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What Weapons And Warframe To Get?



Hello everybody. So I have ranked all my starter weapons (MK1-Bo, MK1-Braton, MK1-Kunai) and Warframe (Excalibur)

to level 30, and I was wondering what weapons and Warframe I should get next. I'm leaning towards Orthos or Dual Zorens, and Boltor or Karak, and Kunai or Lex. For the Warframe, I'm leaning towards Ember. I know some people might say "Choose Rhino! He's good for beginners and will get you far in-game" but the fact is, I think Rhino is boring and too safe. I want a frame that will allow me to have LOTS of fun, and has elemental powers. That's why I'm leaning towards Ember and later in-game, Frost. Please give your opinions.

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Ember is a good start but also Try to go for Oberon. Weapon wise - Go for Orthos and Dual Zorens! Both are great basic melee weps that you will enjoy. Primary- Try to get the Latron or Boltor very nice dmg even when you mod them well! As far as secondary's, go for Gammicore or Lex both very nice to have/ 

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Personally I love frost, Ember hasn't got a very good reputation (I don't like her personally), that being said she should be getting a buff in time (who knows how long it will take though). My absolute favourite is Volt though, I love his ability to stun large groups of enemies whilst also having a large amount of damage output and support abilities. Other than that, try to have a go with them all to find the one you like most.

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As the dude above me said. Wrong section. However, i am here now i may as well give you my input. If you're looking for a fun frame i suggest going with nova. I think she's a beast of a warframe and can just demolish enemies when it's needed. I just got frost a week or so ago and just got to rank 30 with him, he's pretty good. Top 3 suggestions would be Nova, frost, and when you get later in the game hydroid, i believe you need to be mastery rank 5 to unlock the boss though. I also like chroma, chroma is a tank and has the survivability like rhino but he has pretty cool abilities 

Edited by (PS4)drahkel
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Yes, yes... I think these are very good suggestions. I will wiki all these new suggestions. For now I'm thinking about this build: Ember (I will try to go for Oberon, once I wiki where to get him), Orthos, Boltor, Gammacor. But please, keep posting suggestions, I'm still thinking about my final decision.

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I'm so sorry. I'm slightly new, and don't know where to post what...

This would go in players helping players under tenno assistance but as for frames frost is better than ember for meta game and a must have for most defenses.


If you don't use meele that much then go dual zoren for the mobility otherwise go orthos


would think that boltor is better than the karak but I havent tried it.


kunai > Lex even better if you can get despair

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Well, let's not forget that I JUST maxed ranked my starter weapons and frame, so how the heck would I have access to the Ceres boss. Right now Frost is quite impossible. Oberon seems like a random 50/50 chance to drop on any mission. Ember seems really fun, and that's who I'm leaning towards at the moment, but she falls short around level 30 enemies... I just don't know who to get. Keep in mind I want a fun and risky Frame, not a boring safe tanks frame like Rhino.

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My top two frames are Loki and Saryn.
both very versatile.
Loki stealth can keep you safe, and is great for capture/spy missions, and his invisibility grants extra melee damage.
Saryn's 4th ability is great for clearing out waves of enemies, as well as staggering bosses for a few seconds.- her 2nd ability augment heals her and shes naturally tankey, so with Rage and her augment, shes pretty invincible
They each have their individual play styles. I love both.

The weapons I used way back when was the Kraken, then Twin vipers, then Dispair, and now Telos Akboltos. (some people will say Vaykor marlock)
Melee I LOVE the dual zorens (especially on loki. 3x crit damage and invisability damage)
though Tipedo is also a good choice. I also Love the dual Kamas

and Primaries? I used Paris then Paris prime. But now I use the Burston Prime (with syndicate augment). the other weapons people will suggest are Boltor and Soma prime.

If you "don't" have the prime parts, their regular counterparts are just as good.
(regular Akboltos, regular Marlock, regular Burston, regular Boltor, regular Soma, regular Paris)
The paris is great for learning to conserve ammo and get headshots.
Boltor is probbly the best all around. boltor and Braton.

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Hey Ph03n1xus, I think this website (specifically this link) will help a lot, with picking your weapons. Because some weapons, about like half of them, are locked by mastery so some weapons you want to try out aren't available. And it would suck to buy the blueprint but not be able to craft or claim them from your foundry.



Scroll down towards the end of the page where it'll show a table showing which weapons are locked and available to certain mastery ranks.  http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Mastery_Rank  


I think it's awesome that you chose Excalibur as your first Warframe, he was mine too, and he's great!


