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Where Is The Snipetron?


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Has there been any DE input regarding the potential reintroduction of the Snipetron as someone earlier had mentioned? If not, has there been any DE input at all with regard to the Snipetron outside of the initial post explaining why it was (unfairly and without warning) retired?



That means one has to have a dojo to craft snipetron since it is a energy weapon?

Edited by Jacate
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This is ironic.

Few weeks back I made a thread and asked why people dont use snipetron and everyone who commented collectively said 'snipetron is the worst gun in the game'. Now that it's gone, people are asking for it.


I guess you never know what you've got till it's taken away from you.


Well Imma go buy all the BP off the market just in case

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This is ironic.

Few weeks back I made a thread and asked why people dont use snipetron and everyone who commented collectively said 'snipetron is the worst gun in the game'. Now that it's gone, people are asking for it.


I guess you never know what you've got till it's taken away from you.


Well Imma go buy all the BP off the market just in case


It didn't help that a hotfix or two ago gave Snipetron armor-piercing, thus making it a lot more viable for it's instakill power. I can understand the rage, but I'm willing to be patient to see if the questions or outcry doesn't at least make it BPable, if not a research bonus.

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I had the snipetron for ages (probably longer than most guns) and then I did the reset and I didn't re buy it straight away cos I thought itd be there for a while.


So no ive lost one of my favourite guns haha.


Kind of sucks balls but ahh wells.

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Wow. Are you serious? This is .. Just. Why? Seriously. Why? I'm trying to understand this and failing to. Why would you remove something that didn't detract from anything? It was merely another offensive option, however useful it was or not. And no mention of it? Come on.


To know I will never be able to get this weapon is a tad bothersome.

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Would really like official word on whether it is true that the Snipetron will be reintroduced.


Also, I really would not like to be under constant fear that a gun that I plan to buy in the future might one days disappear without a word from DE.

Edited by Bauchelain
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This is pretty much unacceptable.  Players basically got screwed, through no fault of their own.  Lovely work.  I really, truly hope the devs reconsider this choice. 


Man, folks should have been more vocal about them retiring those old forum avatars.  It is NOT okay to pull that sorta thing with no forewarning.

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This made me really sad. Why would the Snipetron go retired without ANY form of announcement ahead?


Particularly for those who reset the account and wanted to "start from a fresh". Thank you not so much for this move, DE...

Edited by SymphNo9
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Everybody calm down.  Although I'm too tired to find the post at the moment (it should be in the weapon bugs section), there is a post by Rebecca about the Snipetron.  Apparently its disappearance is an unintended glitch, and it should be resolved shortly. 



Now then, let's go back to arguing about more important matters.  I'll even get us started: The new sniper (I forget the name) possesses all the same stats as the Snipetron (just from looking at its page), but has 25 more damage (a total of 125 vs 100).  Thus, it is a straight upgrade.  Is this a good thing? 


Personally, I do not think so.  The two snipers need to be different but comparatively equal.  For example, maybe give the new sniper 1 round per clip but with a fast reload time (bolt action). 

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DE definitely should have given a heads up but people were complaining about how other weapons were more practical than snipetron in every situation and now everyone's missing it because it got replaced?.... really?

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omg people why all the rage? From what people have posted this new weapon is actually BETTER than the Snipetron. And let's face it, the Latron is better anyway.


I don't know why they didn't just modify the Snipetron to fire a laser instead but w/e.


I think the reason they didn't tell anybody was because it's been replaced with an equivalent or better and they want people to use this new gun that actually makes sense. Had they have announced the Snipetron was being retired, thousands of players would have gone and bought it. They removed it from the game because it was an inconsistency, and having thousands of players buy it kind of defeats that object, no?

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Everybody calm down.  Although I'm too tired to find the post at the moment (it should be in the weapon bugs section), there is a post by Rebecca about the Snipetron.  Apparently its disappearance is an unintended glitch, and it should be resolved shortly. 



Thank you! My 30 second rage is over, I'm calm now.


DE definitely should have given a heads up but people were complaining about how other weapons were more practical than snipetron in every situation and now everyone's missing it because it got replaced?.... really?


Despite how bad Snipetron was, it still yielded easy mastery points.

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Snipetron was retired from service.

Corpus production facility was attacked and we are no longer able to replicate these weapons.

(Dev reason: It was a Corpus weapon that fired bullets, Grineer fire bullets and Corpus fire Lasers.)


Odd I always figured it was the tenno remake of the weapon because they couldn't figure out how to power it. The result being the hybrid faction weapon.


Much the pity, I liked it and with the AP improvement brining it up to scratch, was the first I planned to get after resetting.

Edited by Loswaith
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Everybody calm down.  Although I'm too tired to find the post at the moment (it should be in the weapon bugs section), there is a post by Rebecca about the Snipetron.  Apparently its disappearance is an unintended glitch, and it should be resolved shortly. 



Now then, let's go back to arguing about more important matters.  I'll even get us started: The new sniper (I forget the name) possesses all the same stats as the Snipetron (just from looking at its page), but has 25 more damage (a total of 125 vs 100).  Thus, it is a straight upgrade.  Is this a good thing? 


Personally, I do not think so.  The two snipers need to be different but comparatively equal.  For example, maybe give the new sniper 1 round per clip but with a fast reload time (bolt action).

There are other staff posts that state it's not a glitch, but was rather pulled for lore reasons(which as a reason, is pretty terrible considering you can change the flavor text).

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Snipetron was retired from service.

Corpus production facility was attacked and we are no longer able to replicate these weapons.

(Dev reason: It was a Corpus weapon that fired bullets, Grineer fire bullets and Corpus fire Lasers.)


A beam effect would be nice, then.

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