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Volt Frame


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I'm going to throw down a slightly more radical alteration to Shock;


When you activate Shock, Volt puts his primary/secondary weapon away, and holds his hands ready in front of him. Using the standard attack throws an instant arc of electricity much like how Shock works now - this consumes ~10-20 power tops. This can be done fairly rapidly and is fully-automatic; just hold the trigger to throw bolts. You can still zoom when in this mode for improved accuracy.


Using the Melee button either does some kind of single-target electrical punch (moderate damage, high stun) or radial blast-esque effect. The former consumes a token amount of energy -- the latter maybe 25-50 depending on how effective it is.


Finally, with the Block button, Volt casts both hands outwards, constantly bombarding a cone in front of him with electricity. This inflicts serious damage and has a high stun/stagger chance against most non-boss enemies, at the cost of rapid energy drain.


One additional option might be sub-cards that improve the effectiveness of the melee/coneblast attacks, and perhaps one that adds rapid energy regeneration whilst in this mode at the cost of reduced shield regeneration or something.


You can return to normal gunplay using either the Shock activation or standard weapon switch key.

While this would be awesome and really make Volt the "Alternative to gun play" as advertised I doubt the Dev's would do something like that. Not because it's not a great idea (thumbs up btw) but because if Volt was given such abilities every Frame would want it. And a few should! Like Ember and the other "caster" type Frames. People wouldn't see "Oh I have stealth invulnerability (ect) but not what they have I want it!" Just my opinion though. Would still be awesome sauce if we got something like this.

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Shock should do ticks of damage.  Three at base level and five at maximum, for example.


Speed is fine.


Electric Shield should allow all ally shots to pass through (this was probably an intended feature, but is currently broken).  Projectiles that pass through get an Electric damage boost on top of their damage.


Overload should do heavy Electric DoT in its AoE for the duration of the skill.  Keep the extended range through environmental objects gimmick.


This would make for a much more playable Volt.

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While this would be awesome and really make Volt the "Alternative to gun play" as advertised I doubt the Dev's would do something like that. Not because it's not a great idea (thumbs up btw) but because if Volt was given such abilities every Frame would want it. And a few should! Like Ember and the other "caster" type Frames. People wouldn't see "Oh I have stealth invulnerability (ect) but not what they have I want it!" Just my opinion though. Would still be awesome sauce if we got something like this.


Ember is well overdue some attention from what I understand, and if I remember the recent stream correctly, many frames may be seeing some attention and improvements to their ability set after E3 is done.


I think it's high time the abilities/frames were stepped up to include more advanced concepts and more skill-based elements; I have no doubt players can handle it -- and for those that can't, there are plenty of other frames and powers to suit their playstyle.

Edited by Arcalane
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I had Volt as my first Warframe and i enjoyed him in many occasions.

I do agree that his shield ability is hardly ever used except when reviving people maybe.

Then there is shock, powerful enough to kill.... one moa at a time. :C

With the recent acquirement of Vauban, i feel that Volt's Shock ability needs a buff, really hard.


I was thinking of making the lightning have a chain effect.

Maybe every fusion level gives it one additional chain target.

And perhaps increase the chain effect radius a bit every fusion level.


As for the shield, i am not really sure what to make of it.

I am sorry.


The speed ability is nice and with his generally lower speed, this is an useful ability.

His ultimate ability is pretty useful, especially against Corpus.

The pure strength of his ultimate is just magnificent, don't get me even started on how bad &#! it looks! :D

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Yea we are all pretty spread out about his shield and what it should be. Players have split sides, some say the shield should move some say it shouldn't let allies bullets pass through. It's the most complicated power of Volt's I've seen for people to agree on.

Personally I wouldn't mind making it a bit taller and wider with allies bullets being able to pass through it with a nice electrified affect. Would make it more usable on boss fights and defense missions.

