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Banshee Feedback


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I have not noticed much Banshee feedback on the forum so I though I should start a thread.


Powers Feedback


* Sonic Boom

Cost and range OK

This skill feels balanced, doing lackluster damage but makes up for it by crowd control.



* Sonar

Cost and range OK

Only problem I have with is is:


1. Burning effect makes it impossible to see the highlighted weakspot.

(Have no good solution for this though)


2. Weakspot can end up in strange places not giving you much bonus for that enemy type.

e.g the fast big infected can get the weakspot on the back which is impossible to aim at because they are fast and charge at you.



* Silence

I don't have much to say about this since I don't use it much



* Sound Quake

I think this skill will be OK once it is 100% staggering, fixed in the next patch.

Since it cover a wide area I use it in cover of some boxes or such so I do not get shot at.

I don't think the nerf is as bad as many of you say it is.






* Reverb helmet

Bonuses needs a buff or rework

A very small about of energy (I think it is +15) vs a loss of 5% HP


If you compare this to MAG for example she get a +30% power range bonus.

Reverb helmet is very underwhelming compared to that bonus.


The slots

2 x V slots does not do her much good since there is only 2 V mods for powers and 1 of them dosnt even affect Sound Quake.


One of them should be changed to a --- slot. Hell, I'd rather even have a neutral slot to be honest.


More updates to come.

Edited by Lyker
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Why does the polarities need to effect all the powers? I don't think it's a problem with her polarities. It's a problem with the lack of V mods for frames.

Up voted. :) I've thought the same thing with the Excalibur Prime.

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Everyone is crying about Sound Quake, but breaking news: Banshee have 3 other skills too! And for the two attack polarities on her - for example, Sonar is affected by continuity and it's her best skill agains tough enemies, so there, both offensive polarities have a nice useful mod for Banshee to support her skills. Sure, you won't be able to get her ult do do a gazillion damage over 2h 45sec, but really, that's all you want to do?

Try to forget the one button wonder playstyles, and notice, all frames have four skills, and all of them have a place in the game.

(Yes, even Rhino's :P)

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Why does the polarities need to effect all the powers? I don't think it's a problem with her polarities. It's a problem with the lack of V mods for frames.


Well yeah. I agree on this =)


I have a hard time thinking of somthing usefull I miss and would like as a mod but I am sure the devs can think of one.

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My second Warframe to play with was the Banshee. Those two V slots gave me trouble when adding mods to her since i had no V polarity mod by then for use and so had to throw in any other and suffer penalties that limited allot the mods i could use with her.


Same for the Excalibur prime wich i finished ranking up this weekend. There is no need for those two V slots on him.


As for the Reverb, i think the bonus is fine but i like the looks of the original one more.

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Everyone is crying about Sound Quake, but breaking news: Banshee have 3 other skills too! And for the two attack polarities on her - for example, Sonar is affected by continuity and it's her best skill agains tough enemies, so there, both offensive polarities have a nice useful mod for Banshee to support her skills. Sure, you won't be able to get her ult do do a gazillion damage over 2h 45sec, but really, that's all you want to do?

Try to forget the one button wonder playstyles, and notice, all frames have four skills, and all of them have a place in the game.

(Yes, even Rhino's :P)


Then you remember that there is no enemy in this game that require Sonar to last a few seconds longer & that you can just recast it because there is no cooldown & it's cheap as hell. Continuity is a waste of points.


Also, breaking news, you can still do gazillion damages by playing off-host.


Nerf completely irrelevant, ability still glitched.

Edited by GeistHeller
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