players, making the current visual appearance of coptering a literal non-issue in the discussion of whether or not it should be removed. Edited by Neviriru
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this explains that you do not enjoy playing Warframe, just getting more stats to feel like you have more of them than someone else.

if playing Missions isn't fun, interesting and entertaining for you to do, then it's unlikely you will ever like anything in the game, because it all revolves around playing Missions.


This explains why you have some many forums posts. You post without thinking.


DE increasing the grind in an already grindy game makes it less enjoyable. If you're gonna reply again, please take a second to think about your reply.

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I apologise if the breadth of my counterpoint to such an asinine line of reasoning has left you dazed and incapable of maintaining an intelligent conversation. I'm trying to think of ways I could break it down so it's even easier for you to understand but unfortunately I am at a loss at this time. I was trying to be as brief as possible considering the ridiculousness of such an arguement for having an integral gameplay mechanic completely removed. Animations can always be changed or improved if that is a complaint shared by the vast majority of players, making the current visual appearance of coptering a literal non-issue in the discussion of whether or not it should be removed.

The reason because they are removing the coptering, its because its not going to work with the parkour system, a independent from melee weapon, the new movement system mean balance, where you are not forced to use X think to be the most annoying fast player in the game.

Where the mobility depends from your melee weapon, and no on how you move.

The reason because they are not going to let coptering in the game anymore, its because they dont want unbalance, thats it, and you say, "how its supposed to unbalance the mobility", well, the simple reason on melee depend mobility says it all.

Its not going to kill the game, someone remember the damage 2.0 threads? And how it was supposed to destroy warframe? and most of the weapons?

Why you think DE want to destroy the game?

About the "Speed is fun" there is still many ways to be faster, but on a more balanced way...

Coptering fun? I dont think so, i dont laught when i copter, if i do, because i dont like it...

DE let the coptering in the game, because mobility rework was not a priority i think...

They have say many times that coptering its not going to be removed (because...) and now, they are making a non melee depend mobility system, when you still can be fast, building the momentum with your movement "skills" on enviroment...

First, check where coptering comes from, and then, search on why it is in the game, and THEN, try to understand why they are removing it.

Parkour 2.0 offert more mobility aspects, more ninja feel, more enviroment interaction, and balance...


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I apologise if the breadth of my counterpoint to such an asinine line of reasoning has left you dazed and incapable of maintaining an intelligent conversation. I'm trying to think of ways I could break it down so it's even easier for you to understand but unfortunately I am at a loss at this time. I was trying to be as brief as possible considering the ridiculousness of such an arguement for having an integral gameplay mechanic completely removed. Animations can always be changed or improved if that is a complaint shared by the vast majority of players, making the current visual appearance of coptering a literal non-issue in the discussion of whether or not it should be removed.

Given how verbose you suddenly got, I'm assuming you're irritated that we disagree with you.


I mean honestly, why are you talking so much smack about something you haven't even tried?

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Given how verbose you suddenly got, I'm assuming you're irritated that we disagree with you.


I mean honestly, why are you talking so much smack about something you haven't even tried?


Well, do you remember how much complaining & doom & gimme back my Forma threads popped up when DE announced their plans to remove ability mods and = polarities? At the time, removing ability mods just seemed...weird. Those extra Forma'd away polarities seemed integral to 1- or 2-ability spammers. Just like how coptering seems to be one of the most important aspects of Warframe combat right now.


Most people don't realize they can and will adapt to the new system, they only hear that what they have, right now, will be taken away and replaced with utter nothingness instead of, I don't know, a different (and even improved) mechanic. Hence the over-reaction in these kinds of threads. 

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Hence the over-reaction in these kinds of threads. 

I wouldn't call it over-reaction. That's too polite.


All these threads ever contain is fearmongering and talk of doom, of how the removal of something is going to destroy the game and ruin fun forever or some other nonsense (all this while they fail to ever mention the other aspects of Parkour 2.0 that will make up for the loss of coptering, because hey, why be fair?). You have people throwing an actual fit over something they have yet to try, constantly making comparisons to something they know nothing about.