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Shock needs not be buffed, but either modified or flat out changed completely


Be re-worked as to work as a chargeable attack


with three charge states each taking a second and a half to charge up and each doing more damage than the other and chaining to an additional target


Charge 1-  300 damage to target and it jumps to two more enemies dealing 250 damage to each

Costs:25 energy


Charge 2- 450 damage to target, the lightning jumps to 3 more targets, each target jumped taking 300 damage

Costs-40 energy


Charge 3- 500 damage to target, bolt jumps to 4 targets each taking 350 damage

Costs:50 energy





scrap the ability and make it a different one



Costs:25 energy


Overloads firearms and meele weapons increasing their firing rate (or swing speed)

+50% fire rate to ranged weapons and +40% to meele weapon's swing speed and cuts the charge attack speed in half


lasts for 7 seconds


upgrading the ability increases the duration from 7 to about 12 seconds



(IMO) this one would be perfect to a character that uses lightning as his main element. which is volt's case, makes him attack as fast as lightning and dish out damage...like lightning of course!


you might say it would too much damage but look at Excalibur's slash dash, kills an UNLIMITED ammount of enemies that are in his way, so if there is 20 enemies in front of him, slash dash and done, i don't like that personally :|  so why does volt have a weak &#! bolt of electricity  that wastes the same ammount of energy as excalibur's dash?, 

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Volt is my favorite frame to play, primarily because I like the thematic component (lightning ninja, I mean seriously, what could be better than that?) as well as the utility it offers.


Rather than being an all-out offensive frame, with just four extra buttons for killing things, I actually much prefer having Speed and Electric Shield as utility.  Overload is pretty much fine as it is - the fact that you have to be mindful of your environment when using it, to get the most out of it, is actually a fun and interesting change compared to most abilities various frames have, which are just "Are enemies in/going to be in the AOE?  Okay, I'll hit the button," because it makes you consider where and when you use it more so than others.


Speed is great.  The only thing that could possibly stand to be changed would be...  I guess a boost to reload and melee speeds while active?  Not really necessary though (if this sort of thing is already in, I haven't noticed it - just because I primarily use Speed for the mobility).


Electric Shield is a great idea, and I don't want to see it removed - but it has a few problems that really should be addressed to make it as good as it can be.  Certain projectiles can't pass through it, and unless you're fighting Corpus, it's going to lower your damage output against everything.  Why not take a note from Saryn's Contagion, and make it add bonus damage like a mod would, rather than converting the damage over entirely?  It'd make a bit more sense that way, I feel, since projectiles passing through are simply getting a bonus charge added to them, rather than doing some matter-to-energy conversion, which is rarely advantageous (though, the fact that you're protected from enemy fire could easily make it serve as a balancing mechanic).


Shock is... underwhelming, at best.  Against Corpus, the damage isn't actually terrible, but it absolutely does pale in comparison to some other abilities (like Venom, which is in a good place, comparatively), and almost always feels like a waste of energy.  Currently, the primary use of Shock is to quickly zap an Osprey out of the air, or easily dispatch a Roller.  The stun effect is at best negligible, and the damage against non-Corpus enemies makes it useless against them.


I would suggest either bumping up the damage to non-Corpus a bit (or rather, making non-Corpus less resistant to electrical damage), allow it to stun enemies for a longer period of time (as electrical damage does to Corpus, just against other enemies - to emphasize the ability's utility) or allow it to more consistently arc to affect a larger number of targets - perhaps increasing the max number of targets it can arc between as you rank it up.  Alternatively, it could see a significant reduction in Energy use, which I feel would cause it to be used quite often if otherwise left alone.


But basically, I feel Volt is actually quite well-designed overall - just some issues with Electric Shield's functionality and all of the problems with Shock need to be addressed.  The description of it being for people looking for a potent alternative to gunplay though, just seems a bit silly, as it only offers that against a single group of enemies, and only through Overload.

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I'm going to throw down a slightly more radical alteration to Shock;


When you activate Shock, Volt puts his primary/secondary weapon away, and holds his hands ready in front of him. Using the standard attack throws an instant arc of electricity much like how Shock works now - this consumes ~10-20 power tops. This can be done fairly rapidly and is fully-automatic; just hold the trigger to throw bolts. You can still zoom when in this mode for improved accuracy.


Using the Melee button either does some kind of single-target electrical punch (moderate damage, high stun) or radial blast-esque effect. The former consumes a token amount of energy -- the latter maybe 25-50 depending on how effective it is.


