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[Feedback] Why Are We Being Punished?


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We are a clan of 6 people.

Let me just tell how my friends and I got to play this game:


1) "oh look, another f2p game, lets take a look at it, shall we?"

2) only 4 people in game - "yeah, that is the coop game we need, guys!"

3) *slash, slash, ratatatata, slash, boom* "hey, the gameplay is really nice, hope they add more to it!"

4) "hmm, having some trouble farming for ember parts, i guess i should donate" *buying plat*

5) "hmm, it seems im outta slots. Ill go buy some. Oh, and a couple of catalysts too..." *buying some more plat*

6) *slash, slash, ratatata, kaboom*  "-Are you guys enjoying the game? -Hell yeah!"

7) "-wow, the update 8 is coming in a couple of weeks! we are going to have our own base! -Hell yeah!"


8) *update 8 is deployed*...


"oh, look, a new sentinel, some new weapons, OH! a clan key! guys, start building those!"


12 hours later...


"WTF." "man, srsly, wtf?" "HOW MUCH SALVAGE?!" "for a freaking HALLWAY?"

"wait, so new locations are locked and we have to farm for keys?"

"wait, so they didnt fix this and that... and this too... and HOW MUCH SALVAGE?!"

"errrmmm, so formas... required for that hallway... are that rare?"

"so they didnt implement that trade system?"

"LOL, what the hell man, they turned BETA into ALPHA, hahaha"



And the horryfying phrase yet to be said:


"man, lets just play something different? im tired of this crap"



that is LITERALLY what was said in skype.



Now, getting to the point.


1) there are only 4 people in-game at all times.

2) to enjoy the dojo content you MUST be a part of the clan with more than 4 people.


Am i the only one seeing the weirdest of contradictions over here?


We are a clan of 6 people.

No matter how much platinum we buy, we MUST farm A LOT to build a HALLWAY.


We dont want to be a part of a big clan. We dont want to expand our clan to 100500 players. We are being punished for that by being unable to enjoy some content of the game.

Honestly, i havent seen that in most games.

"buy a DLC", "buy in-game currency" - im totally fine with that.


But, why should we be joining a HUGE clan if there is NO NEED for it in-game? Only 4 people!!

If me and my friends always play together, we will never ever see another player in-game with us! Because there is only 4 slots for players!


We are a clan of 6 people being punished for wanting to play private games only.

we are being punished for wanting our own dojo with no strangers in it.

we are being punished for thinking Warframe was a coop online game, not a mmorpg like Aion-lineage-world-of-whatevers.


And yeah, we are a clan of 6 people considering to quit playing Warframe if the current tendency continues.

I know i wont be missed here. I know no one cares.

I just happened to hear the word "feedback" on the livestream. So i decided to give some of that.


No disrespect meant. No offense.

Im truly sorry if someone finds this post offensive to DE or Warframe. I love this game. Still.


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there is no other option but to finish it today.

curse you DE for making a long term investment people are too scared to even start.


Oh, well.

For 6 people that are not farming 24/7, we think we may finish building a cross connector in a couple of months! YAY!!!!

We actually DID start building it, by the way.

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today.there is no other option but to finish it today.curse you DE for making a long term investment people are too scared to even start.

I can understand his point though.

There's a difference between a long term investment and "months and months and months"

If it's just those 6 players in that clan, and they never grow, but they continue playing as is, how long do you honestly think it'll take them to build something mediocre, let alone "good"?

Not to sound rude. I meant that as a real question too, since I haven't seen much math for how long it'll reasonably take (reasonable meaning NOT 12-hours a day farming)

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I also have joined this game in hopes to get away from the MMORPG crap for a while cause it was a 4-player co-op and I had a couple of friends that wanted a game to play, so we joined and this update litteraly S#&$s on our faces like nothing else has ever done in a co-op game with 4 and I repeat 4 players only being able to join a single game.

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Dojo is a long term, it's meant to serve as both credit/material sink at this point. However, I think there is certainly room for improvement.

How about there is a lowest limit for resource requirement for 5 man dojo and the cost for each extension is increase with more and more players join the clan until it hits the cap?

IE. 5 man dojo hallway cost 15000 nanospore. Every member increase the cost by 1500-2000 nanospore.

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Dojo is a long term, it's meant to serve as both credit/material sink at this point. However, I think there is certainly room for improvement.

How about there is a lowest limit for resource requirement for 5 man dojo and the cost for each extension is increase with more and more players join the clan until it hits the cap?

IE. 5 man dojo hallway cost 15000 nanospore. Every member increase the cost by 1500-2000 nanospore.


Then all clanmates would leave temporarily so the dojo can be built more cheaply.

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Using this math, a group of 6 should take 90 days to build a basic setup of bio/chem/energy lab, reactor, oracle, and the hallways to connect them, playing four hours a day.

