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Who Needs Copter Or Directional When We Got Bullet Jump


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Check out these new clips posted by DERebecca on Twitter showcasing some Parkour 2.0 manuevers:


http://gfycat.com/LavishAnxiousHorsechestnutleafminer -> This one you can see Directinal Melee still a thing. Although it does not fling you in high velocities anymore, it can still be used to combo with the new manuevers.

http://gfycat.com/LazySplendidGoshawk -> Same with Spin Attack, still a thing, not as fast, but still being used in combination with the Parkour 2.0 stuff.



Gonna add these to the OP.

The camera for coptering looks even more glitchy now IMO.

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Faith in 2.0 maneuvers: restored.

However...that makes me think. They said that these combo will be independent from the equipped melee weapon.


Does this mean that a you can fly in the sky holding a Jat Kittag with the same agility as holding a Ceramic Dagger?

It is obviously an odd question and I'm pretty confident they added some kind of bonus/malus based on the equipped weapon's speed/dimensions.


I hope...

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Faith in 2.0 maneuvers: restored.

However...that makes me think. They said that these combo will be independent from the equipped melee weapon.


Does this mean that a you can fly in the sky holding a Jat Kittag with the same agility as holding a Ceramic Dagger?

It is obviously an odd question and I'm pretty confident they added some kind of bonus/malus based on the equipped weapon's speed/dimensions.


I hope...


Bullet jump speed won't be dependent on melee weapons at all, if that is what you'e wondering. You're free to use whatever weapon you like.

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Bullet jump speed won't be dependent on melee weapons at all, if that is what you'e wondering. You're free to use whatever weapon you like.

Well that doesn't make much sense then...


They should add an additional stat both to warframes and weapons which is "weight".


A frame which a bigger body (like Rhino) would be able to swing heavy weapons easily than a tiny one (like Mag).

In the same way lighter weapons should be more agile than heavy ones, not only with swinging (which is already properly balanced) but with frame movements too.

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Well that doesn't make much sense then...


They should add an additional stat both to warframes and weapons which is "weight".


A frame which a bigger body (like Rhino) would be able to swing heavy weapons easily than a tiny one (like Mag).

In the same way lighter weapons should be more agile than heavy ones, not only with swinging (which is already properly balanced) but with frame movements too.

No. That is an anathema to what the devs have been trying to accomplish with Parkour 2.0 - remove whatever reliance there might be between movement speed and your current loadout.

Is it that difficult to believe that Mag's exoskeleton lets her pick up the same weight as, say, Chroma can? 

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No. That is an anathema to what the devs have been trying to accomplish with Parkour 2.0 - remove whatever reliance there might be between movement speed and your current loadout.

Is it that difficult to believe that Mag's exoskeleton lets her pick up the same weight as, say, Chroma can? 


Yes. To me doesn't make sense at all...


With this logic all the frames should have every frame's powers. Same shields. Same armor. Same enegy...and so on...

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Yes. To me doesn't make sense at all...


With this logic all the frames should have every frame's powers. Same shields. Same armor. Same enegy...and so on...


You wanted, and i quote.


In the same way lighter weapons should be more agile than heavy ones, not only with swinging (which is already properly balanced) but with frame movements too.


You are bringing us back to step 1, your loadout (i.e your melee of choice) affects your frame movements. Parkour 2.0 is trying to free us from that and you're bringing us back to it. Adding a "weight" system is meaningless as it's just another restriction for melee to have, where as melee is being freed with the removal of stamina.


Rhino and Mag warframes are both exoskeletons, so them being able to swing massive objects around despite the size difference falls into suspension of disbelief, which is needed for this game.

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You see my point?  You're not removing copter-rushing, you're just forcing people to use a certain set of frames to do the same thing.  People love speed, being told to slow down to look a bit flashier is stupid and a waste of time when they're just going to tune out the animations a few days into playing it anyway.  We've always chosen utility over flair, it''s why Karak wraith won over Dera Vandal, because Karak was more useful not that it looked better, Karak wraith looked like dirt compared to the Dera Vandal but more people chose utility over form.  This is especially apparent due to the fact that utility doesn't wear off after playing with it for a few days, while I and many people haven't touched the Karak Wraith after leveling it because there were still better weapons that had better utility and we used them instead.