Finally, with the Block button, Volt casts both hands outwards, constantly bombarding a cone in front of him with electricity. This inflicts serious damage and has a high stun/stagger chance against most non-boss enemies, at the cost of rapid energy drain.


One additional option might be sub-cards that improve the effectiveness of the melee/coneblast attacks, and perhaps one that adds rapid energy regeneration whilst in this mode at the cost of reduced shield regeneration or something.


You can return to normal gunplay using either the Shock activation or standard weapon switch key.

This.... So much this. Steve if this doesn't end up in game your pink shorts are mine! This is what a TRUE alternative to gunplay is.

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But basically, I feel Volt is actually quite well-designed overall - just some issues with Electric Shield's functionality and all of the problems with Shock need to be addressed.  The description of it being for people looking for a potent alternative to gunplay though, just seems a bit silly, as it only offers that against a single group of enemies, and only through Overload.

Then it shouldn't be advertised that way, I'm sure those of us who bought Volt and love him was because of the fact that was how his Frame is advertised and that is how a.... LIGHTNING ninja should be. If not Re vamp Volt and take the advertisement of him being an alternative to gun play down.

Edited by Cyphrus
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Then it shouldn't be advertised that way, I'm sure those of us who bought Volt and love him was because of the fact that was how his Frame is advertised and that is how a.... LIGHTNING ninja should be. If not Re vamp Volt and take the advertisement of him being an alternative to gun play down.

I say the description stays.  I'm not sure what the best direction is, be it tactical thinking or a true alternative playstyle overhaul, but I like the idea behind it.  I'd say it's the ethos upon which a rebuild must fixate.


But then I say a lotta crap, so...

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volt is the most OP warframe in the game still, they nerfed it and i still solo defense/mobile defense missions with about 5x as many kills as everyone else

with energy synergy, and even more mods to level up/prestige end game, i will say volt is the most powerful warframe in the game, because of overload


most missions i only fire my gun because i am bored of spamming nonstop overloads, i carry entire teams


the problem with the development cycle of this game is, they will never go back and change up existing warframes other than some ini tweak setting that will nerf or buff the skills as they are. its a f2p game and their profit is by generating new content, new warframes. dont expect them to spend their precious dev time that is needed to make money on a warframe that is given out for free at the start of the game.



the suggestions i would make is to make the skills flashier, make the special effects stand out more

make shock a sort of chain lightning skill that jumps from 1 enemy to the next with a sort of stun effect. focus on the status effect and not another generic damage wah wah thing people will complain about and nitpick for the devs to endlessly tweak for the next year


for overload, make it more apparent where the lightning effect is traveling and jumping off from. make the lighting more dynamic as the lights go out, make it flashier and instead of some high pitched tween noise, make it like a booming thunder


i mean you already have lighting being effected by the electricity, you could add some sort of flash of light skill that acts like a flash bang. i mean if the creative minds at this company cannot come up with something original other than more generic damage skills they should go watch an episode of Static Shock or read a comic book once in a while.

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volt is the most OP warframe in the game still, they nerfed it and i still solo defense/mobile defense missions with about 5x as many kills as everyone else

with energy synergy, and even more mods to level up/prestige end game, i will say volt is the most powerful warframe in the game, because of overload


most missions i only fire my gun because i am bored of spamming nonstop overloads, i carry entire teams


the problem with the development cycle of this game is, they will never go back and change up existing warframes other than some ini tweak setting that will nerf or buff the skills as they are. its a f2p game and their profit is by generating new content, new warframes. dont expect them to spend their precious dev time that is needed to make money on a warframe that is given out for free at the start of the game.



the suggestions i would make is to make the skills flashier, make the special effects stand out more

make shock a sort of chain lightning skill that jumps from 1 enemy to the next with a sort of stun effect. focus on the status effect and not another generic damage wah wah thing people will complain about and nitpick for the devs to endlessly tweak for the next year


for overload, make it more apparent where the lightning effect is traveling and jumping off from. make the lighting more dynamic as the lights go out, make it flashier and instead of some high pitched tween noise, make it like a booming thunder


i mean you already have lighting being effected by the electricity, you could add some sort of flash of light skill that acts like a flash bang. i mean if the creative minds at this company cannot come up with something original other than more generic damage skills they should go watch an episode of Static Shock or read a comic book once in a while.

