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Best Weapons

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The best weapon is the one you find in your heart... Erm. I mean. As long as it's not physically stabbing you or crushing it.


But yeah, so far I really like Dakra Prime, Atomos, Soma (I really want the Prime version!) and Amprex. I still have several other stuff to level though. I'm sure I'll find new faves!

Edited by Rajal
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I'm surprised nobody listed Nano-Spores. Those things hit lot freight trains.

jk lol


Pretty sick Primaries

-Amprex (dat cc + red crits tho)

-Boltor Prime ( dat dps tho)

-Braton Prime (dat assault rifle feel tho)

-Dread (dem red crits tho)

-Hek (dat 100% status chance and 320% multishot tho)

-Opticor (dat spartan laser tho)

-Prisma Grakata /w Vile Acceleration (dat ROF of 51 tho)

-Soma Prime (dat machine gun tho)

-Tonkor (dat 2812 total damage at 7x crit damage /w 104% crit chance)

-Vectis (dat bolt action sniper feel tho)

-Dera (dat laser gun tho)

-Grinlok (dat level action tho)

-Lanka (dat railgun(coilgun) feel tho)


Super Sweet Secondaries

-Brakk (dat pocket shotgun tho)

-Despair (dem throwing knives tho)

-Telos AkBolto (dat heavy machinegun sound tho)

-(Vaykor)Marelok (dat sniper pistol feel tho)

-Angstrum before ammo nerf (dat multishot carpet bomb tho)

-Castanas before ammo nerf (dat remote detonated bomb feel)

-Stug (dem explosive gel blobs tho)

-Lex Prime (dat Deagle feel tho)

-(AK)Vasta (dat gunslinger feel tho)

-(Mara)Detron  (dat grineer killer tho)

-AkStilletto (dat dualsmg feel tho)


Melee weapons

-Dakra Prime /w CD 

-Glaive Prime

-Scindo Prime


-Dragon Sword

-Jat Kittag

-Dual Ichor





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