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New Warframe - Hunter


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"Hunter is crafty, Tenno, and dangerous. Dont let him set his sights on you."


Hunter is, well...a Hunter themed Warframe. He focuses on ranged damage as well subduing and taking down single targets, no matter how powerful. 




-Health: 100

-Shields 75

-Armor: 100

-Energy: 100

-Sprint speed: 1.10





Crack Shot - 25 Eenrgy: 


Crack Shot increases critical chance and critical damage with Bows and Sniper Rifles by 50/75/100% for 10/15/20 secs. 



Magnetic Net - 50 Energy:


Magnetic net fires netting at a single target, knocking down and pinning the target for 10/15/20 seconds. Pinned targets take 25/50/100 Magnetic damage from the netting, and 10% of this damage over time while pinned. Pinned enemies are susceptible to finishers.



Cloak 25 Energy, then 6 Energy/Sec


Hunter cloaks himself in invisibility while stationary. While Cloaked, Hunter gains Stealth bonuses to all damage dealt. (Stacks with all other damage bonuses Hunter deals). Moving will decloak Hunter.



Snare - 100 Energy:


Hunter surrounds himself with Snare traps. Snared enemies suffer a Puncture and Bleed proc, and are pinned in place for 10/15/20 secs. Pinned enemies are subject to Finishers and all Critical hits deal Finisher damage as opposed to normal damage types. 



Mod Affects:


Power Strength:


Crack Shot - increases damage dealt. 


Net: Increases strength of Netting, increasing magnetic damage and duration of pin effect


Snare: Stronger snares pin enemies longer and deal more initial damage on snaring them. For each 50% increase in power strength, Hunter will automatically refresh each Snare when it snares an enemy. (at 150%, double the snares; 200% triples them). 





One Shot: Crack Shot deals Finisher damage to unshielded enemies. Damage increases by 10/20/30%.


Big Game Hunter: Net augment. Significant increase in size to the Net. Capable of snaring target and any enemies within 1/2/3 meter range. 


Corrosive Trap: Snare Augment. Snared enemies suffer a Corrosive Proc, reducing armor by 20/40/60%.



Hunter is frame intended for those who want to play the Sniper. He specializes in taking down single targets and in guarding himself against a rush while he does so. This is for players who want their weapons, and not their frame abilities, to win a fight. 







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Chroma says hi, thematically at least.


edit: but so does Mesa, so with Chroma being the "dragon"frame, a hunterframe with just that as its theme is a decent idea


edit2: I like the abilities you included, cloak is inspired by the Itzal's second, right?

Edited by Temp0ralfool
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Cloak should keep you stealth while stationary but while mobile you have an auto Sticky cover mechanic thats free to leave cover and toggle by un crouching against wall or cover. Movement speed should buff while mobile. Sticky cover works while cloaked aswell.


I like the Concept the ultimate needs something ULTIMATE tho.

At first i picture Hunter as a Archer, maybe he or she should have a Weapon built in ulti


I picture a Female Amazonian warrior like a Panther warrior from a lost tribe in the jungle. 

Maybe a Panther Zanuka like Ulti that we can summon and detonates whwn ulti is deactivated or ends 


Wow i really got into your idea.

Id love to see someone design a Hunter frame.

btw doesnt Simarus always call us HUNTER 

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Thanks for moving, Devoid, and sorry bout that.


I like the idea of his having a companion he can summon, in the style of Zanuka. I also toyed with passive bonuses to shields, armor, health and damage for Kubrow. 


Thanks for the feedback.

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I like the idea..... but I think Crack Shot needs some tweaking. Its gonna deal insane Damage.
Bows easily reach 100% crit chance. So at rank 3 red crits are guaranteed.

May be you could make it his ult and move his currently ult to the first abilty.
Spawns a single trap, which can be cast multiple times

Just my suggestion. cuz right now, Crack Shot is going to be a top tier damage ability^^

Edited by SteaKnight-X
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Np i love Assassins and Stealth Frames.

1 more wouldnt hurt.

Cloak should probably work like Hydroids Puddle except turn you into a Shadow that can move freely and keep Hunters duration inbetween Ash and Loki's 

The Zanuka would be cool as a Panther looking style and Hunter imo would look sexy as a Female Tenno

I like Snare but it should be maybe the first ability take out crack shot and throw in snare maybe less traps.