I don't remember the karak wraith being covered in shiny, avocado green foil.

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I don't remember the karak wraith being covered in shiny, avocado green foil.

To each his own then.  Most people I talked to said Karak looked like Hek's moldy backside compared to Dera.  And Dera was statistically inferior to the Karak.  And clearly Alad won hands down.  The only reason the event was as close as it was was because Nef decided to throw down rewards that many Tenno decided was more important than a mediocre gun on both sides.  5 sets of 25 gold cores for the first day btw.  To turn a goose egg vs Alad's 5 (or 6, cant remember) lead into something more "fair" as if blatantly rigging an event to drag out the mind numbing grind was "fair".  I can understand giving progressively better rewards the farther behind you are, but when you have to give out FIVE sets of two dozen gold cores just to win popularity then clearly people don't like you or your weapon.



As for the gify's of parkour 2.0...  Call me cautiously optimistic.  The contact of frame to surface looks wonky and stilted in most of them.  Also, going from parkour to melee looks jerky and the camera's weird for me BUT.  BUTT  A big fat Nova Booty.  It looks serviceable if not intuitive.  


And DE, for future reference, When you start changing major pieces of the meta to make way for something new, it would be best to at least tell us what is planned or show us what you've got in mind for said changes so people like me wont feel alienated about these changes.   If you showed Bullet Jump being used horizontal as well as vertical and the hang time involved while midair then you'd get far less criticism.  You're replacing two MAJOR movement tools with one highly untested (by a large group of people) one.  If you want less drama be a bit more clear with what this ability is supposed to do, what you have planned for it and how it can be used.  I can understand hype, but for the large number of people who are leery about major changes like this, a bit of heads up would be extremely appreciated.

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To anyone saying the garbage we have now seems faster, seems isn't is. When you watch a clip going from the same point A to the same Point B while paying attention to the time bar, they are basically identical. Parkour 2.0 just isn't jerky and as complicated like the exploitation system we have now and you have to take a slightly different route. But from A to B is still almost an identical speed.

Edited by Ceryk
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Wait this is replacing the long jump? but there is no height to it like the long jump

It's a more of a straight line than what we have now. You launch yourself what ever direction you are facing forward, you mostly go parallel to the ground and it sounds like it has greater momentum than if you were using it to launch yourself into the air.



I'm a little surprised this is activated by slide+jump, seeing as Steve clearly does it in midair in one of the videos. I was hoping this was going to be the evolved form of the charged jump they mentioned a while back.

It's not Slide + Jump. Steve said it's Crouch + Jump, slide is no longer part of the equation.

Edited by Ceryk
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It's a more of a straight line than what we have now. You launch yourself what ever direction you are facing forward, you mostly go parallel to the ground and it sounds like it has greater momentum than if you were using it to launch yourself into the air.



It's not Slide + Jump. Steve said it's Crouch + Jump, slide is no longer part of the equation.

Isn't crouch and slide the same button on consoles?

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Well then, that's an issue you'll have to deal with. 


Jokes aside, how can you not see how equal speed that isn't affected by your currently equipped melee is better than the monstrosity we deal with now?


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Not to me. Hell, I can't even play Warframe as it currently stands because I see how much our current movement system sucks compared to what we'll be getting soon-ish.

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Now pull that off with a jat kittag or a nikana.

i have a technique for heavy weapon that can make you almost just as fast, but with it you can definitely keep up,

im not so sure i can call it a "technique" because im sure its very well known,

basically if you Run>Crouch>Jump+aim up, you can launch pretty high and get pretty good momentum, my theory is this is based on your weapon's range, i can upload a video of me being decently fast with a nikana or a scindo if you want. may not be as fast as fang prime airlines,but decently fast and easy to do and you can easily keep up with your allies this way

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