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Bladestorm Parameters Changes – My Idea About Easy Fix That Can Make Ash Complete


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There are many Ash rework topics atm. Many bring viable ideas.

Many players state that ASH is ok as it is and only needs some tweaks. Im one of them (however I think it will be serious tweaks). I love BS as it is now but it can be even better;p


The main issue that is being pointed regarding BS is its duration and lack of interactivity.

How can we fix it and at the same time keep awesome looking skill that is for sure the coolest part of ASH? How can we make ASH feel more deadly and assassin like?


Let’s change BS parameters only! I suggest following changes:

  • Let’s reduce number of targets to 6 (reduced to about 1/3 of previous value) and increase base dmg 3x. This way overall dmg per skill will be almost unchanged.
  • Next lets change 7 ticks of Bleed proc (7x35% of initial dmg=245%) into two ticks 110% each (its lower to compesate not precise target numet reduction: 6 is a 33% of 18 not 17...)
  • Skill range shall not be affected by power range but “marking area” shall be affected same as it its now.


What will we get:

  • Overall dmg per skill is almost unchanged! DPS would be better (on high lvl opponents but Power/energy economy will also get exponentially worse which in solo games will partially balance rise of dps)
  • Ash (and his two clones) will perform BS 3x faster (we will see only two cutscenes)  which means more flexibility and control over battlefield.
  • BS will be more assassination and less AOE skill. Yes it will be less efficient in fast clearing of rooms full of weak mobs. But assassination is about precision not mass murder.  This will also force people to plan which opponents group we shall kill (some more depth in ash gameplay)
  • BS will be  MUCH better  against bosses (in the end killing them is a highest lvl of assassination missions:P)
Edited by Kripion
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Isn't this a bit overkill? Essentially killing 2/3 less enemies would cost more energy. Current Blade Storm damage slaughters everything anyway when modded correctly. Sure the animation would be shorter but it would also kill less enemies so this is kinda unnecessary IMO.

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It doesn't need to be stronger, and it sure as hell doesn't need to affect less targets. It's already incredibly powerful with just Intensify and TFortitude. And it's now affected by Steel Charge. This change is helluva unnecessary.

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You srsly not thought about the impact your changes would have on Ash.
I "work" on possible Ash Reworks/Tweaks (2 or 3 months now) and at the start i was a "Ash only needs tweaks"  person.
But after a month thinking about my ideas while playing Ash and listing the issues and impacts on him it felt like ....ok maybe a Rework wouldn't be that bad.
In this month i tried to create different versions of Bladestorm (tried to keep bladestorm but want to improve it ) in this time Exalibur rework was hyped/hated nerft etc.
I thought nope no "Exalibur like Mode" i there is no way this could fit to Ash.
But i after i took a short break from warframe while waiting for Ash Prime i played some other games and one of them was Assassin's Creed.
And this felt like it could really good fit to Ash as an Mode. Using his hidden blades like in Assassin's Creed with good combos etc.
But enought with this...

What i want to say is, in the time i tried to improve BS i learned much more about it and it's small issues.

1. It is limited in kills/attacks. And you want to reduce this limit? oh God pls no this would make it worse much more.
   You don't even get 18 mobs at onec (only if there is a really fat spawn and no teammate spotted it)
2. NICE you got this point... BS's Target Range and Attack Range is both affected by Range.
  But you mentioned to let the Attack Range stay affected by Range.  -> limit in Attacks/Targets + Limiting Attack Range is the Issue . (Base Radius 25 m is good and it should be unaffected by Range mods) I know you wouldn't be able to increase it but 25 m radius should be enough. 
But this issue is an rather small one because range is only affected negative in duration build.
3.  Bleed proc is a steady Status in this game i only know one Exception. When Shuriken hit's the head it deals 70 % over 6 sec.
 It would be good if the bleed was shorter with 70% over 3 sec ... i had this idea long ago.

And if BS's stays the same it will NEVER attack a Boss multiple times :D

(Edit: I only posted 2 or 3 ideas how it could be. This is one of my latest ideas, it's and interactive one  https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/490432-ash-wants-this/#entry5476088)


Edited by Somi_xD
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A loki player who formated only basic type of ash 7 times 2 years ago:) and aftera great amout of break has still ovet 20% time played on ash (over 250h of trying different builds) :) - never judge book ony by looking on its cover...


- overkill dmg? only those who leave t4 at low lvl say that ... sry but I care only for late game content.

- wanna stay longer and watch cutscenes... well the boredom component of BS is based mainly on its duration...

- for me Ash is a ninja assasin .... should they kill 17 targets in one swing??? nah... besides as OP wrote - its really hard to mark 17 targets - in other words we usually hit 5-10 targets, having BS aim only on 6 would usually shorted its duration and make DPS better?

- I know that BS hits bosses only once. thats why i wrote it would be better - because it would be one MUCH stronger attack;p

- in late game its all about dmg/time and this hange would make Ash inprove in both... and it wouldnt be so brainless as it is now...

Edited by Kripion
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-multiple times the base dmg trough the slash proccs (as you mentioned)

-Finisher dmg. ->no falloff at all

-Max range builds are actually worth it

-multiplier influence, definitly overkill if you actually play.

The aim should not be spamming bs. if you do that, you're definitly doing it wrong. His playstyle highly supports melee gameplay.

The proccs mean additional dmg while you slash trough the hoards and meleeing trough them makes the next activation stronger.

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Check my Bladestorm reanmation thread, not to derail but to compare and work together.

I dnt wish to steal noones spot light i only wish to get the proper rework implemented on Ash for Bladestorm


When i hear Bladestorm i think of a Multi-Assassination

1st why isnt bladestorm faster and more lethal than it currently is?

6 attacks on a heavy can waste alot of time while Saryn or Mesa while kill them within secs.

Finsher dmg should consider Finishing that Enemy one hit


Bladestorm shouldnt get you detected if you arent alerted it should work with stealth multipliers 

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