I love the magnetic net. Snare. and Cloak. Maybe Cloak should disguise you as enemy unites that you last killed for a short duration.

This will give way to a nice augment for cloak like every enemy killed increases cloaks duration by _?

Ulti, hmmm lemme see whats a good name....


Savage Instinct... meh 

Inner Beast... -_-

Predator Sentry... You tell me or give it your own name after all its your concept.

Man you got me interested in sketching this frame out it sounds mad fun

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I like the idea..... but I think Crack Shot needs some tweaking. Its gonna deal insane Damage.

Bows easily reach 100% crit chance. So at rank 3 red crits are guaranteed.


May be you could make it his ult and move his currently ult to the first abilty.

Spawns a single trap, which can be cast multiple times

Just my suggestion. cuz right now, Crack Shot is going to be a top tier damage ability^^


maybe the Zanuka ulti should give Hunter the crack shot buffs while your Zanuka like pet detroys hordes you gain the sniper/bow dmg

I always wanted a Zanuka pet i guess your Frame gave way to this Ultimate idea i hope you like? xD

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maybe the Zanuka ulti should give Hunter the crack shot buffs while your Zanuka like pet detroys hordes you gain the sniper/bow dmg

I always wanted a Zanuka pet i guess your Frame gave way to this Ultimate idea i hope you like? xD

Agreed. I feel like a hunter needs a hunting "partner". Zanuka would be awesome. The pet should have "good"(survivability) stats or at least benefit from the kubrow mods. 

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Agreed. I feel like a hunter needs a hunting "partner". Zanuka would be awesome. The pet should have "good"(survivability) stats or at least benefit from the kubrow mods. 


Wow see im digging this thread 

Why cant Warframe&Abilities be this positive and constructive?

the Zanuka should have a Name besides the name of the Ultis ability.

Im thinkin the Zanuka should have Shield/Armor pen

I was thinking of making the Zanuka invincible but might be too Op

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Seeing as how the first ability, Crack Shot, is fairly powerful but otherwise completly useless unless you have a bow or sniper rifle, I feel like it restricts the player's possible weapon choices. It's implicitly saying "use a bow/sniper rifle or lose a good skill".


Maybe, to incentivise accuracy and high burst damage, you could have the buff apply to the next shot fired from a weapon rather than on bows or sniper rifles exclusively. It'd still be devastating on snipers and bows, but you could also use it on other weapons like shotguns, pistols or semi-auto rifles like the Latron, making the warframe more flexible in what weapons he can effectively use. And it would still apply to other weapons (e.g. soma, gorgon, flux rifle, ignis) but just not as effectively.


Also having a Zanuka partner sounds awesome. Maybe call it the Apex Predator? Apex? Alpha? Fido?

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Seeing as how the first ability, Crack Shot, is fairly powerful but otherwise completly useless unless you have a bow or sniper rifle, I feel like it restricts the player's possible weapon choices. It's implicitly saying "use a bow/sniper rifle or lose a good skill".


Maybe, to incentivise accuracy and high burst damage, you could have the buff apply to the next shot fired from a weapon rather than on bows or sniper rifles exclusively. It'd still be devastating on snipers and bows, but you could also use it on other weapons like shotguns, pistols or semi-auto rifles like the Latron, making the warframe more flexible in what weapons he can effectively use. And it would still apply to other weapons (e.g. soma, gorgon, flux rifle, ignis) but just not as effectively.


Also having a Zanuka partner sounds awesome. Maybe call it the Apex Predator? Apex? Alpha? Fido?



Nice idea.... but I would recommend to buff the next shot after every reload(like primed chamber) for the next 20sec. It would make usefull on shotguns and semi-auto rifles. But bows and snipers would benifit the most from it(nearly, every shot).

The restriction on those two weapon types, balances this skill a bit.(Lets be honest 100% crit chance on fast firing, high dmg weapons, brings the term OP to the next level)

I would still like to put this skill on the ult position. The damage potential is insane^^


maybe the Zanuka ulti should give Hunter the crack shot buffs while your Zanuka like pet detroys hordes you gain the sniper/bow dmg

I always wanted a Zanuka pet i guess your Frame gave way to this Ultimate idea i hope you like? xD


This would be a great ult.

To put in a little drawback. A range limitation coul be nice.

Something like " The more far away you are from your zanuka(Cerberus would be a good name) the lesser the damage buff procs."