If you're already in a clan, and have a lot of credits, I would suggest Volt, because if you build him towards Power Duration, you can use your 1st ability to stun a group of enemies for a short time, and 3rd skill to make a shield that enemies can't shoot through but you can. He also has a lot of shields, which is very useful so you could take a lot more hits to your shields than some warframes out there.


If you're not in a clan, then I would also reccomend Nova because Antimatter will deal a lot of damage and it's fun to use, as well as Molecular Prime. She is a glass cannon, however, and that's one of the things that make her fun. She's squishy, but her powers are very powerful. And that makes your gameplay a little bit more fun, in my opinion, and it teaches you how to be more careful and know when it's time to run or hide for a bit to regain your shields.

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Well, let's not forget that I JUST maxed ranked my starter weapons and frame, so how the heck would I have access to the Ceres boss. Right now Frost is quite impossible. Oberon seems like a random 50/50 chance to drop on any mission. Ember seems really fun, and that's who I'm leaning towards at the moment, but she falls short around level 30 enemies... I just don't know who to get. Keep in mind I want a fun and risky Frame, not a boring safe tanks frame like Rhino.

Loki "can" be risky. If you go invisable, and you dont pay attention, you could pop out of invisability and be surrounded. Not a good situiation. Also, his Disarm is GODLY. I love it. and his decoy is great for distracting enemies.

Saryn is also kinda risky. IF you do get her augment, and the mod Rage, she becomes risk and reward.

You purposelly take some damage to health, to regain energy, throw down a moult to heal yourself, and press 4 to kill/stun everyone around you.

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Also, if you need some help in-game, or just if you're bored or whatever, just hit me up and I'll most likely be down to help you with anything if you catch me online as long as you message me first. I've already sent you a friend request in game, in case you forget. :)

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Recommend you do not ditch Excalibur (no Prime Version to obtain for him, so keep him)

Do not buy Warframe's or Weapons with plat as they are usually easily obtainable.

I'd recommend Nyx (easy farming from boss invasion), Trinity and Frost.

Those cover different playstyles and will offer a good variety to easily cater to certain mission objectives and play styles

Defense type missions can be easier with Frost, especially if teamed with liabilities.( inexperienced Tenno)

Trinity has a little bit of a learning curve to optimize 99% blessing, but once you do it offers easy Nightmare and Survival farming.

Ember and Valkyr are basically free farms if farming for Orokin Cells or Neural Sensors....boss node

Weapon-wise I'd recommend finding a liked weapon type Primary/Secondary/Melee.

- Keep 1 of your preferred weapons equipped and then slot other Mk-1 weapons to level them for Mastery Affinity, same with credit purchasbable weapons. (Will save you time in the future)

Edited by (PS4)MrNishi
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Okay guys, what I'm noticing a lot is you guys are suggesting prime and weapons that are in MR4+ . Keep in mind I am MR2, I only have access to Saturn, Mars, Venus, Mercury, and Jupiter. Stop telling me frames such as Frost and Nova when they're in planets, that I have a long way to unlock. Suggest things that I actually have access to. Thank you all.

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Saryn is also kinda risky. IF you do get her augment, and the mod Rage, she becomes risk and reward.

You purposelly take some damage to health, to regain energy, throw down a moult to heal yourself, and press 4 to kill/stun everyone around you.

 Wow, I didn't even think about looking at her augments, thanks man.


And to Ph03n1xus, When I use Ember, I don't really use any of her abilities aside from Accelerant to stun enemies if there's a big group of people, because when I'm fighting against Grineer, Infested, and Corrupted, I use the same loadout which have the Corrosive and Fire elements, so if you use Overheat, your enemies will be stunned (even if they're Corpus) and if you have the fire element in your weapon loadout, you'll deal a bit more damage.

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Also this is my 2nd account, so don't talk to me like "Volt has a move that can block bullets, but you can shoot through", yeah I know Electric Shield. I have almost all frames and weapons on my main account. I just got bored of being OP and wanted to work for something again. Good, everything cleared up?

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Also this is my 2nd account, so don't talk to me like "Volt has a move that can block bullets, but you can shoot through", yeah I know Electric Shield. I have almost all frames and weapons on my main account. I just got bored of being OP and wanted to work for something again. Good, everything cleared up?


You seem a little bit hostile, man. Chill. You're asking for advice, and that's what we're giving. On your main account, why don't you just not mod your weapons and warframes all the way or mod them differently if you want a challenge?

