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Why I've Lost Trust In De


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Just the damage OF WHAT? ALL aspects of a weapon must be taken into account to change ANYTHING. Would nerfing the base damage of theSoma Prime to 9 make it any less stupid? Yes! But is that the correct form of changing it? Obviously not. Seems you should be more specific and not generalize every weapon.

What do you mean "of what"? Of the bloody weapon of course!

I'm not proposing that we nerf the top level content. I'm suggesting raising the "mastery fodder" weapons in line with the others.

Especially when it comes to items with unique mechanics.


YOU said that DE constantly raises content to be better than everything else and nerfs it down. That's not the same thing.


That is the exact same thing. Holy *** batman.

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What do you mean "of what"? Of the bloody weapon of course!

I'm not proposing that we nerf the top level content. I'm suggesting raising the "mastery fodder" weapons in line with the others.

Especially when it comes to items with unique mechanics.

That is the exact same thing. Holy *** batman.

I mean HOW are you going to buff the damage? You can't just blanket buff the base damage on everything. It takes a comprehensive view of the weapon's stats as a whole and what the weapon intends to achieve. Not just throwing numbers around willynilly.

I fail to comprehend how those are the same thing. Nerfing the Acrid then the Pentagon is not the same as nerfing the Acrid, buffing the Penta, then nerfing the Penta. Again, FotM sounds a hell of a lot like FIXING THE GAME.

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I mean HOW are you going to buff the damage? You can't just blanket buff the base damage on everything.

Yeah, I can.


I wouldn't do the same % on every weapon, sure. But there is no problem increasing the damage on less used weapons to be in line with at least mid-tier.


I don't even understand how you have a problem with this concept. Do patch notes look like supernatural occurrences to you?

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Yeah, I can.

I wouldn't do the same % on every weapon, sure. But there is no problem increasing the damage on less used weapons to be in line with at least mid-tier.

I don't even understand how you have a problem with this concept. Do patch notes look like supernatural occurrences to you?

Well, on that note, I think this conversation is at an end.
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I mean HOW are you going to buff the damage? You can't just blanket buff the base damage on everything. It takes a comprehensive view of the weapon's stats as a whole and what the weapon intends to achieve. Not just throwing numbers around willynilly.

I fail to comprehend how those are the same thing. Nerfing the Acrid then the Pentagon is not the same as nerfing the Acrid, buffing the Penta, then nerfing the Penta. Again, FotM sounds a hell of a lot like FIXING THE GAME.


Haha! Welcome to page 7 my friend!




Maybe it's because top-tier stuff is often OP and needs to be addressed? Do you expect them to nerf stuff that's already mid- or low-tier? I don't see this as evidence of any sort of misbehavior on DE's part. It's simple balancing. 


Do you actually have evidence of misconduct or an actual complaint here? I mean, if DE nerfed a whole bunch of stuff and then the latest Prime Access stuff was hilariously OP, then you have some evidence that they're intentionally creating OP stuff to milk people of their money. How does toning down Excal a bit (still leaving him much more powerful than he was before) and nerfing/tweaking a months old Syndicate Augment demonstrate misconduct or bad behavior on DE's part? 


And of course, there is a ton of top-tier stuff that doesn't get touched at all, like Boltor Prime, Soma Prime, Irradiated Disarm, invisibility, etc.



The battle over what exactly "FotM" means is completely pointless. Yes, some items are more powerful. Yes, players will naturally gravitate towards the more powerful items. Yes, these items may potentially be nerfed if they have a negative impact on the game. Is this a "FotM" mentality? Who cares? What's more important is whether it's harmful or not. I don't see any foul play going on (i.e. DE gaming the system to drive platinum purchases) so "FotM balancing" because indistinguishable from simple "balancing".

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As far as why PvP gets faster balancing than PvE, it's likely because an OP weapon or ability has a much more immediate and oppressive impact on a PvP game. People will quickly leave a PvP game if a single weapon becomes the clear choice, particularly if it's difficult to get and thereby restricted to a smaller subset of players.


OP weapons in a PvE game exert their effects over a longer period of time through powercreep. New, more powerful enemies have to be added to the game to keep pace with the players' equipment (hey, where did these Corrupted Bombards and Nullifiers come from? What's up with that new Infested Healer aura, etc) and the lower tier weapons become obsolete. The community is likely to be happy with their new OP toy so there is a lot of pushback if a nerf gets proposed. DE probably just probably does not even want to deal with that drama and nerfs the most egregious offenders. This also discourages them from buffing stuff, because they might overbuff something and not be able to revert the change without the community S#&$ting bricks. 