>0m; 100% effectiveness

>10m; 90% "-"

>20m; 70% "-"

>30m; 50% "-"


Then you have to choose between safety or damage.

Like a hunter that needs to decide, how far he can go to hunt his prey^^

Edited by SteaKnight-X
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Nice idea.... but I would recommend to buff the next shot after every reload(like primed chamber) for the next 20sec. It would make usefull on shotguns and semi-auto rifles. But bows and snipers would benifit the most from it(nearly, every shot).

The restriction on those two weapon types, balances this skill a bit.(Lets be honest 100% crit chance on fast firing, high dmg weapons, brings the term OP to the next level)

I would still like to put this skill on the ult position. The damage potential is insane^^



This would be a great ult.

To put in a little drawback. A range limitation coul be nice.

Something like " The more far away you are from your zanuka(Cerberus would be a good name) the lesser the damage buff procs."


>0m; 100% effectiveness

>10m; 90% "-"

>20m; 70% "-"

>30m; 50% "-"


Then you have to choose between safety or damage.

Like a hunter that needs to decide, how far he can go to hunt his prey^^


Loving the Cerberus, maybe the Zanuka should bare three heads?lol 


Apex Predator ehh lol

isnt that a Conclave pistol mod? 

Still sounds dope tho.


I was thinkin the Predator should have a Stealth mechanic while it hunts its cloaked and while it attacks its visible but with a high movement and attack speed like a Panther or Cheetah.


Thinking Lore wise maybe Hunter can tied to Valkyr.

Say Hunter was a Corpus designed Warframe with a Zanuka hunter that one of Lotus' operatives recovered when rescuing Valkyr and tge Lotus reprogrammed Hunter to serve the Lotus. But Hunter can be like a Reengineered Warframe with Zanuka companion that the Corpus were working on too hunt the Tenno.


Man all these ideas make me want Hunter more and more in game. 

This is an Awesome idea.

I originally thought Hunter shoupd be a Female but its your idea soo what you say goes.

But thinking of lore to tie to Warframe i thought being a Cloned redesigned from Valkyrs Frame the Corpus used Valkyrs exo as a Reference for there own Warframe to be Zanukas Master besides Alad V.


With the style of Hunter i get a Stealth gameplay with a more Sniper and Bow playstyle feeling.

the Snares should be invisible to enemies

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Get to work guys.... we need some artwork^^


I was thinking of Hunters 1st ability




Having equipped a Rifle or Bow changes the abilities weapon which i thought should be Hunters signature weapon being Rifles and Bows


Equpping Rifle Hunters Bullseye becomes a One Shot Bow 

Same for equipping Bow makes Bullseye a Sniper oneshot


Kinda like Ash shuriken maybe give Shield and armor pen.


Nah i like the Snare trap Better it could be spammed and holdsup with Hunters Magnetic net which i really like

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I think the Zanuka Ulti should give your already equipped companions be it Sentinel or Kubrow a distinctive buff


Say Add Shield/Armor to your companions 

Automatically trigger Shade/Huras invisibilities while not attacking


I really think Cerberus should give Hunter the Crack shot buff while ulti is active

I really like the Zanuka ulti i hope you consider keeping it.


Owning a Zanuka as your 4 is Agreeable in this Community im sure  xD

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Wow some really great ideas floating round in here. 


I actually really do like the idea of a Zanuka like pet the Hunter summons. I have one more suggestion for it, and its a radical one; never been done on any frame and it totally changes the way Powers and Energy are handled to date:


As opposed to a duration limit, have the Pet be a toggle. When you call it, it costs 25 energy up front. Then, it reduces your overall power by 25 or 50% while its active. In other words, its a constant drain on your frame energy to power the pet.


On the flip side, the pet could have:





-Kubrow abilities, such as unlocking lockers, digging up items or pinning capture targets. 


The idea here is that this should be a pet that you can, if you choose, keep with you throughout a mission, for a price. YOUR pet; almost a familiar; not just a 'summon robot' ability. To justify this, though, the pet would have to be really good - maybe a robotic Kubrow with Puncture damage as opposed to slash and the above Kubrow features.


As for laying traps to surround yourself...I was shooting for synergy there. Cloak yourself and fade chameleon like - i like that suggestion - into the background. Stay that way until Energy runs dry or you move or attack. While cloaked, surround yourself with traps, activate your damage bonus and call in your pet to guard you or take down enemies that make it through traps. I really wanted to synergize these abilities and get the idea of a Hunter preparing to take down prey. 


