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2.0 Concept; Stealth Gameplay


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when parkour 2.0 was announced, I wondered what other things could change in the game. so i decided to create fan made topics about other things that could change to the game called 2.0 concept.


Stealth Gameplay Concept


this is a ninja game, and if your a ninja, then you gotta be sneaky every once in a while.

there are only a few problems in the game when i comes to stealth. one is that wild kubrows ruin everything, and the other is enemy reaction when they first set eyes on a Tenno. when an enemy sees one Tenno, they instantly react and suddenly, the whole room knows exactly where you are. we will be focusing on mostly enemy reaction could be edited and revised in game.


1. enemy com's.

it would be logical for these grineer clones to have a telekinesis link with one another, but that's just not fair. so why not add some communication through radio coms.

for example, when an enemy sees you, they would have a few short seconds to call it in before the entire room knows where you are. or they would have a few seconds to react and shoot to alert the entire room.


2. mini map

enemies should be naturally seen in the games mini-map, as well as their field of vision.

the symbol for the enemy and the enemies vision would be green when neutral, yellow when suspicious, and red when they have detected you. when an enemy is suspicious and clearly sees a tenno in front of him, a yellow box will appear above his head displaying two seconds to react, if you are too close to that enemy after the timer is up, he will shoot and alert the room. when they detect you, a red box appears over their head which displays a 2 second timer. you will have a minimum of 4 seconds to kill that enemy before he radios it in and warns the entire room.


3. squad agreement

at the beginning of an exterminate, spy, mobile defense, capture, sabotage and rescue mission, you squad will haft to vote to be stealthy or offensive. the stealth vote must be unanimous. (optional) you may be an a-hole if you desire.


4. hiding places.

the battle field would be filled with multiple hiding places such as chests, lockers, bushes, and garbage piles. enemies can be stealth killed when near a hiding place. just good luck fitting Rhino or Chroma in one of those small chests(joke).


4. SURPRISE MOTHER F&%$ER, assassination....

you can now literally assassinate in assassination missions. take the enemy by surprise without dialog or annoying taunting. if the grunts see you, and successfully reports a contact. the alarm will be instantly triggered without being able to disarm it. the enemy will be too paranoid and will keep his hands near the alarm trigger. if you successfully make it to the target without setting of the alarm, he will be alone in the room, allowing you to take a quarter of his health before the actual boss fight begins. you will have a head start, and a better chance to defeat the boss.


5. Infested telekinesis link

basically, infested enemies would be impossible to kill without alerting another. infested will not be effected, as i don't see a logical point to make it stealthy. the only thing you could do is try not to be seen. i would give the infested a sensitive nose as well, so that players don't get comfortable using loki.


things to add

- yes, syran will have the same effect on enemies

- hiding places would be set with the specified theme of the map.



this is one of many of my concepts that will set a specific theme to the game and a balanced set of rules to go with. please note that these ideas are full concept and will not be confirmed for the game. I like to call these "2.0 concepts", and hope it will inspire more people to make their own. if you want something specific to change about the game, please make a sure to make it fair. control your imagination to fit with the games mechanics and make sure you stay on topic


Fight on, Tenno

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1. agree enemies should not have hive mind unless they're infested it really dosen't make sense and gets annoying when you kill an enemy before it shoots and the next 3 rooms are out to get you


2. The mini map is fine enough as it is IMO the only thing I would change is maby add enemies in line of sight to the minimap other than that sounds too much like assassin's creed.


3. This will probably never work unless you're playing with friends.


4.don't really like this out of respect for the ammount of work DE puts into these bosses their battles were meant to be memorable and some have several stages to them that this would heavily take away from.


5. yes

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Nice ideas! what about to make things even more stealthy you can make enemies suspicious if they a body of one of their fellows. There some waepons and abilities that desengrate the body so the players could bypass this, or take the body to one of those hiding places. Im saying that because not a long ago I played with a bow an it was seemed to me really weird that im killing enemies right in front of their and they dont care. (sorry if my english is bad)

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Nice ideas! what about to make things even more stealthy you can make enemies suspicious if they a body of one of their fellows. There some waepons and abilities that desengrate the body so the players could bypass this, or take the body to one of those hiding places. Im saying that because not a long ago I played with a bow an it was seemed to me really weird that im killing enemies right in front of their and they dont care. (sorry if my english is bad)

yeah, but then there would be too many bodies on the ground.

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Enemies aren't actually alerted by some telekinetic hive mind thing; they're alerted by the noise. When an enemy sees you, the first thing they do is yell something before they start shooting. This alerts all nearby enemies to your presence and general location. The programming isn't perfect, hence why alerted enemies can apparently detect where you are through walls, but that's what I understand the current mechanics to be.

What I really don't like is that if you're spotted and a fuss is made in a non-Exterminate mission, enemies can spawn right behind you- LITERALLY.

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I don't agree on the Telekinesis/IstantAggro/Transmission matter.
On Grineers mainly it makes no sense. What's the need of having a major alarm to enable if your security net works with walkie-talkies inside the suit?
For Corpus it's a bit different since they would have hi-tech gear, but again that would make no sense to report enemy presence from a console.

For what concernes Infested I've some slight idea. Telekinesis ruins the stealth, this is clear. Maybe there could be special units like Ospreys or Security Drones flying around and holding some kind of telekinetic organ (space for fantasy: maybe shooting parasitic projectiles to mark the target, working similar to Maggots, or pherormones attracting other Infested http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Pherliac_Pod ). Alarm from it would maybe put on alarm Infested units in an area and directing them to you. So the objective would be taking them out first.

I don't find possible your suggestion of boxes-over-the-head. It doesn't fit Warframe in my opinion.

Also take a look for the Stealth and Detection I wrote on my concept.. maybe there's something you can find useful.

And now, not to be pessimistic, but I think the reason we still don't have Stealth is because it can be a hell to script AIs.
Since I see everywhere games with AI problems I think it's not something easy to fix up.

Edited by Burnthesteak87
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