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Yet Another Exilus Thread


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I'll be upfront with you reader, this has probably been said and probably said alot and this thread may not even be nessecary but i'm making it anyway cause only those who speak are heard. First off the main body of this is a copy paste from another thread i posted in. It is my post (and after i make this ill fetch a link to it) but i wanted to elaborate a bit more after a few days thought.


------begin copy paste (and a bit of salt)------

So first off i dont mind the cost per bp construction. i understand what its meant for but the fact that the bp is not reuseable is unacceptable. Take into consideration that you (at mr 19 (which i am)) can only get 20k rep at max and you only get that 20k once per day. it takes 2,5 days worth of rep for 1 sure the time spent actively grinding may only amount to 2-3 hours but the time spent waiting is between 48 and 72 hours depending on when you start (if for example you started one hour before reset then continued after reset it would in theory only be 24 hours for the first but that doesnt help the forma). just to get the bp. now while youre doing this you can have your forma building and two birds one stone but assuming you have the rep already or 30 exilus bp's you have to wait at least 48 hours without spending plat. so no matter how you go you spend 48 hours WAITING to wait. for probably a 12 or 24 hours bp...i dont know yet i havent been able to farm up enough rep yet to get one (said with a bit of sass) since i recently got a simulor to push me into mr 19. so a mandatory 48 hour minimum wait to build the thing which then pulls to probably 72 hours...you can at 'non stop' pace have 10 frames done in one month 20 in two and all of them in two and a half ish (depending if you have all the frames ever or replace normals with primes). yes you can play while waiting and no this is not a vital piece of game but the fact that the bp is not reuseable is unacceptable. the cost is fine. two forma, argon, and cells are not hard to come by by any means. its the wait and work required (since after your ten of the current target you lose the best source of rep till the next target which can take a month(correct me if im wrong)) for what the slot does. to me the value isnt worth it. i have to spend an hour a day for the next 48 days just getting rep from scanning everything ever i run into. no i dont have to use this feature, no i dont have to work for it specifically with plat and trading, no i dont need this feature but i want it and i want it for all my frames because i like options but unless one this changes i will not use this feature. i wont even use the free one given to me at the end of the new quest thats how much i object to the way the system currently is. this feature may as well not even exist to me in fact, it doesnt until something changes.


Now to reiterate im fine with the cost and im fine gathering rep. what im not fine with is spending 48 days to use something on all my frame cause no matter how i cut it thats how long it will take. no that wont be how long of active play it will take but thats how long it will take for the rep. im fine with the forma cost becuase it is possible to get built ones from the void you just gotta play lots and hunt well. and im even fine paying 20p per one or 10p to rush em i can get that fairly easy but again no matter how i look at it without spending plat exclusively it will take 48 days to get all the stuff to make it for every frame and that time frame is unacceptable to me.


for reference steam says i have 1800 hours of play. the game should say something around 1500. ive ground out mesa (two or three times if you count helping friends), i ground out nekros, i ground out every prime except the newest set and even those im working on, and i will grind out equinox. so im not against a good ol grind but 48 days of a scheduled grind? no thanks that wall is looking too tough for even me.


-----end paste (salt has ended)-----
So if you've made it thorugh all that congratulations but theres a bit more to be read. First off i mention a change needing to be made and well the way i see it there are truly only two things to make this situation better. both are very simple changes the first being just make the bp reuseable. simple and self explanatory. the second is make it so that we can build 2 or more of the same thing at once. In an ideal world we would have both so i could say build (in the extreme) all 48 forma at once then the next day build all 24 exilus and not have to spend the over 1 million rep on it all. same material cost and maybe an extra credit cost per extra being built say like 25% extra so that every 4th doubles the cost. i dunno just a thought. 
Now i did think of something just a moment before writing this that struck me as the intent behind the method. Say you're a new player. Youve recently gotten to the MR needed for the natah quest to happen and you got fairly lucky and see the oculyst that same day (i did get lucky myself like this). You get your free exilus and youve only got one maybe two frames by this point. You pop it in to your one and go to simaris to see you can get more. a few days pass and youve been gathering rep here and there for simaris. Youve got enough rep for a exilus adapter bp but you dont have a frame to spend it on but you do have that new rhino you just started building today and you know its gonna take three days so you grab the bp and start working on a forma. day 2 youre still waiting for rhino but your forma is done claim it and start the second one. day 3 start building the exilus adapter and bam your new frame is done at the same time as your adapter for that special slot. This is all well and good...for a new player but someone like me who has all 24 frame types its nothing but a giant wall to surpass. And i dont think it should be so vastly different between veteran and new players on a scale of 'difficulty' to get this slot for all their frames. a new player will be more than capable of keeping pace with themselves on getting new frames and getting the exilus slot in time for a new frame even assuming a time frame like a new frame every 2 weeks which is fairly slow to be honest but this theoretical new player likes to learn each frame rather than lvl it to 30 and move on to the next. but that aside my point is the new players have a much more....tolerable time getting the new slot that is 'intended for veteran players' than the veteran players and i dont think thats the way it should be.
Edit: holy bleeping wall batman....i sincerly thank anyone who takes the time to read this even if they do skip the copy pasted section. but as promised here's the link directly to my post in another thread that i copied.
Edited by Caobie
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They shouldve just given everyone the slot, it costs 660 plat for all the frames to get that upgrade. No way im doing it the manual way. For the reasons you stated above its obscene, way to much time involved for something that isnt amazing.

