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And Again De Doesn't Do What They Promised.


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There's a ton of glitches still in-game, there are countless balance issues to be fixed and addressed, meanwhile the one thing you can think to go on about how is "bu-but muh EXCLUSIVES".


Seriously you should be trying to live up to some sort of reputation as a grand master, but you're just coming off as a horribly selfish and toxic person.

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There's a ton of glitches still in-game, there are countless balance issues to be fixed and addressed, meanwhile the one thing you can think to go on about how is "bu-but muh EXCLUSIVES".


Seriously you should be trying to live up to some sort of reputation as a grand master, but you're just coming off as a horribly selfish and toxic person.

Read the post right above yours...


What has Bugs and things needs to get fixed with Lie?


My GM emblem has nothing to do with my behavior. I got GM because I bought it. This isn't something some1 earns. Thus doesn't force me to immediately accept everything DE does.


You mistake me with the moderators... They have to smile on everything, not me.


EDIT: You know what? Don't read it. You wouldn't understand it. Save yourself some time.

Edited by Sikab
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Empathy for sure... We honestly thought people would be overjoyed. So you can imagine we're disappointed with how some are reacting. A global goal, new enemy type, coded messages, event exclusive gear...


Emphasis mine.


Fairly sure it's mentioned as exclusive in the livestream as well, but I don't feel like checking right now.

Edited by Worira
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since when is Exclusive = Problem?


those of us who worked our asses off farming MOAs now getting slapped in the face.

If everyone can get the parts, that means there's 3 things that you can get in this game that have no use whatsoever and only serve to remind you that you weren't *there* at one point in time. This is bad for the game in the long-term.


"worked our asses off" ahahaha. You only had to log in, kill a moa, get frost prime. WORKED OUR ASSES OFF! I HAD FINGERCRAMPS FOR DAYS DE IS THIS HOW YOU REPAY ME

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 I need you to do me a favor.


 Link me the promise you are talking about.

Worira Did before me.





If everyone can get the parts, that means there's 3 things that you can get in this game that have no use whatsoever and only serve to remind you that you weren't *there* at one point in time. This is bad for the game in the long-term.


"worked our asses off" ahahaha. You only had to log in, kill a moa, get frost prime. WORKED OUR ASSES OFF! I HAD FINGERCRAMPS FOR DAYS DE IS THIS HOW YOU REPAY ME




You can get the Actual Warframe BP, not just the Parts.

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But they didnt say how long it was going to be exclusive, HA!

That's the easy way out of this for this argument.


When the answer is "until it could ever possibly be useful in any way", it's not a particularly strong argument.

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Edited my OP with screen and link. Just so their Given Word can't "magically" disappear.


They flat out Lied.


How do you know it isn't a mistake? How do you know that the fact that the BP being in the Void Towers missions isn't an error? We've seen errors like this before: A Paris BP reward from an alert that turned out to be a Dual Dagger alternate skin, for instance.

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Those who "worked their butts off" got other rewards - namely really rare mods... mods I still don't have after another 50 some hours put into the game since then...

DE themselves brought to the table it was a learning experience for them.  They took in feedback about possible tiered rewards for your level of effort.  They talked about the timing of the events.  They talked about the changes  in future rewards.

All of the crap people are talking about has already been addressed/is being addressed.  If you want  to make a valid suggestion to those points I suggest you make one in a more appropriate topic.  This topic isn't what I like to call a constructive feedback topic.  It is a topic where people go to rage about things that can't and wont change.

The train has left the station too late to change anything - they can't take things away from players who got them legitimately and quite frankly it doesnt make sense for them to give you access to all 3 parts to build frost prime if you can't get the blueprint.  Can you imagine the topics "I spent xyz on platinum for xyz amount of void keys and all i get are frost bps when I cant even build him".

As I said earlier I don't htink weapons/frames should be exclusive items.  They are too big to lock someone out of.  Make it cosmetic, make them tiered based on your efforts and then have bonuses for those who do the most.  I've left this feedback in the appropriate places many times before.

