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Huge Fps Drops Since Last Minor Patch. Anyone Knows What Settings Give Me The Biggest Boost?


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So before last patch I played with around 70-100fps (230 in liset).
Now my fps is suddenly between 50-70. I tried setting everything from High to Medium but only got 1-2more fps per setting changed.
I have no clue what else I could change since I want to play with at least 60fps, but since every change only gives me 1-2 more fps it all doesn't seem to be worth it.

Any tipps?

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The biggest boosts will come from disabling/turning down:


Ambient occlusion (environmental lighting depth)

particle detail (smoke, sparkly warframe effects, ect)

geometry detail (lowers detail of distance objects)


screen resolution

Pretty much this. In the new tileset local reflections off might help a bit too.

If it really comes down to it you could try:

Setting shadows to low.

Turning Anti-Aliasing off.

Turning off dynamic lighting.


Also unless you're running a 120hz or 144hz monitor you shouldn't be running warframe over 60fps, and even if you are running a monitor like that you still shouldn't be allowing warframe to run higher than 60 if it's not stable to avoid jittery visuals.

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defraging your hard drive might help, also try dusting your case off if it's been awhile, i find going to task manager and ending the explorer.exe process helps too, you don't really need it while playing the game anyway. also in the run window (windowskey+R) type msconfig and inter then go to the startup tab and disable the programs you don't need and re-start your windows so it runs faster.


as for the in-game stuff people have said alot of them already, also try running on borderless window mod (if the game supports it)

Edited by (PS4)Junguler
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