It's getting pretty old.

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It's simple. New parkour system is underway, coptering overshadows it in many ways, so they'll remove it to give the new system a chance. Otherwise, people would just brush it off and continue to copter.

It's also unbalanced. One single copter that flings you to the other side of the map? you must be really enjoying to break the game.

Edited by KuroShiranui
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What's funny is that most people constantly face-plant themselves into walls with the amount of velocity coptering can produce. Yes, I know there are pr0 copter people out there, I myself have no problem using it, but there are plenty of people who don't understand that sometimes it is better NOT to use it. And they end up falling into pits, hugging a wall for ~2-3 sec after hitting it with the speed of a race car, getting stuck in nooks and crannies of the tileset, forget to look at the map and copter away from objective before realizing they didn't turn a few rooms back... Pretty often, when doing void runs, you come across people coptering right into traps and eating the death rays. 


It's a lazy man's mechanic, it promotes passivity and ignoring your surroundings. Teaches players that the only thing you need to be aware of is where the door is, so you know in which direction to copter after you wiped the room with 4-spam. 


Case in point: It's cool if you happen to like coptering, but don't pretend that if Parkour 2.0 turns out to be slightly slower, it will ruin the game. Most people don't know how to use that speed anyway, and most of the time they don't need it. What they do need is more control, which is exactly what new Parkour brings to the table. 

Edited by tisdfogg
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People are so short-sighted about coptering though. They act as though its only purpose is to move long distances quickly. But as a melee player the slide attack is really important for quick repositioning in combat even for a short distance. And it's a satisfying part of the overall melee combat feel. It bothers me that "removing coptering" is so unspecific. I don't mind if the excessive cases like high speed tipedo and zoren get toned down. I don't care much about the rushing aspect of coptering. I'm concerned about how this change is going to affect melee combat. Are short sliding distance weapons going to be even shorter? I want to continue to enjoy my momentum, rhythm, and timing based mobility in melee combat.

Edited by Ryjeon
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People are so short-sighted about coptering though. They act as though its only purpose is to move long distances quickly. But as a melee player the slide attack is really important for quick repositioning in combat even for a short distance. And it's a satisfying part of the overall melee combat feel. It bothers me that "removing coptering" is so unspecific. I don't mind if the excessive cases like high speed tipedo and zoren get toned down. I don't care much about the rushing aspect of coptering. I'm concerned about how this change is going to affect melee combat. Are short sliding distance weapons going to be even shorter?


Look up the devstreams if you have the time. Slide attacks will stay, and I'm pretty sure that removal of coptering just means that they will no longer be a mobility tool for map traversal. In all likelihood, the slide attacks will be normalized across the board with some small differences like daggers having a bit less range than greatswords, but a bit more speed.


Now that you mention it, it would be cool if, for example, daggers would get a slide attack that consists of incredibly fast spins with multiple hits, while a greatsword performs one sweeping spin with increased range. Both with the same travel time and distance, actually contributing to melee combat for a change.   

Edited by tisdfogg
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Look up the devstreams if you have the time. Slide attacks will stay, and I'm pretty sure that removal of coptering just means that they will no longer be a mobility tool for map traversal. In all likelihood, the slide attacks will be normalized across the board with some small differences like daggers having a bit less range than greatswords, but a bit more speed.


Now that you mention it, it would be cool if, for example, daggers would get a slide attack that consists of incredibly fast spins with multiple hits, while a greatsword performs one sweeping spin with increased range. Both with the same travel time and distance, actually contributing to melee combat for a change.   


Yeah, this is what I'm hoping for. So much of the discussion seems so one-dimensional that people seem to dismiss that there's a functional mechanic that can be salvaged and developed. Personally I like the weapons performing differently and learning their different timing and characteristics. So I think it's a step backward to make all the weapons slide exactly the same time and distance. But I think having the high attack speed distance throttled so it doesn't become such an outrageous travel maneuver is plenty reasonable. Especially if the goal is to introduce other movement tools with a focus on travel, while leaving slide attacks as more of a short-range combat dash maneuver.

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