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Is The Game And Forum Abandon By Adms? I Fell This Way...


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This is not a hate post, but i must understand if its wort keep playing this game and spend some money on it...


Since vauban was release, paris is bugged, there is a topic about it and no answer.


Every time i accidentally bugged my mag, turning her immortal, i quit on the next check point to prevent bug exploit, and now ppl are soloing till wave 100 by using vauban glitch intensionally(worse, only cashers have him so its a bug that no everyone can exploit become even more injustice).


Im tired of my Internet oscillation for a micro second and getting migrated to play endless defense alone @(*()$ myself, and my friends, where is the pause in witch your Internet has some time to normalize and u reconnect and not F*** ur game. Also tired of getting 99% of my quits because i aborted a mission to rejoin my friends session.


This is a Beta test, i get it, but even so, its good to fell to adms care about the little things as well


i don't care if u use glitch's, i don't.

I don't care if someone got any kind punishment for it, just don't want this glitch's anymore.

I don't care if u hate the paris, i don't like it.


I like the game, and thats why this post is here, i want it to be better.

Edited by HeeroYui
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The devs are actually really good about responding to feedback, but over tue past few weeks I am sure they have beem very busy with update 8. They'll probably fix all these bugs as so.on as possible. Just be patient.

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Update 8 is on the way.  DE is in crunch mode.  There has been significant dialogue about many of the issues from last Friday's patch.  They know they made a massive blunder and are looking to correct it.  Bottom line: quit *@##$ing.

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There's an immortal vauban glitch? First I've heard of it.

Yes, it's a bug where you can keep your vortex indefinitely. It will stay fully activated until the game ends or crashes. I've reported the bug the day I found out which was ~2 days after his release. Support said they already knew about it. I'm a bit upset they didn't hotfix or disable Vortex outright until it could be fixed.

Right now people are just AFK farming everything and destroying the integrity of the game.

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Sorry there is no immortal vauban, but there is a mag one, about vauban there is several place u can put his ultimate and make it last forever, this way u have a perfect defense nothing can pass and get even near the pod, even to snipe it, thats how they solo wave 100 very easy, and even afk...


I know ep 8 is coming, but i cant see this as an excuse for so much glitch without hotfix.


Paris critical chance has suffer some change when vauban was release, it was 20%, now seems to be something around 2%...

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 about vauban there is several place u can put his ultimate and make it last forever, this way u have a perfect defense nothing can pass and get even near the pod, even to snipe it, thats how they solo wave 100 very easy, and even afk...


Crunching for U8 is no excuse for not immediately fixing this huge exploitable bug, that's insane.

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Crunching for U8 is no excuse for not immediately fixing this huge exploitable bug, that's insane.


You are making an incredible number of assumptions about the distribution of expertise of part of DE who works on Warframe.

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You know what, they were pretty consistent with hot fixes and everything before this crunch. I take that it's the reason. So I'll be patient and wait, even though my glaive does not do the damage it should if i do not host.

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You are making an incredible number of assumptions about the distribution of expertise of part of DE who works on Warframe.

You're probably right, maybe I'm overestimating their expertise. Just seems like that exploit would be something they'd want to put an end to as soon as possible. Going near afk to wave 100 defense and then reaping all those rewards for such minimal effort is nearly game-breaking.

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