We're just trying to give you what you wanted, which are recommendations. And why we recommend those warframes and weapons. We're just tryin to help out, man. 

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so sorry guys, my bro was online. thanks for all the recommendations and I tried all your suggestions, and most of them worked. I moved a similar topic to the players helping players section. i'll tell my parents to ground the little jerk.

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If you're looking for a good amount of defense in a frame, go for Frost, if you want a bit closer to a glass cannon try out Ember, if you despise the corpus then go for Mag, do you prefer support? get Trinity, and finally if you wanna kill everything while not being relativity close to squishy go for Saryn!


As for weapons as a starter I highly suggest the Boltor, Lex and Orthos if you want a decent amount of variety with a straight forward and strong play style. Otherwise, I personally prefer the Karak over the Boltor due to the nice sound and over all design, and I also prefer the Kunai due to their fun play style that also leads into learning how to use other projectile based weaponry.


I hope my opinion helps you! and I hope you branch out and try some more diverse weapons as time goes on, there are some amazing weapons with cool mechanics out there.

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I would suggest Volt, built for duration +  zorens built for coptering (enjoy while you still can!). You will be able to traverse maps very fast, while under the effect of volt's speed + his augment will stun everything you come in contact with. Also, you have 2 emergensy buttons, his 1 being a short chain stun, and his 3 being an amazing shield that buffs weapon damage that passes through it..

(Boltor would be a better choice, because karak has mainly impact damage, and it isn't the best damage type in the game).

But, for this build, aim for Amprex primary when you hit mastery 5, as it benefits greatly from the shield's damage and crit damage boost, plus shield turns this beam weapon into a hitscan..And it fits the theme of Volt perfectly.

Also, tipedo (mastery rank 3)  is a great weapon that combines orthos' vertical coptering potential with zoren's "horizontal". =)


Have to agree on the topic of Loki and Saryn. They will become your "work horses" when you'll get the appropriate mods. Loki is one of the few best solo frames, and Saryn's just an insane nuker, especially when it comes to armoured targets. I'd tell you, that Rhino became even more interesting with his buff. His headbutt of death is cool .=) Enjoyed it so much when doing nightmare runs.

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i've heard from some people that if I get saryn, i'll be spamming her ult a lot. is that true? also i like the lex and the orthos, and while I like the karak over the boltor, I already set build to the boltor and dont feel like farming for 2 neurodes again. bummer.

Edited by PH03N1XUS
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As someone who has played all the frames, and has used Ember as one of the most used frames, I would not recommend Ember for new players. Her powers are certainly fun to use but to make the most of it, you really need as much power boosting mods as you can get (max capacity too) which is not something easily obtainable for new players.


Frost on the other hand is an excellent choice. Only issue is farming him on Ceres, one of the highest level systems. Be sure to take some help if you plan on tackling Lech Kril for frost parts.


As for early starter weapons I would recommend Burston, a 3 round burst semi-automatic rifle. Very accurate. Hek a powerful shotgun for close range. If your into bows, then Cernos. As for secondary and melee weapons, I can't really recommend anything specific, as there is too much of a wide range to choose from. Really depends on your play style.

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Off the top of my head, here are some amazing melee weapons:


- Orthos Prime (stance doesn't matter, your main move will be the slide attack.


- Galatine / Scindo Prime (Tempo Royale stance is what made this weapon category so much fun to play with for me)

- Kogake (with Brutal Tide. An amazing stance. I found this weapon to be devastating against Infested)

- Dragon Nikana (much more effective without a stance thanks to its one-two-combo.


- Bo Prime / Tipedo (with Clashing Forest)

- Atterax (with Burning Wasp)



As for frames that go well with a melee playstyle, I'd suggest Rhino, Loki, Ash, Chroma, Trinity and Valkyr.

Other frames that can be effective as melee frames are Frost, Mirrage, Saryn and Zephyr. Well, pretty much all the frames can be modded to be effective for melee playstyle, to be honest.

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Anyone said volt yet for elemental frame? :>

Now shoot me but.. Frost, Ember annnnd Saryn aren't as fun as Volt

the 3 of em got that one button wonder thing with em but you're gonna be actively using 3/4 of Volt's abilities


for weapons, I would say it doesnt matter?

looking at the future where theres all this nice stuff matters alot more than present where there isnt many options avaialbe that yo u wold actually stick with for awhile anyway. get things for mastery fodder



orthos prime has been pretty much my go to melee weapon for 2 years now?

it was the regular orthos before i got the prime

it's popularity still doesnt dwindle after all this time so you know its fabulous

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