And that being the case, I had a thought:


-Merge the cloak and damage bonus While Cloak is active, your shots get incredible bonus damage. BUT moving deactivates cloak. 


If we merge the Cloak and Damage bonus, we have room to keep the Magnetic Nets and make the Kurobo the Ultimate, so it can be a really good companion and not just a gimmick second or third ability. Meanwhile we introduce a reasonable check and balance to the dramatic increase in Crit damage and Crit chance, because the player cannot move around and keep the bonus intact. 

Edited by BlackCoMerc
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What we would have at this point:


Hunter - a lithe, probably female, Warframe intended for browns, greens and a camouflaged looked.




Armor: 65

Shields: 100

Health: 75

Energy: 100

Sprint Speed: 1.05

(above stats subject to tweaking, of course)




Cloak - 25 Energy, then 5 Energy/sec to maintain


Hunter melts into her environment, becoming one with the terrain as long she remains still. While cloaked, Hunter gains +50/75/100% Crit chance and +50/75/100% Crit damage. Moving (not turning) deactivates Hunter's Cloak.


Magnetic Net - 50 Energy:


Hunter launches a fast moving projectile that opens into a Magnetically charged net. The net pins a target to the ground for 10/15/20 seconds and deals 50/75/100 Magnetic damage immediately. The target suffers an additional 10/15/20 Magnetic damage per second while pinned. 


Snare - 75 Energy:


Hunter surrounds herself with Snares. Snared enemies suffer 50/75/100 Finisher damage and a bleed proc, and are held in place for 4/8/12 seconds. While Snared, enemies are subject to finishers and any hit from a ranged weapon is an automatic critical hit. 


Sirius - 50 Energy; Reduces overall energy by 50% while active*


Hunter summons her faithful robotic hound Sirius. Sirius has his own health, shields and armor, improved by Power Strength. Sirius gains bonuses from any mods equipped to an active Kubrow, including abilities to unlock lockers, pin targets and dig for loot, and can heal and revive Kubrow in the Squad. While Active, Sirius uses radar to reveal nearby enemies on mini maps throughout the Squad.


Sirius deals primarily Puncture damage, and has the following priorities while active:


-Revive Kubrow: Sirius revives any fallen Kubrow in the Squad.


-Guard Hunter (if Hunter is cloaked, and no Kubrow needs a Revive) Sirius prioritizes enemies closest to Hunter


-Take Down VIP: If a Capture target is nearby, and Guard Hunter and Revive Kubrow, are not needed, Sirius will chase down and pin the VIP.


-Fight: If above priorities are not needed, Sirius will engage enemies, beginning with the closest to Hunter


-Unlock: If above are not needed, and a locker is near, Sirius will attempt to unlock it


-Dig: If none of the above are true, and the Squad is not moving, Sirius has a chance to locate and dig for loot



Powers Affected by:


-Power Strength: Increases Crit damage from Cloak, Net and Snare Damage and duration (makes nets and traps tougher and longer lasting), and Armor, Health, Shields and Damage for Sirius


-Efficiency: Reduces cost of all abilities, as well as per-second cost to keep Cloak active. Reduces Energy drain for Sirius, but only at 50% of usual efficiency improvements (Sirius is energy hungry).


-Range: Increases range for Nets and perimeter radius for Snare. 


-Duration: No Effects/Benefits







-Ranger's Shroud - Cloak Override: Hunter can move while Cloak is active, but cannot attack. Cloak now increases speed by 5/10/15%


-Corrosive Netting - Magnetic Net Augment: Nets deal 50/75/100% Corrosive Damage (replaces Magnetic) and are larger, pinning targets as well as any enemies within 2/4/6m of target.


-Trapper - Snare Augment: Any Snare that captures an enemy is now replace 1/2/3 times


-Hellhound - Sirius Override: Sirius gains +100/200/300% shields, health and armor, and 25/50/75% Puncture damage dealt, but loses all priorities except Guard Hunter and General Combat. 



Thanks to everyone for helping hunter evolve. One last thought: We could also call the Frame Orion. In mythology, Orion was a proud Hunter who it was said could best any creature he pursued. Sirius, the Dog Star, is so named because it is the brightest star in the hound-shaped Constellation Sirius.


