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I Love Scorpions (Death To Rollers)


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While I like the addition of the scorpions I play solo quite often and they are nearly as frustrating as the rollers are in that situation. Add to that that I've had 5 show up at once and chain snag me. Luckily I was playing with a clan mate and they rescued me.


That said simply giving the players the ability to shoot while snagged and fixing the snag through walls issue would make them my fave enemy.

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People like hard enemies if they're interesting. See: The new Lech Kril.

People hate enemies if they don't give them chances to do stuff. You can't even shoot Scorpions while reeled even though your hands are free!

Just because they're harder doesn't mean they're better.


No you can't shoot them while being reeled in, but your team mates can. There is also the option of killing them before they are in range to reel you in all together.


They add another condition to the game you have to adapt your tactics to nothing more.

(I.E. Look before you run head long into a pack of Grineer)

Edited by Zhonatta
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No you can't shoot them while being reeled in, but your team mates can. There is also the option of killing them before they are in range to reel you in all together.


They add another condition to the game you have to adapt your tactics to nothing more.

(I.E. Look before you run head long into a pack of Grineer)

Yes, because you can always depend on your teammates amirite. Because pugs and solo play doesn't exist. Because everybody lives in based Eurozone/MURRICA where everyone plays WF so there's always tons of people to team up with no matter the planet.

And they can get you from across the map. I had one snag me inside an empty storage room. It goes beyond "looking ahead".

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Unavoidable hitscan knockdown.


Is no longer true!


Yes, I'm necromancing my own thread, but things have changed for the better.


The conversion of scorp harpoon to channeled projectile lets you dodge the non-hitscan attack.  It can't go through walls anymore either.  Scorpions are now almost perfect replacements for Rollers!


I'm so excited I just wanted to show how effective Worira's argument was.  DEScott changed the Scorpion to specifically address the issues Worira brought up.  Now you're only hit by the harpoon if you're standing still or charging straight at them.


Anyhow, now that things have changed, has anyone changed their minds?

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I like Scorpions a lot, they're disable isn't annoying as hell unlike the rollers, which I waste minutes of a mission on just to kill 1 or 2, that or just ignore them and run to the next section.

When there ARE rollers I usually see an endless supply of them until the Seeker is killed, then you're just disabled half of the time unless you have a weapon or ability that is useful for killing rollers...

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I enjoy the current scorpions. It feels good to see their harpoon whizzing by after you've spotted the scorpion and instantly reacted by running to avoid it. The current mechanic does not feel unfair at all. I have played without shade for a while now to test this. This is a much, much better mechanic than nervos.

Edited by Inofor
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We need Scorpion Rollers named Troller! It drags you around while rolling into the grineer firing line.

All jokes aside, would love to see DE let us use our secondary weaponry while being dragged.

Side note: Seeker bombs attached to your tenno can be detached by rolling (default is double tap shift).

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I have to throw in my opinion here. I don't understand the hate for Scoprions. I run directly at them, and they don't rope-pull me. I run past them, they still don't. I run away, they still don't. Only if I have no idea where they are do they rope-pull me. and I can always get away in time. I've never been hit by a scorp unless they ran up from behind and whacked away at me like a sawman.


Rollers are the bane of my existance though, small-ish, fast, and perma-stagger. No. Scorpions are better than rollers, at least the way rollers are right now. Something needs to change in rollers, either an ability change or or something, because right now they are just horrendous.

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