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Who Needs Copter Or Directional When We Got Bullet Jump


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The problem with coptering was never that it was too fast.


The problem was that a select few weapons made you insanely fast, while if you chose anything that coptered like arse, you were always left behind.


It is a stupid feature.

there's nothing wrong with a few melee weapons being better at mobility than others. In most cases you're sacrificing damage or reach(or both) for that extra mobility. It's a choice you make. The Tonkor is another weapon that also doubles as a mobility tool, and people are fine with it.


Should Zephyr be removed because it allows people to rush ahead with ease? 


As for the bullet jump, it kinda invalidates any person saying coptering should be removed because 'it looks silly'. I hope you can chain those and gain momentum for some really fast movement, because as of now it isn't much of an improvement over the regular slide jump.

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there's nothing wrong with a few melee weapons being better at mobility than others. In most cases you're sacrificing damage or reach(or both) for that extra mobility. It's a choice you make. The Tonkor is another weapon that also doubles as a mobility tool, and people are fine with it.


Apparently DE disagrees, they don't want melee weapon choice to be about mobility. Frame choice and frame mods, yes, but not melee weapons/stances/and mods like it is now.

Edited by Gelkor
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You're completely missing the point - it's NOT about the bloody speed. It's about everybody having access to the same movement technique disregarding their currently equipped armaments.


And another thing. I don't know about you, but when I play my games, I like them to actually look nice, with flair. Coptering has none of that and is, in essence, a bug gone wild. The sooner it's gone the better.

Now we're reaching opinion territory. Coptering looks fine for me and many other players. As for 'a bug gone wild', many great game mechanics in great games were essentially bugs that the developers had the foresight to keep or implement, not just delete them and pretend it wasn't fun and interesting for a huge part of the player base.

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You're completely missing the point - it's NOT about the bloody speed. It's about everybody having access to the same movement technique disregarding their currently equipped armaments.


The slide-roll jump has nothing to do with coptering and is already independent of your weapons.

You have no idea what you're talking about. Here's the door.

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Apparently DE disagrees, they don't want melee weapon choice to be about mobility. Frame choice and frame mods, yes, but not melee weapons/stances/and mods like it is now.

It's pretty evident DE disagrees, I'm just voicing my opinion about it. 

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According to their statements previously, they want to get rid of the animation/momentum locking bug that causes you to get stuck in an animation+momentum state flying into a wall or whatever, they want us to be able to change direction at will.

I am going to be completely honest, I don't see why they could have just done this, then add whatever they wanted onto the current system rather than making everything jump based. Don't get me wrong extra control and places to use are never a bad thing, but I feel that the system being seemingly exclusively jump based limits the posibilities of what can be done, what kind of wallrun + jump combos could happen, and maybe even throw in crouch with either of them for additonal moves.

Plus wall hopping and bullet jumping are a hella lot more "ninja" compared to spinning around through the air like a drugged bird.

I'd argue that running on the walls looks hella lot more ninja that skipping on them like enamoured children.

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I am going to be completely honest, I don't see why they could have just done this, then add whatever they wanted onto the current system rather than making everything jump based. Don't get me wrong extra control and places to use are never a bad thing, but I feel that the system being seemingly exclusively jump based limits the posibilities of what can be done, what kind of wallrun + jump combos could happen, and maybe even throw in crouch with either of them for additonal moves.


The momentum lock bug is what makes coptering work.  But yes I would also like to retain the ability to wall run but with more flexibility + better jumping.

Edited by Gelkor
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The frames are in a sense our first and foremost weapons. The argument is melee weapons anable some people to rush and kill entire mobs before your frost prime (for example) gets there. Couldn't I do the exact same thing with my volt and soma prime? If frame choice in a sense affects all that then what's wrong with melee doing the same?

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Wait this is replacing the long jump? 

Apparently, yes. Unless Steve made a mistake when explaining how to perform this maneuver. 




This is replacing coptering. Guys, coptering. 

Not the slide-jump move.


From what i understood of Steve's Tweet, this is indeed the new Foward + Slide + Jump. Unless i'm misinterpreting what he meant.

Edited by RexSol
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Apparently, yes. Unless Steve made a mistake when explaining how to perform this maneuver. 


Look at Steve's post again. Nothing to do with coptering mate


I believe he's saying that you perform the dash by crouching after a jump.

Edited by Gale47
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This is replacing coptering. Guys, coptering. 

Not the slide-jump move.


It's not replacing coptering as far as the command input goes, just it's place in our movement abilities.  Spin attack and aerial spin attacks are likely staying, merely they will no longer have a momentum lock on them that causes certain weapons over a certain swing speed to multiply your momentum.  


Steve specifically said that it doesn't involve using the melee key.


If it was crouch after jump it would be leap kick, from the sound effects and his vine it is most likely slide->jump, (you can hear a short slide sound at the start).

Edited by Gelkor
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So basically this is just a new animation for the slide jump then.

That's.... a bit dissapoiting, I'll hold on for more info but for what it seems right now I was hoping for something a little more... technical in terms of improvement.

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As far as i know, the Spin Attacks (AKA Copter) and Directional Attacks will still exist, but they will be situational damaging maneuvers, and will not fling us forward/upwards in high velocities anymore. So it wouldn't make sense if the Bullet Jump manuever replaced the Copter imput (Foward + Slide + Melee) since that imput will still perform a Spin Attack without forward momentum.

Edited by RexSol
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So basically this is just a new animation for the slide jump then.

That's.... a bit dissapoiting, I'll hold on for more info but for what it seems right now I was hoping for something a little more... technical in terms of improvement.


It appears to be faster than the current slide jump with less verticality and less aerial hang time, I'm not quite sure on the distance covered, looks to be the same, maybe slightly more.  Currently the problem one runs into with current slide jump is catching ceilings in tight spaces, that won't be an issue with this incarnation.

Edited by Gelkor
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They said we can build up momentum by connecting sequential wall jumps. If this maneuver inherits the acceleration built from parkour, it would be great. And if it doesn't, well at least it's a polished animation that doesn't look awkward to replace the ''cannon ball front flip'' we have at the moment.

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If they deliver nicely formed smooth animations on the level of stances and they can be used for movement, I guarantee most of these nerds whining about how it doesn't look as fast won't even notice once they learn how move efficiently and look cool doing it. Just because you aren't going fast enough that the screen blurs even when you have screen blur turned off doesn't mean you are going to be moving any slower, and if anything we will all probably be moving a lot faster because there will be less getting caught up on corners or glued to walls for extended periods of time because we can just keep moving.

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They said we can build up momentum by connecting sequential wall jumps. If this maneuver inherits the acceleration built from parkour, it would be great. And if it doesn't, well at least it's a polished animation that doesn't look awkward to replace the ''cannon ball front flip'' we have at the moment.


This.  I just really wish they'd show us a vine/vid of the momentum building to alleviate fears.

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This.  I just really wish they'd show us a vine/vid of the momentum building to alleviate fears.

Which is why I hope the next devstream shows Rebecca fully prepared to demonstrate the new system, including momentum.

Just saying "skilled players will go super fast" is one thing, showing it is another.

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Which is why I hope the next devstream shows Rebecca fully prepared to demonstrate the new system, including momentum.

Just saying "skilled players will go super fast" is one thing, showing it is another.

Or better yet, don't use Rebecca (no offense), use the guys that made this system since they obviously know what can be done and show it off at it's best capacity.

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