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Trading/selling Annoyance


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Here is an chat ive had with about 15 people since the weekend:

Them: WTT for <insert item>/WTS stuff

Me: What are you trading with?

THem: What do you need

Me: Proceeds to spend the next 5 minutes asking after various prime parts that i need, before finding out that i have everything on offer.


Why cant, when trying to trade or sell something, people just list what they have available and let the other person pick what they need from the list, instead of wasting their time and yours on an interrogation, for want of a better phrase? 

Is anyone else finding that this is the case, or this just me?

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There's a limit to how much you can write in trading at once. Also it would be super annoying and inconvenient if everyone were to write wall of text. By the time you read first line of one's message it would be pushed far behind.


So yeah, saying "WTS stuff pm me" is imo better option at the moment.

Edited by Cerberus_Sokol
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For PC it's probably slightly easier to do, but on PS4, it is super annoying to type using the controller if you don't have a wireless keyboard. Some kind of trade tab that allowed you to edit your trade list and be able to allow folks to see it would be nice. So in your Liset, you create your trade list from your current inventory and be able to show it to potential traders in the chat tabs area. Sort of like the menu options to talk/invite/etc.

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I don't recall the name, but a few years ago I played a game that had a setup that might be viable. Everyone's profile had a spot where you could list 5 items you're looking for, and 5 items you owned and wanted to trade or sell. Made trading as simple as clicking on someone's name. There were still stores and such, but casual trading was a breeze, and if you were patient, you didn't have to do much at all. Eventually someone would come along and offer you what you wanted.

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I miss player shops like those you'd find in Phantasy Star Universe. 


Set your prices, everything is displayed at once, every item listed is entered into a search catalog for players. 


Players could alter their storefront and their living space; decor, wallpaper, noggles, etc.

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I miss player shops like those you'd find in Phantasy Star Universe. 


Set your prices, everything is displayed at once, every item listed is entered into a search catalog for players. 


Players could alter their storefront and their living space; decor, wallpaper, noggles, etc.




Everything is good compared to what we have now, spending hours in chat with nothing to do in the meantime is frustrating.

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We need an actual trading forum instead of one little sub forum. If you have no idea what an actual trading forum looks like or how it would greatly make your life easyer look here. http://forums.d2jsp.org/forum.php?f=52

we search for an in-game method

...but thanks


i wish one day DE will look at what red5studios have done with firefall

Edited by 5h1n0k4m1
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The problem with shops (and auction houses) is that they require a currency. While platinum could fit the bill, it does eliminate the versatility of item-for-item trades.

What I'd much rather see is a trading post, where you put up items you want to trade with a little blurb about what you'd want in return, and people browse the posted trades and place offers. You can then go through the offers and pick whichever one you want to accept, at which point the trade goes through.

Not as instantly gratifying as "buy it and done", but it retains all the functionality of the current system, just automated with a UI and the ability for time deferred trades.

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The current system on Warframe is a free market and prices fluctuate in a very organic manner. Buying and selling requires direct communication for better or worse with other players. You want to sell something, you have to advertise or do actual work, where as an auction system and what not will get rid of that extra effort.

Edited by ivlr3vil
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For PC it's probably slightly easier to do, but on PS4, it is super annoying to type using the controller if you don't have a wireless keyboard. Some kind of trade tab that allowed you to edit your trade list and be able to allow folks to see it would be nice. So in your Liset, you create your trade list from your current inventory and be able to show it to potential traders in the chat tabs area. Sort of like the menu options to talk/invite/etc.

Most of my annoyances can be traced back to an issue like Jeff points out (hi Jeff) concerning typing on a controller, I assume anyway. I have a $15 Logitech USB keyboard so text communication is easy for me, but sometimes others annoyed at the process and might be projecting that angst.

Some people don't like the free market, but all I want is people to actively engage.

-if I ask your price you can't respond "offer" thats just stupid.

-if you WTB something and I offer it to you at a price you don't like a simple no or counter offer is fine, but don't curse at me and block me.

If I post WTS don't get pissed if I don't WTT

These are simple communication issues, and at the center of most of my trading issues.

I suppose implementing a system that takes communication out of the exchange would eliminate those issues, but a whole new set would arise. For one it would become a buyers marketplace and anyone hoping to accumulate plat to buy cosmetics, reactors, catalysts, upgrade dojo, etched would prolly need to buy play more often from the warframe store - guess that would reduce grinding, but that's literally all warframe is so why would you want to do that? That's a different thread though lol

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-if I ask your price you can't respond "offer" thats just stupid.


This is my biggest pet peeve with trading. I refuse to deal with people that respond "offer" after I ask for a price. Fun thing happens after a few minutes when said person asks whether or not I'm going to make an offer, and I let them know that I already bought the item off someone else.


Back on topic:


I think they should keep the trade chat mess as is because a lot of people for some odd reason like it (not me). In addition to it, I think they should add a shop like others have already described where people can post their items and their prices and buyers can browse and buy instantly, even if the seller isn't online.

Edited by (PS4)thefndodge
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I know Steve was against a brokerage back on like devstream 4 but it's time for the trade hassle to be addressed.  


The common solution is a brokerage (which could work with both ducats or plat) but I would love to see a more creative solution with the same functionality.

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A rating/feedback system here on the forums like there is on bartertown would be a great start. Yes, this does mean you can get negative feedback, but if you are a bad trader, I don't feel any sympathy for you if your name is on the list to stay away from.


Here is an example of my feedback rating:



You can look at my trades and what people had to say about it. I think this would get rid of some of the "trash trading" habits that are going on.

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This is my biggest pet peeve with trading. I refuse to deal with people that respond "offer" after I ask for a price. Fun thing happens after a few minutes when said person asks whether or not I'm going to make an offer, and I let them know that I already bought the item off someone else.




"First person to mention a number loses."  Lol I find it annoying too but I don't stop talking to people because of it.  I'll usually just lowball or highball if I'm buying or selling at that point. Now I've been the first to mention a number and it might get a negotiation dialogue started.  If not, time to say nty and move on. To many traders are hitting ignore and taking it personal when someone says a number they don't think is fair.  It's not personal, its just business!  A "hello" or "hi" to start the trade, a polite counter offer and then if it doesn't work out, a "np" and a "nty" to end the trade all go a long way to making it a pleasant experience for everyone.  People should be more professional and polite in the trade chat.  That's the number one problem I see in trade right now.  


To the OP's question, one work around I've seen is to have the person that wants to trade send you a screenshot or two of their inventory.  Then you can see everything that's potentially tradeable.  I also keep a list of just two or three premium items I really want to trade and I'll rattle that list off if someone asks me what I want to trade for.  If they don't have any of those items, I'm not going to spend too much more time listing items with them as they likely don't have what I really want.  I'll usually type something like "pretty much got it all, just need plat." 


Happy trading everyone!  :-)  

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