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  • 1 month later...

They shouldve just given everyone the slot, it costs 660 plat for all the frames to get that upgrade. No way im doing it the manual way. For the reasons you stated above its obscene, way to much time involved for something that isnt amazing.

Yes. If it was free I'd actually use it. But it's not amazing or even close to necessary to have to be payed or farmed for. Its barely meh. I'm not even bothering to get it for one of my frames.

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Everything. For Everyone. For Free. Now.


Do you hear yourself talking? Acquisition of the slot is fine as it is.


Its so stupid that the bp is a one time use. Its $&*&*#(%&. That needs to be changed ASAP.

There is no other pb for equipment in the game that has unlimited uses, neither Weapons, Frames, Reactor, Catalisator or Forma.


They shouldve just given everyone the slot, it costs 660 plat for all the frames to get that upgrade. No way im doing it the manual way.

The oldest and most useless excuse ever. If you have all the frames, you need a potato and several forma on them to be able to use the slot. If you are a lucky owner of all frames and have potatoed ond formed them, you should have either enough plat or dedication to get the slot.

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The oldest and most useless excuse ever. If you have all the frames, you need a potato and several forma on them to be able to use the slot. If you are a lucky owner of all frames and have potatoed ond formed them, you should have either enough plat or dedication to get the slot.

Just because frame slots and polarizing are worth it doesn't mean the Exilus slot is.

Edited by (PS4)ShadowLynx777
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  • 3 weeks later...

Everything. For Everyone. For Free. Now.


Do you hear yourself talking? Acquisition of the slot is fine as it is.


There is no other pb for equipment in the game that has unlimited uses, neither Weapons, Frames, Reactor, Catalisator or Forma.


The oldest and most useless excuse ever. If you have all the frames, you need a potato and several forma on them to be able to use the slot. If you are a lucky owner of all frames and have potatoed ond formed them, you should have either enough plat or dedication to get the slot.

besides the plates. and its not free i got the standing for the bp. and its crazy that we have to get the standing every time we want one.

Edited by (XB1)IAmKiddKRAZZY
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I skipped over the OP wall of text because of its length and because the thread topic already summarizes what this topic is about.


Too much salt, too little thought sorry.


Exilus Mods are an additional slot and you really can only fill them out if you already have a frame that you forma'd at least once, or else you are running the frame with non-maxed mods on it and you don't really need the additional slot at all. You can place exilus mods in any slot. Frames without an Exilus slot are just fine. They do well and can be as strong as any other frame WITH an Exilus mod. However:


For an additional slot, Exilus Mods DO offer a major advantage. They are utility. Handspring for example is a massive bonus in many situations. Ice Spring is great for locking close enemies down so you can jump out and turn around for a counterstrike. Rush gives you formula one Frames.


What is the problem here? We pay 20 plat for a potato. We pay 20 plat for an extra slot. We pay 20 plat for an instant Forma.


Nobody said you had to drop an Exilus in EVERY FRAME. If you want to, it will cost ya. Just like it will cost ya to forma every frame, potato every frame/weapon... Welcome to Warframe. Be happy that Forma aren't behind a paywall too. The running cost of Warframe is as much as you want to make of it, and the cost of potato (which is the ONLY thing you really want and must buy ONCE per frame/weapon you really want to keep using) is extremely reasonable.


Sometimes I get the idea people think DE ever intended for this game to be true F2P with no incentive to buy stuff. That is ridiculous.

Edited by V4YR4
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