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Gmag FORCED everyone to play around her, and Hydroid FORCED everyone to stand there doing nothing while only he gets to kill. FotM seems a lot like FIXING THE GAME.


On high leveled void mission all team should stay togheter for mutual help. Try stand alone on T4 surv against Bombards, Nulifers and Anciets from all sides. So if I'm play Trininity and force other to stay close for Heal/Energy regen means Trinity should be nerfed? Or Excal, because have a good DMG + stun and let other stand mission. 


I mean HOW are you going to buff the damage? You can't just blanket buff the base damage on everything. It takes a comprehensive view of the weapon's stats as a whole and what the weapon intends to achieve. Not just throwing numbers around willynilly.


Why not? If DE can nerf something to the ground just like that, why can't buff something same way?  It is fair, if you farm X item long time, form it, exp it and someday this item are nerfed, becasue just like that? Like Quanta? 

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On high leveled void mission all team should stay togheter for mutual help. Try stand alone on T4 surv against Bombards, Nulifers and Anciets from all sides. So if I'm play Trininity and force other to stay close for Heal/Energy regen means Trinity should be nerfed? Or Excal, because have a good DMG + stun and let other stand mission.

Why not? If DE can nerf something to the ground just like that, why can't buff something same way? It is fair, if you farm X item long time, form it, exp it and someday this item are nerfed, becasue just like that? Like Quanta?

"Staying together" is not what it made you do. It FORCED everyone to stay close to Mag for drops. That's not teamwork. What if I have to kill a group of enemies somewhere else? Run to the next room for LS? Revive a teammate? I have no energy, no ammo and no rewards because they're all next to Mag. Monopolizing drops isn't teamwork. Energy orbs drop whether Trinity is there or not. I can do my own CC with or without Excal.

DE does not nerf things out of the blue, and they do exactly like I said. Was the damage of the Synoid nerfed? No, but it was changed otherwise to not be a laser pointer of infinite death. What Quanta nerf?

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"Staying together" is not what it made you do. It FORCED everyone to stay close to Mag for drops. That's not teamwork. What if I have to kill a group of enemies somewhere else? Run to the next room for LS? Revive a teammate? I have no energy, no ammo and no rewards because they're all next to Mag. Monopolizing drops isn't teamwork. Energy orbs drop whether Trinity is there or not. I can do my own CC with or without Excal.

DE does not nerf things out of the blue, and they do exactly like I said. Was the damage of the Synoid nerfed? No, but it was changed otherwise to not be a laser pointer of infinite death. What Quanta nerf?


Please... No one force you to stay close gmag also no one force gmag using gpull all the time. And no one force you to play with gmag in team. You have a choice. Just use it. It is a matter of contract with other players, right? Before mission you discuss details, camp or not? What Frames/weapon use etc.

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Please... No one force you to stay close gmag also no one force gmag using gpull all the time. And no one force you to play with gmag in team. You have a choice. Just use it. It is a matter of contract with other players, right? Before mission you discuss details, camp or not? What Frames/weapon use etc.

AMMO and ENERGY were exclusively controlled by MAG. Two things that directly affected performance of the ENTIRE TEAM. I had to use Latron Prime again during the whole Gmag shenanigans because I couldn't be arsed to chase Mag around the room for an hour if I wanted to shoot something.

This is all you people have in the way of an argument? Don't like it don't play? Do you honestly think that that is a solution to any extent? It isn't an answer to the problem. It will never be an answer. But please, tell me more why a 4 man team should revolve around the whims of one.

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Please... No one force you to stay close gmag also no one force gmag using gpull all the time. And no one force you to play with gmag in team. You have a choice. Just use it. It is a matter of contract with other players, right? Before mission you discuss details, camp or not? What Frames/weapon use etc.


Yeah at this point I could just complain about a permanent stasis rhino inconveniancing my team or a switch teleport loki

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Yeah at this point I could just complain about a permanent stasis rhino inconveniancing my team or a switch teleport loki

Tell me more about the stasis Rhino that controlled all the energy and ammo on the level. And that darn Switch Teleport Loki forcing you to follow him around if you actually want any loot. Oh wait....
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Tell me more about the stasis Rhino that controlled all the energy and ammo on the level. And that darn Switch Teleport Loki forcing you to follow him around if you actually want any loot. Oh wait....

At this point, no one is having a conversation and it's devolved into an argument.

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