Reading this made me think of this http://bgr.com/2012/06/14/youtube-comment-ebooks-amazon-kindle-store/

But I'll be nice and say everyone's opinion is valid and worth hearing. Though you sir/madam are the only one who thinks Volt is op because of one skill. I actually took a screen shot of this because I was in such disbelief. Wanted to remind myself someone actually thinks this.

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Volt 2.0


Health 75 (250 at 30)

Shields 150 (450 at 30)

Shield Recharge 22.5

Power 150 (225 at 30)

Armor 25

Sprint speed 1.0


1Chain Lightining - Affects 3 enemies medium damage + actual stun - 10-15 energy cost can chain off of any surface.


2ElectricCharge - Boosts speed, making harder for enemies to hit you with projectiles, during the effect abilities ignore some enemy resistance. 30 energy cost speed buff reduced a little bit, lasts longer than speed.


3Electric Shiled - Taller and broader than now, enough for 2 frames to take cover whithout the need to crouch. Any bullets fired trough it will cause reduced electric damage. Firing chain lightning from behind the shield will empower the ability, causing extra damage and affecting 2 more targets. 50 energy cost


4Overload - Volt fires his chain lightning at every enemy inside the area causing a massive chain reaction, electric devices and mechanical enemies inside the initial area of the skill shoot one extra bolt of lightning. 100 energy cost.


Volt is now cooler, more mage-y and 200% more overpowered.


Other ideas


2Electric charge - Boosts speed, making harder for enemies to hit you with projectiles enables shield regen during the effect. 40 energy.


4Overload - Instead of another boring press 4 to win - Overloads volt for a few seconds, any electric damage caused will ignore enemy resistance, bullets deal extra electric damage, chain lightning deals more damage and chains more times, volt will also automatically drain energy from electric devices and mechanical enemies nearby, releasing chain lightning at his enemies

Edited by Allerian
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I thought about it some more, and I'd be satisfied with three simple changes:


1. Shock hits something and then "jumps" to enemies in a 5m radius, dealing a little more damage than it does now, and always stunning them. 20 energy, since 25 makes it's cost:effect ratio out of proportion with Overload.


2. The shield is useful against infested, stunning and/or doing constant damage to things passing through much like the lasers in the orokin tower/void, but not quite as strong. Also, increase coverage (since it is exceedingly situational) and get rid of the electric bullet effect (since it can be a detriment).


3. Ancients aren't totally immune to electricity. I don't know why they are immune, they're made out of meat, and will apparently become fish monsters soon. Not to mention enemies should never passively and completely neutralize a warframe's offensive powers, especially such powers stated to replace guns.

Edited by PositronicSpleen
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my 2 cents:


- shock: need a BIG change, as now is a waste of slot.

- speed: is fun but with marathon and rush you can obtain almost the same and not waste energy.

- shiled: this is broken, most of the time i feel like i shileld the enemy from myself, :V

- overload: god-like on ships where there are a lot of electronics, almost useless on defence missions. and once you destroy everything is a waste of     energy, need 2 overloads to kill normals on Kiste with mod maxed + focus al 20% while other frames (coff.. saryn coff...) 1 button istant kill everyone and theyr mama.

- volt is too slow for a lighting-ninja badass

- alt helmet is *meh* (- stamina)


In the end I think they tried to do a long range sniping frame but with poor results and now it's some kind of broken

I hope the'll look into it... this guy have a lot of potential, it's fun and have a really great design

Super Speed should allow you to to ram anyone and do light damage of speed up you melee attack. 


And when i use Speed, no frame that has faster default speed can keep up. Volt is just too damn fast and too damn slow without the speed force.

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volt is the most OP warframe in the game still, they nerfed it and i still solo defense/mobile defense missions with about 5x as many kills as everyone else

with energy synergy, and even more mods to level up/prestige end game, i will say volt is the most powerful warframe in the game, because of overload

Firstly, are you saying you can solo defense missions, or that you can get more kills than everyone else in the mission?


