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Death To The Rollers!


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There are over 1000000 people playing this game and wiki got under a 1000 votes which is less than 1%, Additionally if rolles were such a big problem as you guys make it out to be there would be waaay more, waaaaay more people on the forums complaining and yet there are still only few. Rollers are a simple unit that has one job which is to roll toward warframe and attack+stunn him once every 3-8 seconds, if you manage to get more than 3 rollers attacking you at the same time, it's not the games fault for your failure to kill them earlier. Rollers are easy to kill and cannot get you perma-stunned unless you were collecting rollers from all over the map and put yourself in corner intentionally.

Do you know why people don't man up and tell off the devs for actually being stupid enough to create an enemy as broken as the rollers? Because of you, and anyone like you. "Hurrdurr lrn2aim nub" is NOT an argument and only serves to lower the self-confidence of the victim. Also, 1% doesn't surprise me at all - sadly, that seems to be the same amount of people that are actually smart enough to take a look at the wiki. However, do you see just how vastly the people that voted against the rollers outnumber those voting for it? If my maths are right (correct me if I'm wrong here, math has never been my strong suit), then the ratio is about 6:1 in favor of those against the rollers. If that is even mildly close to the ratio you would end up with if EVERYONE voted (which it probably would), then yeah, it's safe to say that rollers are generally hated.

...Then again, my math is probably wrong anyways (I've never been good with ratios, either), so feel free to ignore the bulk of what I said regarding calculus. Nonetheless, my argument stands - rollers are very likely to be generally hated, you never see threads in favor of them, after all. And now, just in case all that text wasn't enough, here's the punch line to drive it home:

Rollers are poorly designed and should be either removed/replaced or given a MAJOR overhaul. Shut up and accept that and your life will have exactly 43% less lost argument in it.


And with that said, I rest my case. If you actually are blind enough to keep defending Rollers, that's your brain's problem, not mine.

Edited by CrazyCanadian24
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Do you know why people don't man up and tell off the devs for actually being stupid enough to create an enemy as broken as the rollers? Because of you, and anyone like you. "Hurrdurr lrn2aim nub" is NOT an argument and only serves to lower the self-confidence of the victim. Also, 1% doesn't surprise me at all - sadly, that seems to be the same amount of people that are actually smart enough to take a look at the wiki. However, do you see just how vastly the people that voted against the rollers outnumber those voting for it? If my maths are right (correct me if I'm wrong here, math has never been my strong suit), then the ratio is about 6:1 in favor of those against the rollers. If that is even mildly close to the ratio you would end up with if EVERYONE voted (which it probably would), then yeah, it's safe to say that rollers are generally hated.


...Then again, my math is probably wrong anyways (I've never been good with ratios, either), so feel free to ignore the bulk of what I said regarding calculus. Nonetheless, my argument stands - rollers are very likely to be generally hated, you never see threads in favor of them, after all. And now, just in case all that text wasn't enough, here's the punch line to drive it home:


Rollers are poorly designed and should be either removed/replaced or given a MAJOR overhaul. Shut up and accept that and your life will have exactly 43% less lost argument in it.

What have rollers ever done to you so that you hate them so much? I have over 120H played in this game and only once I got stunnlocked by rollers and even then it lasted for about 10seconds or so. If you can't aim then use your abilities, if you can't use your abilities then ask teammates to help you out. Just because you got stunnlocked a few times does not make them OP or badly designed. Also if you would be hit by a 300kg ball traveling at about 30km/h you would get stunned just because of basic physics.

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The current rollers can be dealt in:


1. Press 4 and use your ulti.


2. Melee jump slam. Best used with weapon that has many elemental damage mods.


3. Run backwards while facing forwards and aim as the rollers come to you in a relatively straight line. Easy to do with high damage per shot weapons like Hek or Lex.


4. If with companion who you can count on and has good aim, stand still and let the roller hit you while companion aim and shoot it. Works better if you have a Wyrm sentinel with freeze in its rifle.


5. Come to forums and ask for rollers to be removed/nerf.

Edited by OoKeNnEtHoO
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The rollers have done their job well I see.

I like the rollers. They're easy to dodge really, but once they get you, they will get you good.

People need to learn to play instead of wanting things taken out of games so they can steamroll everything.

Im all for challenges. but im all for FUN challenges. as i said, the rollers are not fun. they are simply a massive pain in the &#!

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