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Ash Prime Access From Psn Australia--Includes Images


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Since the new primes have not been hotfixed into the game yet, I am curious to know if those who have bought Prime Access from the Aus PS Store are actually able to use the new primes in the game right now? 

Probably, as he is in the game, but isnt available from loot tables yet. But when you buy him, you dont need to worry about loot tables now do you?

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So , do you guys think its worth it to buy the Accessories pack? Or the Actual Prime Access?

Depends if you like the Syandana and Sentinal Accessories. Depends if you want to farm Ash/Vectis/Carrier Prime or not.


I am going to buy the accessories because of the boosters and plat. Prime Access I'm not sure about.

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Depends if you like the Syandana and Sentinal Accessories. Depends if you want to farm Ash/Vectis/Carrier Prime or not.


I am going to buy the accessories because of the boosters and plat. Prime Access I'm not sure about.

That is my exact thoughts. Boosters and Plat with a little something on the side. 

When it drops, wanna Grind out for Farming everything? That is if you dont get the Prime Access.

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Probably, as he is in the game, but isnt available from loot tables yet. But when you buy him, you dont need to worry about loot tables now do you?

Maybe. Peasants from the future seem to be shy as we haven't heard from any of them yet. I'd love to see in game pictures if possible.

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Who cares who gets the update first or last. People need to grow up and stop this PC vs. Platform BS.


Just enjoy the game and stop pretending like there is a  rivalry here. There is none. It is all in your head.


I dont have any issues with PC getting updates first. Platform players should stop complaining and dedicate more of their time to playing the game.


We should be concern with having an stable, fun to play game rather than a crapy, unstable game full of unplayable content.

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Thats not the point. The Point is the promise DE made. I love DE and Warframe if i didn't i would be here after more then 2 1/2 years. I don't complain that warframe got on consols hell i think its great since that means more players, which means more money for DE, which means more content for us.

I'm not one of the guys who scream #PCMasterRace all the time. Everyone should play on the Platform they prefer. The only thing bothering me are exclusiv titels (yes PC has a few too but that are mostly small Indee Concepts and not AAA-Games), exclusiv DLC and such things.

But all that is not the Point.

The point is that we on PC didn't got the Patch first which means the Patch has been ready for some time now (cert proccess needs time). Which means it was hold back, which means DE broke a promise they made us. That is all. It doesn't matter that its Prime Acces it could have been U 16.11 without Ash Prime for what i care. Problem is the Content and Patch has been ready for a long time and was just not released. Nothing more to it.

They decide the content release whenever they seem fit.

The "first party approval" or "waiting for approval on PSN" bullS#&$ and shenanigans that happens to games on steam/ps4 was what they were talking about.

Edited by Acidulant
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So , do you guys think its worth it to buy the Accessories pack? Or the Actual Prime Access?


Well I'm probably buying the pack since hes my favorite frame, but I'd have to see him once ingame before the final decision.

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God dammit...I just put 10 Avengers in my regular Yamako...

Please DE,let me switch them to the Prime Yamako...pretty,please....


Wow, you managed to fit Iron Man, Captain America, Nick Fury & co. all into one stylish Tenno accessory?


I'm impressed.

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Aww he's got a cute little nootsnoot like Chroma :> Also Im loving the super long ponytail thing as well -- Ash's design always seemed very plain to me in comparison to almost all the other warframes, so to me his detailed chunky Prime looks super rad. 


Guess I'm clearing up my weekend for void grinding and praying to RNGesus. 

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They need to stop it with the Syandanas and come with with something else here....it's getting a bit much on the Syandana side...sure, diversity and all that...but at least I as someone who buys that stuff regularly feel troubled about this. 

Especially it being a Yamako (Like holy crap...so many Yamakos already). Why not a "Prime" Warframe skin like Phased Vauban? Basically a glowy prime effect. Or Helmet attachments? There would be many other options...especially if you made new systems...bah. 

Really not happy about this access...especially since I will "have" to buy it to get the Sentinel accessories.

Edited by Shehriazad
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It pains me to say this, as I don't play Ash regularly enough... 


But I might start.


Based on aesthetics, Ash always felt kind of boring to me. I like this new design though. 


I'm just thankful he's not wearing a top hat and tail coat.


*EDIT* In all seriousness Ash Prime is looking pretty nifty. Curious to see what they've done to him and Vectis stat-wise.

Edited by Dualice
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I'm just thankful he's not wearing a top hat and tail coat.


*EDIT* In all seriousness Ash Prime is looking pretty nifty. Curious to see what they've done to him and Vectis stat-wise.


More armor and something for ash, and 2 bullets/clip for vectis. Basically all stat wise.

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Supposedly more shields, armor, and energy.


And hope to god for a polarity, so I only have to forma him 5 times lol.

I just put 10 Arcane Trickeries on the Telos Syandana myself. Son of a.....


Not to worry, I think the arcane switching is u17 material, so just hang tight. 


(Switchable arcanes in-between accessories)

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I think that the Yamako syandama prime is too plain for a Prime accessory, I was hoping for something more unique like the Misa, Noru and Pyra Prime were, but I guess that this syandama will look pretty nice on Volt prime so for that reason alone I will buy the accessory pack (since he is my favourite frame). At least a Yamako syandama is now out of the way and we can look forward to cooler accessories in the future, thanks for the images by the way, much appreciated.

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More armor and something for ash, and 2 bullets/clip for vectis. Basically all stat wise.


Armour would seem likely judging by his health pool.


Would be nice to have a sniper rifle with a base crit chance sufficient to become 100% with a maxed Point Strike (think that'd be 40%?). Every sniper rifle, come to think of it. But that's another matter.



That joke was so bad, 

yet I'm laughing so hard.


Glad you liked (?) it :P

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And hope to god for a polarity, so I only have to forma him 5 times lol.


Not to worry, I think the arcane switching is u17 material, so just hang tight. 


(Switchable arcanes in-between accessories)


Did they mention this somewhere? I hope so, I was afraid I would want them on the new Syandana. :/

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Did they mention this somewhere? I hope so, I was afraid I would want them on the new Syandana. :/

Yes, it was mentioned on one of the recent devstreams that they are working on something to allow you to transfer your arcane enhancements between accessories.

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