 If you want to make a constructive post about the future events/rewards then I suggest you do it in the appropriate places.  This topic is not one of those places though.  I think its time to let it die.

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You can get the Actual Warframe BP, not just the Parts.


That was the point. If you could only get the parts, it would cause problems later and eventually they'd have to remove the exclusivity anyway.



Just why are you so upset about more people getting access to content? It doesn't affect you in the slightest, you didn't even pay for it. I got early access to a blueprint and 100k credits, I don't care.

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How do you know it isn't a mistake? How do you know that the fact that the BP being in the Void Towers missions isn't an error? We've seen errors like this before: A Paris BP reward from an alert that turned out to be a Dual Dagger alternate skin, for instance.

I'm pretty certain it was intended (my assumption), and I'm also pretty certain if the S#&$ hits the fan hard enough, they will explain with "it was a bug".


Question is... Will I believe it for the XY-th time also?



That was the point. If you could only get the parts, it would cause problems later and eventually they'd have to remove the exclusivity anyway.



Just why are you so upset about more people getting access to content? It doesn't affect you in the slightest, you didn't even pay for it. I got early access to a blueprint and 100k credits, I don't care.

Ppl could just sell the BPs for Credit, since they shouldn't have the Frame BP...
Forget the BP for 1 minute. And try to see that it's about they Lied. If this were top happen with anything else, I would be as much as upset as now.
If a Company gives their Word, there's no backing out.
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That was the point. If you could only get the parts, it would cause problems later and eventually they'd have to remove the exclusivity anyway.



Just why are you so upset about more people getting access to content? It doesn't affect you in the slightest, you didn't even pay for it. I got early access to a blueprint and 100k credits, I don't care.


Then give us Vandal

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Ppl could just sell the BPs for Credit, since they shouldn't have the Frame BP...


How would you like it if your limited missions that cost resources sometimes gave you stuff that you could do absolutely nothing with except sell for a bunch of measly credits.


Get real, the forums would explode with requests and complaining. You're being really unreasonable with how you're looking at this.

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Then give us Vandal

I don't mind if they give out "my" Vandals to every1.


Just be either this or that.


But throwing around Exclusive and Promises, then @(*()$ 1 side up, when the other still got their promised stuff is a big NO.



How would you like it if your limited missions that cost resources sometimes gave you stuff that you could do absolutely nothing with except sell for a bunch of measly credits.


Get real, the forums would explode with requests and complaining. You're being really unreasonable with how you're looking at this.

If the BPs for example could be sold for 20k Credit. I would like it.
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I'm pretty certain it was intended (my assumption), and I'm also pretty certain if the S#&$ hits the fan hard enough, they will explain with "it was a bug".


Ohhhhh, so you're just 'pretty certain'? So, you started this massive butthurt thread, you sent emails to game review sites, and got mighty pissed because you *assumed* that it was intended? Keeping in mind that this is a beta, things go wrong all the time, patches sometimes don't work as intended (cf. Rhino Iron Skin changes), and so forth, but you just *assumed* that it was intended? What the hell is wrong with you? 

And what, you're not going to believe that it was a bug (if it turns out to be thus)? Given that video game development is a highly iterative process, of which debugging is a MASSIVE part thereof and thus, given that this particular game is still in beta, is likely to have a few bugs here and there, you're NOT going to believe that it's a bug, simply because they've 'said it before'? Have you any idea what you're talking about? Do you have any logical thought in your head whatsoever, and have you thought this through? Because I don't think you have. 



If a Company gives their Word, there's no backing out.



Um, what? They can change their mind, should they so decide. Have you read even a part of the EULA that we all agreed to? We play this game entirely at their pleasure.

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 You know, this has gone on a good bit. This thread consists solely of arguing.There isn't any feedback to have here, just a lot of 'Muh exclusives!'


 Bug or not. Last minute change or not. Doesn't matter.


 What matters is that now it is the case. DE will change it if its a problem. 


 End of line.

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