The so-called dog days of summer earned their nickname because, in the northern hemisphere, during the hottest part of summer, the constellation Sirius appears close to the summer sun in the day time.


In the cold, clear skies of Winter, Sirius, the faithful hunting hound, sits at the feet of his master, Orion. The Hunter. 

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What we would have at this point:


Hunter - a lithe, probably female, Warframe intended for browns, greens and a camouflaged looked.




Armor: 65

Shields: 100

Health: 75

Energy: 100

Sprint Speed: 1.05

(above stats subject to tweaking, of course)




Cloak - 25 Energy, then 5 Energy/sec to maintain


Hunter melts into her environment, becoming one with the terrain as long she remains still. While cloaked, Hunter gains +50/75/100% Crit chance and +50/75/100% Crit damage. Moving (not turning) deactivates Hunter's Cloak.


Magnetic Net - 50 Energy:


Hunter launches a fast moving projectile that opens into a Magnetically charged net. The net pins a target to the ground for 10/15/20 seconds and deals 50/75/100 Magnetic damage immediately. The target suffers an additional 10/15/20 Magnetic damage per second while pinned. 


Snare - 75 Energy:


Hunter surrounds herself with Snares. Snared enemies suffer 50/75/100 Finisher damage and a bleed proc, and are held in place for 4/8/12 seconds. While Snared, enemies are subject to finishers and any hit from a ranged weapon is an automatic critical hit. 


Sirius - 50 Energy; Reduces overall energy by 50% while active*


Hunter summons her faithful robotic hound Sirius. Sirius has his own health, shields and armor, improved by Power Strength. Sirius gains bonuses from any mods equipped to an active Kubrow, including abilities to unlock lockers, pin targets and dig for loot, and can heal and revive Kubrow in the Squad. While Active, Sirius uses radar to reveal nearby enemies on mini maps throughout the Squad.


Sirius deals primarily Puncture damage, and has the following priorities while active:


-Revive Kubrow: Sirius revives any fallen Kubrow in the Squad.


-Guard Hunter (if Hunter is cloaked, and no Kubrow needs a Revive) Sirius prioritizes enemies closest to Hunter


-Take Down VIP: If a Capture target is nearby, and Guard Hunter and Revive Kubrow, are not needed, Sirius will chase down and pin the VIP.


-Fight: If above priorities are not needed, Sirius will engage enemies, beginning with the closest to Hunter


-Unlock: If above are not needed, and a locker is near, Sirius will attempt to unlock it


-Dig: If none of the above are true, and the Squad is not moving, Sirius has a chance to locate and dig for loot



Powers Affected by:


-Power Strength: Increases Crit damage from Cloak, Net and Snare Damage and duration (makes nets and traps tougher and longer lasting), and Armor, Health, Shields and Damage for Sirius


-Efficiency: Reduces cost of all abilities, as well as per-second cost to keep Cloak active. Reduces Energy drain for Sirius, but only at 50% of usual efficiency improvements (Sirius is energy hungry).


-Range: Increases range for Nets and perimeter radius for Snare. 


-Duration: No Effects/Benefits







-Ranger's Shroud - Cloak Override: Hunter can move while Cloak is active, but cannot attack. Cloak now increases speed by 5/10/15%


-Corrosive Netting - Magnetic Net Augment: Nets deal 50/75/100% Corrosive Damage (replaces Magnetic) and are larger, pinning targets as well as any enemies within 2/4/6m of target.


-Trapper - Snare Augment: Any Snare that captures an enemy is now replace 1/2/3 times


-Hellhound - Sirius Override: Sirius gains +100/200/300% shields, health and armor, and 25/50/75% Puncture damage dealt, but loses all priorities except Guard Hunter and General Combat. 



Thanks to everyone for helping hunter evolve. One last thought: We could also call the Frame Orion. In mythology, Orion was a proud Hunter who it was said could best any creature he pursued. Sirius, the Dog Star, is so named because it is the brightest star in the hound-shaped Constellation Sirius.


The so-called dog days of summer earned their nickname because, in the northern hemisphere, during the hottest part of summer, the constellation Sirius appears close to the summer sun in the day time.


In the cold, clear skies of Winter, Sirius, the faithful hunting hound, sits at the feet of his master, Orion. The Hunter. 


Cloak should be called Lurk


instead of melting you should become the Shadows similar to Hydroids puddle

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