Except Math doesn't apply to RNG cause it's purely random. Also 3 months, realy? for a gun? cause lets get real, the guns locked behind this stupid game design choice is why this is all happening anyway, small clans don't realy want a palace dojo.

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That could lead to a huge guild kicking nearly everyone out and then inviting only those with a ton of resources to build the rooms for insanely cheap then re-invite everyone once things are finished.

A better solution is this:

There are tiers of clan sizes. The first one could be 1 to 15 people. They require 15K nanospores, a clan of say 16-30 requires 20K nanospores (total bs numbers to just illustrate a point). They build it everything is good and happy and they can build the rest of the rooms at a cheaper price. Once they go to 16 people they move up to the next size tier. In order to keep using the rooms and stuff they now need to pay the difference in materials between the two tiers, for the hallway that would be 5K nanospores.

This would make is so that guilds of equal sizes paid the same number of mats, prevents exploiting, and allows the smaller clans to get everything in a more manageable time period.

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Someone here doesn't know what statistics are. Again.

Statistics do not promise me that it will be done within that certain time, they just give a vague estimate and nobody got time for that, I'm sorry, it's just not worth the ammount of time.

EDIT: Also thanks for ignoring the rest of my post and managing to sound completely patronizing.

Edited by EchoLG
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Using this math, a group of 6 should take 90 days to build a basic setup of bio/chem/energy lab, reactor, oracle, and the hallways to connect them, playing four hours a day.

You didn't seem to take into consideration that you need Formas, which are Plat only or somewhat rare daily rewards. If they dropped in mission then it'd be easier, but it's something you either have to sink money into the game, or hope you have enough luck to get at least 5-10 forma each month in daily rewards.

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Statistics do not promise me that it will be done within that certain time, they just give a vague estimate and nobody got time for that, I'm sorry, it's just not worth the ammount of time.

EDIT: Also thanks for ignoring the rest of my post and managing to sound completely patronizing.

I agree with the rest of your post. That line stood out to be completely wrong though. Statistics don't perfectly predict things, but they can give you estimates of when something is likely to happen, and how likely it is to happen. In this way, math does apply to RNG. 

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Using this math, a group of 6 should take 90 days to build a basic setup of bio/chem/energy lab, reactor, oracle, and the hallways to connect them, playing four hours a day.


Wait, wait, wait. Are you trying to defend the costs with this? Because "3 months, as long as you play 4 hours every single day" is not exactly looking, y'know, sane.

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Wait, wait, wait. Are you trying to defend the costs with this? Because "3 months, as long as you play 4 hours every single day" is not exactly looking, y'know, sane.

I'm not defending it at all. I'm stating a simple fact and letting people make their own decisions on whether or not they think it's reasonable. To me, it's unreasonable (especially for a beta, who knows how this game is actually going to end up in 3 months?), but I wanted that post to be unbiased.

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I agree with the rest of your post. That line stood out to be completely wrong though. Statistics don't perfectly predict things, but they can give you estimates of when something is likely to happen, and how likely it is to happen. In this way, math does apply to RNG.

Touche, Math does apply to RNG, but that's not my point, but I'm happy to find out that you actually agree that the time estimates are ridiculous.

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I'm not defending it at all. I'm stating a simple fact and letting people make their own decisions on whether or not they think it's reasonable. To me, it's unreasonable (especially for a beta, who knows how this game is actually going to end up in 3 months?), but I wanted that post to be unbiased.


Ah, fair enough.

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I think all the players feel this way. There is a very clear benefit to joining a huge Clan just to get a faster growing Dojo. While there are a *wealth* of well known *dis* incentives associated with joining huge clan, players who value the play experience that comes with playing only with friends are forced to choose between giving up their identity and getting the huge clan's full Dojo now, and fostering a healthy clan environment and maybe one day being able to add an elevator to their dojo.

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Using this math, a group of 6 should take 90 days to build a basic setup of bio/chem/energy lab, reactor, oracle, and the hallways to connect them, playing four hours a day.

Simply playing the game and not farming for resources, I can gather about 2000 common and 500 uncommon in about 1-2 hours depending on the RNG, not 4.  While farming, depending on the resource, I'd say I could do a little under twice that number in defense and mobile defense missions and mostly get the resources I need.  The math also doesn't factor in the resources a player who didn't just start already has.  It is definitely a large project, and not worth finishing anything but the essentials for some smaller clans, but not totally impossible or unreasonable.  The main problem is the formas, not the resources, which does need to get changed

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The only thing I see U8 offering is more ways to suck green blood from my wallet. I was very temped to shell out for Vauban but after all the changes I just don't see myself sticking around much longer. From my perspective it appears Gamers First may have put DE under a spell dangling a cash cow in their face. I never see anything good happen to games that fall under the Gamers First umbrella long term. But that might be the idea to just let it ride until they can profit enough to sell off the skeletal remains to some Korean investors.


I get the feeling this clan fiasco is either the beginning of the end or part of some grand experiment.

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