Secondly, you don't get more kills on a solo, you get through more waves.  Generally speaking, wave 1 against Corpus is wave 1 is wave 1.  You aren't getting too many variations on the basic theme here, let alone more or less spawns. 


Third, as you didn't read earlier posts (not that you'll read this one), the point of this thread is that Volt has to rely on Overload for skill-based damage, and that he doesn't present "a potent alternative to gunplay".  He Overloads.  That's it.  Of course it's easy to build him to focus on throwing only this skill.  Thats what we're trying to discuss correcting.  Electricity in general has been nerfed to deal with Overload-junkies.



the problem with the development cycle of this game is, they will never go back and change up existing warframes other than some ini tweak setting that will nerf or buff the skills as they are. its a f2p game and their profit is by generating new content, new warframes. dont expect them to spend their precious dev time that is needed to make money on a warframe that is given out for free at the start of the game.

I truely, honestly hope you are completely wrong about this part.  I hope this is just Blizzard poisoning.


the suggestions i would make is to make the skills flashier, make the special effects stand out more

make shock a sort of chain lightning skill that jumps from 1 enemy to the next with a sort of stun effect. focus on the status effect and not another generic damage wah wah thing people will complain about and nitpick for the devs to endlessly tweak for the next year


for overload, make it more apparent where the lightning effect is traveling and jumping off from. make the lighting more dynamic as the lights go out, make it flashier and instead of some high pitched tween noise, make it like a booming thunder

I'm amused that you had a few suggestions that not only contradict every other point of this ramble, but also make some good sense.  If you are going to make good points and actually think like this, don't hide it in pessimism.  We actually want comments like this.


The thing that I think I see coming from those who feel Volt is OP is they feel that Overload is OP.  This isn't the case, although it is rediculously strong when you build for nothing else.  I begin to wonder if Overload needs a rebalance, but then I remember the Saryn "everything melts" uber that is also affected by Stretch.  I think these abilities are uber, and that other #4's are just a button press.


Really, the big thing here is that no warframe should be just a one-trick pony.  That's the problem with Volt at present.  A player thinks "why press any button other than #4?"

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I agree, I play only Volt, i kill everything with overload,

Nobody wants to play with me because of my broken frame, they say i cheat cause i always do like 99% damage and kills.


If you want to see it yourself meet me at Terminus-mercury, you'll se how I smash thoose noobs!

KS-ing lowbies and snagging massive damage percentages at the very first starter mission?  How mighty.

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Reading this made me think of this http://bgr.com/2012/06/14/youtube-comment-ebooks-amazon-kindle-store/

But I'll be nice and say everyone's opinion is valid and worth hearing. Though you sir/madam are the only one who thinks Volt is op because of one skill. I actually took a screen shot of this because I was in such disbelief. Wanted to remind myself someone actually thinks this.

Don't be too shocked.  I was wondering how long before this happened.  We've had too much actual thought going on here for too long, and if we keep it up the Devs might actually listen to good logical points from amidst our posts.  Some folks just don't agree with us.  I just wish there were more good arguements against a rework than a few "Overload is OP" remarks.  Which simply prove our point, by the way.


Hietala217, you're the exception here.  I like your arguement against rework.  Not that I agree, totally.  Just that I like the points you made.

Edited by Cytobel
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Couldn´t the shield amplify the damage done by his first skill?

Hmmm...  That is a neat idea.   Actually, why can't more of a Warframe's skills chain together?  That would burn through energy quickly, but amplify less useful seeming moves into something far mor uber.

Why didn't I think of that?


Possibly.  Very possibly.

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you need me to take a screenshot of my 270+ kills vs the 80 kills of the other members of the team?


i spam overload endlessly and can kill entire rooms full of people instantly, the only drawback are that ancients are immune, or if i am doing a level 3 tower run , the enemies dont get instakilled by my 1x overload


its the single best skill in the game and completely overpowered. now go make some 1 liner witty retort the internet is so prone to doing when being confronted with a reasoned argument.

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