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And Again De Doesn't Do What They Promised.


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A Picture worth more then a thousand Words.


If you still didn't noticed. Attending the MOA Event had no use. No Exclusivity as DE promised.

There you go. Go get those Frost Prime Blueprints. Not the Part of it. The Actual Blueprint for the Frame.

What will be next? Why not add Prime Excalibur also? Who cares that's also Exclusive.

Wanna take bets when will we see the Vandals available to any1?


Added 1 screen just so it can't "magically" disappear from existence

Link: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/39923-de-about-the-extermination-operation/?p=381765

Edited by Sikab
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 Actually, I'm totally okay with this. Solves problems down the road.

since when is Exclusive = Problem?


those of us who worked our asses off farming MOAs now getting slapped in the face.

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While I do feel it lessens the impact the event had.  I do not feel as if an ENTIRE WARFRAME should be left out from public hands if they missed out.

In the future I would rather the event provide a cosmetic skin that is really cool.  Maybe an alternate helmet?

But never something so important and functional as a warframe or weapon.  

So long as they take the first event as a LEARNING EXPERIENCE AND THEY SAY THEY LEARNED FROM IT.

I'm ok with a promise that no future stuff will happen like it.

Never agreed with such a reward in the first place.   Didn't matter how much you contributed or not in order to obtain it.

Maybe a better solution is tiered rewards in the future?

Edited by TraumaHunter
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While I do feel it lessens the impact the event had.  I do not feel as if an ENTIRE WARFRAME should be left out from public hands if they missed out.

In the future I would rather the event provide a cosmetic skin that is really cool.  Maybe an alternate helmet?

But never something so important and functional as a warframe or weapon.

Agreed on this count. If DE left the Frost Prime as only exclusive to the Fusion MOA event and wasn't attainable any other way, that would not make sense to me. A skin for the Frost only available through an event - maybe. But not an actual weapon or Warframe.

I have no issues with the Frost Prime being available from Orokin areas.

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This is a hard topic for debate as there will be two sides. One that will agree with you and one that will say they were busy so they didn't get the opportunity to try to get it as well because the event timing wasn't fair to students/workers/etc.


You may feel offended that they didnt make the frost prime blueprint exclusive...

But i may feel offended for them not allowing everybody a second chance to get it. And guess which one of these two options will have more players supporting it? I'd give you 2 cent to say the second choice has more people to support it.

It is literally impossible to cater to only a certain type of players. Most company, and many surviving strong company cater to the majority.

Unfortunate but true.. =/

P.S. I honestly don't mind nor care that the frost prime is dropping for everybody, don't know why you do... -.-

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since when is Exclusive = Problem?


those of us who worked our asses off farming MOAs now getting slapped in the face.


 Exclusivity isn't the problem. There would inevitably need to be a Prime anyone could obtain, that way tying Primes into Orokin Maps will never cause a problem for players coming way down the line.


 Maybe you should take a chill pill. You haven't been slapped in the face. Frost Prime's exclusivity was always on the fence. I was even advised to be careful with my wording when talking about it because it still wasn't entirely certain.

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While I do feel it lessens the impact the event had.  I do not feel as if an ENTIRE WARFRAME should be left out from public hands if they missed out.

In the future I would rather the event provide a cosmetic skin that is really cool.  Maybe an alternate helmet?

But never something so important and functional as a warframe or weapon.  

So long as they take the first event as a LEARNING EXPERIENCE AND THEY SAY THEY LEARNED FROM IT.

I'm ok with a promise that no future stuff will happen like it.

Never agreed with such a reward in the first place.   Didn't matter how much you contributed or not in order to obtain it.

Maybe a better solution is tiered rewards in the future?


Still doesn't change the fact it was Promised to be Exclusive. Why not hand out every other Exclusive then?


It isn't fair either to not hand out the Weapons.

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Still doesn't change the fact it was Promised to be Exclusive. Why not hand out every other Exclusive then?


It isn't fair either to not hand out the Weapons.

It was an exclusive sneak peek at an item from u8 at the time.

As for "not being fair that they don't hand out weapons," I'd like to know what you mean by this. They're offering several weapons through the Research function of a Clan Dojo, after all.

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Still doesn't change the fact it was Promised to be Exclusive. Why not hand out every other Exclusive then?


It isn't fair either to not hand out the Weapons.

I still think the vandal train has left the station and this train is just barely getting off the platform.

But in the future I think all weapons frames should be available to everyone.

