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Nobody Else Excited About Sharkwing?


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Archwing has relatively few mods. Very bad RNG. Weapon parts are scattered, prime-style, all over the place and like Prime parts force you to do mission types you might not care for. 


I had enough of this type of grind looking for Prime parts. Why in the world would I want to go through it all again for the sake of a frame I can only use on a very limited number of missions, on a very limited number of tile sets?

-Bad RNG: Fair point.


-Forced mission types for parts: Also solid point, especially mandatory four waves of Interception for a part.


-Few mods: The thing is, though - that's not entirely a bad thing. It does reduce variety, yes, but it also means no clutter. Unlike the main game where we have a lot of mods that just aren't worth anything, Archwing doesn't deluge you with 400 Intruders, and to be entirely honest, unless you absolutely must have maxed Hyperion Thrusters on everything, you barely even need forma except on archweapons. I do wish there were more build variety, but it's effectively an alpha-testing preview we're finally getting a major content expansion to, and we might see more of that with U17.


-Limited use: That's the ENTIRE POINT of Sharkwing - to integrate Archwing with regular missions and solve this issue. So what's the problem there? "Why should I bother farming for parts I don't even get to use outside a limited selection of missions" - that's the entire reason this exists.


 -Also, on that note, I have to mention that of all the equipment in the game, Archwing actually has some of the most balanced content. Melee weapons are mostly sidegrades with some superior functionality on rarer weapons - but the Centaur does not, despite popular belief, make the other weapons entirely obsolete. Some of the arch-guns need tweaking (I'm looking at you, Decurion recoil), but other than a few glaring flaws, that applies too.


As for the archwings themselves - I don't know about Elytron, but Odonata (at l east when its ultimate isn't bugged as it is now) isn't actually that boring, it just suffers from a lack of mobility compared to Itzal. Itzal... is beautifully designed. Every ability has excellent synergy and some form of use that retains its effectiveness well into the high end of archwing difficulty.


Really, Archwing has three things wrong with it: Awful part acquisition, worse XP gain, and lack of content - and the third is getting addressed to a massive extent in U17 and the J3 Golem raid.

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I never maxed Hyperion Thrusters because they put so little effort into AW after release that I felt they might just ditch it completely.

So no. Sharkwing will probably be dreadfully boring after the first day and left untouched by the devs for a year.

It's all part of Steve's Illuminati plot.

Edited by SweetSlaanesh
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From that glance at Sharkwing, I pretty much only have one impression of it: It looks bad. They probably shouldn't have tried to showcase it without adequate gear, as this just makes it look stupid - they get obliterated by the first enemy they see, then they sit there moving a system error log off-screen without even being shot at, showing that the AI will simply ignore you. They don't even start managing to get kills until they're using their ult and their melee. If they're not underequipped, this is just badly balanced.


From there, I mostly just noticed the invisible deadzone that teleported them back - still not visible, not demarcated in any way that I could see, nothing.


In the end, sure, it's pretty...but it looks like it plays in the same ways that Archwing does, and fails in the same places.

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From that glance at Sharkwing, I pretty much only have one impression of it: It looks bad. They probably shouldn't have tried to showcase it without adequate gear, as this just makes it look stupid - they get obliterated by the first enemy they see, then they sit there moving a system error log off-screen without even being shot at, showing that the AI will simply ignore you.


Yeah because all that's going to be in the game.  DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!

Edited by Fifield
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