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Depleted Reload Is Just Awful


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I knew this mod was going to be bad news when I first heard it. It sounded like a useless bandaid mod designed to fix a poor weapon design decision, and apparently I was spot on with that. I figured I might be able to use it on something like the Tonkor (to make it more like a real M79), but then I saw that it's sniper only, which is DE's way of saying they literally designed this mod solely for Vectis Prime. Even then the stats on it are so horrid that it's useless for everything except those who want the Vectis Prime to have one shot.


-60% magazine size, +48% reload speed. Seriously? Do they not understand the math of their own game? This is absolutely garbage and is a massive lost of DPS on any sniper, Vectis Prime most likely included. In order to keep the DPS even remotely the same, for -50% magazine you would need at least +100% reload speed. This is because DE's formula has diminishing returns built into it (reload time/[1 + 0.%]). In order to take off half the reload time of a weapon, you'd need 100% reload speed.


They didn't even give us that to compensate for the massive magazine loss. This mod's stats should be -60% magazine size, +150% reload speed to keep things even. If the magazine is only going to be 40% of its original size, the reload time should be the same. I see absolutely no reason to use this on any sniper with how bad its current stats are. Buff the reload speed to +25% per level, and allow all primaries (excluding bows and shotguns) to use it as well. Quite a few large-magazine rifles could make great use of this (Supra, Braton Prime).


Also, stop being so afraid to make utility mods actually useful. People have to give up a damage mod in order to slot this. If you don't want the player feeling like they've made a huge mistake, make the stats actually worthwhile. Of course no one's going to throw on +30% reload speed when there's a damage mod that gives them 90% more damage available.

Edited by Boondorl
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Also, Vectis Prime practically becomes Vectis damage-wise if you use Depleted Reload because you'll sacrifice a slot.

Warframe builder shows that you'll have higher sustained dps on Vectis Prime but if you quick reload it won't matter and it will be almost same (also keep in mind that you'll have less status chance, so you might even do less dmg)

Edited by osuman
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Depleted reload is just great, you just don't know how DPS works.


Here's a Vectis build:



Here's a Vectis Prime build:



Take a look at the sustained DPS, which is what actually matters when the enemies become tough. Replacing the reload speed mods for elemental/physical damage will actually LOWER your sustained DPS, but increase the burst DPS for one-shotting mid-level enemies. With burst builds, the Vectis Prime still beats the normal Vectis.




Forgot to mention the difference in the reload mechanic. Given that you can start reloading the Vectis faster, without waiting for the recoil animation to end, it might actually come near the sustained DPS of its primed counterpart.



As was pointed out by another Tenno, the recoil canceling reload trick works with Vectis Prime + Depleted Reload. This makes the Vectis Prime better in every aspect, although the difference in sustained DPS leaves something to be desired. How about a slight critical chance buff DE?

Edited by stoybot
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I'm still confused as to why people are complaining about depleted reload. The Vectis Prime is better in every regard to the Vectis, but people were sooooo butt hurt about that second round that DE came around with a little bit of fan service. Now people are complaining about how depleted reload isn't good. The point of depleted reload isn't to make the vectis prime good; it's to give those dogmatic idiots that absolutely refuse to accept a 2 round vectis mag.

To put it simply, DE betrayed their trust.

The Vectis is something that, unlike many things in the game, actually takes some skill and dedication to use to the fullest.

DE knew full well who their demographic was when making the Vectis Prime, namely, Vectis users. (Or, as you so kindly called them, "those dogmatic idiots".)

DE looked at how they weapon was played, what people loved about it, and what made it unique. They also knew the hopes and expectations people had riding on it.

Yet, despite this, of the two stats they touched, they buffed the ONE THING the NO self-respecting Vectis user would have ever, ever suggested in a million years: magazine size.

For what? Some short-sighted grab at plebs and wallet warriors who can't be bothered with "skill" or "dedication"?

Then, to top it off, DE finally caved, and added yet another half-haphazard bandaid mod. (Instead of, you know, actually correcting their mistake.)

There's literally no good reason why dedicated Vectis users should be the ones stuck with the bandaid. You want another shot? Go slap on a clip size mod. Keep your so-called "buff" to yourself.

Enjoy your bandaid.

Edited by CrogenitorSeims
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Once you realize that the mod was solely added for the reason of being a quick band-aid fix to Vectis Prime it suddenly makes much more sense, IMO.


The fact that they designed the vectis prime like that, completely ignoring what made the original vectis awesome is why this mod is terrible. They should have just released this mod for all primaries and fixed the vectis instead of putting out some half assed band aid fix.

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Depleted reload is just great, you just don't know how DPS works.


Here's a Vectis build:



Here's a Vectis Prime build:



Take a look at the sustained DPS, which is what actually matters when the enemies become tough. Replacing the reload speed mods for elemental/physical damage will actually LOWER your sustained DPS, but increase the burst DPS for one-shotting mid-level enemies. With burst builds, the Vectis Prime still beats the normal Vectis.




Forgot to mention the difference in the reload mechanic. Given that you can start reloading the Vectis faster, without waiting for the recoil animation to end, it might actually come near the sustained DPS of its primed counterpart.

The recoil limiter only comes into play if there is another round in the magazine. Since VP only has one round with Depleted Reload, there should be no recoil delay. The difference in sustained DPS shown in your two builds should be accurate.

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The recoil limiter only comes into play if there is another round in the magazine. Since VP only has one round with Depleted Reload, there should be no recoil delay. The difference in sustained DPS shown in your two builds should be accurate.


You are right! I just tested it and it works exactly like the old Vectis. It's settled then, Vectis Prime is better in every aspect.

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The fact that they designed the vectis prime like that, completely ignoring what made the original vectis awesome is why this mod is terrible. They should have just released this mod for all primaries and fixed the vectis instead of putting out some half assed band aid fix.


Pretty much, yeah. it is a mod that, by all rights, should not exist.

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Depleted reload is just great, you just don't know how DPS works.


Here's a Vectis build:



Here's a Vectis Prime build:



Take a look at the sustained DPS, which is what actually matters when the enemies become tough. Replacing the reload speed mods for elemental/physical damage will actually LOWER your sustained DPS, but increase the burst DPS for one-shotting mid-level enemies. With burst builds, the Vectis Prime still beats the normal Vectis.


Perosnally I do not use reload speed mods on my vectis, instead I use punch through allowing me to take out multiple targets with 1 round. I can easily line up weak-sauce with heavy-sauce and take them both out. Generally I go for metal-auger because I can even hit enemeis behind cover / pillars / walls. Tracking an enemy that just went behind a corner, doesn't matter still dead. With manual reload vectis has pretty fast reloading as is, I'm surprised you'd give up punch through for it. Can't imagine killing one enemy at at time when using my vectis o.O

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