Skins are fine.  Cosmetics are great.  Gives people a conversation "where did you get that!?" "an event long ago where you had to slay a corpus dragon.  No big deal."  But nothing that makes them feel like they are missing out on content that would alter their playing experience.  Nothing they can be upset over.  It provides no "advantage" (lol pve game and i'm talking about advantages..)

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It was an exclusive sneak peek at an item from u8 at the time.

As for "not being fair that they don't hand out weapons," I'd like to know what you mean by this. They're offering several weapons through the Research function of a Clan Dojo, after all.


 He means the Vandal Weapons. Doesn't make a difference though. The answer to that is a flat no.

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 He means the Vandal Weapons. Doesn't make a difference though. The answer to that is a flat no.

Great that posts proving what DE said about Frost Primes still available. I bet some Game Review websites will love this news.

Edited by Sikab
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Still doesn't change the fact it was Promised to be Exclusive. Why not hand out every other Exclusive then?


It isn't fair either to not hand out the Weapons.


You know, your thought process is the same as this:

I and rich, therefore i deserve all of these privileges [enter your desired privilege].

All them freaken poor people don't get those privileges because i am freaken rich. You're not me, i make a lot of money, so much that you can never make that amount in your life time. I'm special and you're not, hence why i am rich and you are poor.

It honestly sounds about the same to me. *shrugs* Sorry if i ticked your switch on, but comon, you gotta admit i'm very close.

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I don't really recall them promising that it would be exclusive, just that they didn't have any plans to make it available - though it seems quite possible that someone may have mixed up the Frost Prime blueprint with the Frost Prime part blueprints.

If it's not a bug... eh. I'm happy that the people who missed it will be able to get ahold of it, but it does diminish the meaning of beating the event. On the other hand, beating a Fusion MOA is probably much easier than grinding The Void, haha.

Events like that should probably hold (tiered) exclusive cosmetics for participants and unlock a global prize even for people who didn't participate, maybe?

Edited by Quetzhal
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Great that posts proving what DE said about Frost Primes still available. I bet some Game Review websites will love this news.

I'm still not seeing your complaints.

- The Vandal weapons will never be available again. Despite entering the game right after they were available, I'm fine with this, since I'd like more variety with weapons than closed beta reskins of the same weapons we get anyway.

- The Frost Prime BP was an exclusive at the time, as there was no other way to get update8 items prior to u8 actually coming out.

Edited by rhoenix
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Great that posts proving what DE said about Frost Primes still available. I bet some Game Review websites will love this news.


Let's keep the childish threats to a minimum, here.


Personally, I can understand the frustration, but looking at it realistically, it was bound to happen eventually.

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Great that posts proving what DE said about Frost Primes still available. I bet some Game Review websites will love this news.

Lol... are you "threatening" to "tell on" warframe to "review sites" when the game is in "open beta" because you are upset with a video game you never have to spend a dime on and have free entertainment?

You are also that guy that complained about where people posted their topics yesterday aren't you?  You called someone an alternate account because they couldn't possibly have had an opinion that contradicted yours.

And then you got red in the face when I called you buddy in a friendly sarcastic manner.

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Lol... are you "threatening" to "tell on" warframe to "review sites" when the game is in "open beta" because you are upset with a video game you never have to spend a dime on and have free entertainment?

You are also that guy that complained about where people posted their topics yesterday aren't you?  You called someone an alternate account because they couldn't possibly have had an opinion that contradicted yours.

And then you got red in the face when I called you buddy in a friendly sarcastic manner.

No I'm not. I don't even need to tell any1. They will find out themselves. Promising something and then doing the opposite is never good marketing.


Also the "free" word used to make every decision a Dev makes instantly valid is getting old.

Edited by Sikab
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Agreed on this count. If DE left the Frost Prime as only exclusive to the Fusion MOA event and wasn't attainable any other way, that would not make sense to me. A skin for the Frost only available through an event - maybe. But not an actual weapon or Warframe.

I have no issues with the Frost Prime being available from Orokin areas.



It's not an ENTIRE frame, it's a slightly better version. saying you're entitled to it, is like saying you're also entitled to the prime lato/skana and the vandal stuff (i.e. other exclusives).

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Personally I am fine with events dropping something that is exclusive for a period of time and then becomes more widely available.  Frost Prime is a bit odd because the "actual" release was delayed.  That part is the only thing that DE got wrong.


I don't really see a problem here.


The event was fun and a lot of people made new friends and had a great time.

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